Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности. (5 мин.)

(Slide 4)Teacher:That ’ s right . You are future programmers and it will be part of your job – web design and web development of websites.

 On the slide we see some words. They relate to our topic. But how?

 Let’s paint a spider-schemes in your notebooks.

(На слайде показаны образцы схем.)



I give you 3 minutes to do this task. Now exchange your notebooks with the neighbor and check each other. Look at the slide again, please. How many words are correct?


WEB DESIGN - blog/forum/news feed/marketing/advertising/search engine/analytics/content

WEB DEVELOPMENT – testing/layout/usability/functionality/visibility

…(name)? Very well.

And today we have 2 important questions to discuss and answer. Let’s read them in ex.1 of Unit 12.

I asked you to be ready to discuss the first one and to prepare a presentation about one of the websites to the second one.

Закрепление изученной лексики. (15 мин.)

Task 1 ( Slide 5)

Teacher: But before this let’s revise the professional vocabulary we studied at the previous lesson. Divide into two teams. One student from one team reads the phrase on the slide, the student from another team says: Web design or Web development. For each correct answer you get 1 point.

Student team 1: create coding to build sites

Student team 2: web development

Student team 2: change a websites’ appearance

Student team 1: web design

Student team 1: expand functionality

Student team 2: web development

Student team 2:  improve navigation and usability

Student team 1: web development

Student team 1: use CSS to change a website’s style

Student team 2: web design

Student team 2: increase a website’s visibility

Student team 1: web development

Student team 1: create attractive content

Student team 2: web design

create coding to build sites  web development
change a websites’ appearance  web design
expand functionality  web development
improve navigation  web development
use CSS to change a website’s style  web design
increase a website’s visibility  web development
create attractive content  web design
improve usability  web development


Teacher: How many points do you have? Team ½ is the winner. Well done. So, these qualifications you should have to become a good specialist in web design and web development.

Task 2 (Slide 5)

Teacher: Now imagine that you are a graduate of our college with a diploma and ready to find an interesting and well-paid job. One popular firm invited you to have an interview. Let’s play a situation. I give you cards with roles and helpful tips.

One of you is an employer ( работодатель ) and another is a candidate ( кандидат на должность ). Make a dialogue. Use the tips. I give you 5 minutes to think. Is everything clear? Please, start.

Card 1. Web design qualifications

an employer ( работодатель ) Useful vocabulary
- greeting - introducing yourself and your job. - aim (цель)     - resume - saying good-bye - Hello/Good morning/Good day - My name is … . I’m a … - Our website is rather boring (скучный). We need a specialist with a good knowledge of web design. How can you help us? - Thank you. We will call you soon. - …
a candidate (кандидат на должность) Useful vocabulary
- greeting - introducing yourself    - qualifications - resume - saying good-bye - Hello/Good morning/Good day - My name is … . I’m a graduate of our college with a diploma of a programmer. - I can …, … , … - Thank you. I’ll wait for your call. - …


Card 2. Web development

an employer ( работодатель ) Useful vocabulary
- greeting - introducing yourself and your job. - aim (цель)     - resume - saying good-bye - Hello/Good morning/Good day - My name is … . I’m a … - We want to attract more customers. So we need a good website. What can you offer to us? - Thank you. We will call you soon. - …
a candidate (кандидат на должность) Useful vocabulary
- greeting - introducing yourself    - qualifications - resume - saying good-bye - Hello/Good morning/Good day - My name is … . I’m a graduate of our college with a diploma of a programmer. - I can …, … , … - Thank you. I’ll wait for your call. - …

Students:make and replay dialogues

(Slide 6)Teacher: We continue doing tasks in teams. The sentence in English will appear on the slide. You should find its translation in Russian. Raise your hand and read it.

The team which will match more sentences is the winner.


Web developers may convert a static layout into a dynamic website by using image and content sliders, active states for links and buttons, and other interactive elements. 4. Веб-разработчики могут преобразовывать статический макет в динамический веб-сайт, используя слайдеры изображений и контента, активные состояния для ссылок и кнопок и другие интерактивные элементы.
Web developers, sometimes called programmers, take the design created and build a fully functioning website. 6. Веб-разработчики, иногда называемые программистами, принимают созданный дизайн и строят полностью функционирующий веб-сайт.
Web developers take the design and break it up into its components. 2. Веб-разработчики берут дизайн и разбивают его на компоненты.
Web designers must always begin by considering a client’s website objectives and then move on to an Information Architecture to set a website’s information hierarchy and help guide the design process. 1. Веб-дизайнеры должны всегда начинать с рассмотрения целей клиента веб-сайта, а затем перейти к информационной архитектуре, чтобы установить иерархию информации веб-сайта и помочь в руководстве процессом проектирования.
Web designers can start creating wireframes and finally move to the design stage. 5. Веб-дизайнеры могут начать создавать каркасы и, наконец, перейти на этап проектирования.
Web designers may use several basic design principles to achieve an aesthetically pleasing layout which also offers excellent user experience. 3. Веб-дизайнеры могут использовать несколько базовых принципов дизайна для достижения эстетически привлекательной компоновки, которая также обеспечивает отличный пользовательский интерфейс.

How many points do you have? Team ½ is the winner. Well done.

Teacher: I’m very happy you can tell your future employers about your qualifications in web design and web development not only in Russian but also in English.

Now I think we are ready to discuss the questions in ex.1. What makes a good business website? The tips on the slide will help you:

Дата добавления: 2021-04-15; просмотров: 64; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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