Творческое применение и добывание знаний в новой ситуации (проблемные задания) (10 мин.)

Teacher: So, the second question in ex.1 is What kind of websites do you like to use?

You prepared a short report about one of your favorites with the help of  the tips. I gave you some tips to make sentences. Let’s remember them.

I like to use ____which is a _________ (educational site / searching browser / e-commerce site / social networking site / video site / musical site etc.) I can _____ and _____ in it. It provides me with _____. I make use of _____ which helps me to ____. The site offers _____. It has excellent / good / attractive content / usability / usability / functionality / navigation.

And now tell us please about your favourite sites. … (name)

Student: reports.

Teacher:  Thank you for your reports. It was interesting for us to listen to you and for you to speak English.

Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по ее выполнению. (5 мин.)

Teacher: Our lesson came to an end.

(Он-лайн Книга)  I want to recommend you an e-book with the links to the sites about web design and web development. Let’s quickly look at it. Of course it’s in English and you have a good opportunity to train not only skills in your profession but also in English. You will examine it at home to answer 2 questions next lesson. Look at the screen:

1) Is this book useful for you? Why?

2) Which part is the most interesting for you?

Write down the answers in your notebooks.

Рефлексия . ( 5 мин )

You worked well today! Your marks… Close the books please.

Did you like the lesson?

I’m glad. I wish you have a nice day. Good buy.

Дата добавления: 2021-04-15; просмотров: 91; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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