Translate the extract from English into Russian.

The joys and Drawbacks of High-speed Trains

Drawbacks- недостаток, linking – связь, carriers – экипаж, retrieved – регистрация.

High-speed trains are often the fastest way to travel, door to door, between city centers in Europe, beating the airlines on journeys of up to 550 kilometers. Euro star linking London to Paris in 2 hours, 15 minutes, and to Brussels in 1 hour, 51 minutes, has captured more than 70 percent of the market from the airlines.

But when it comes to booking tickets, the train can be a pain. Things we take for granted at airline Web sites – such as options for flights on either side of the date, or time, we wish to travel; multisector connections, often with several carriers; electronic ticket and the ability to print out your own boarding card – are light years ahead of rail.

“Herald Tribune”




Translate the text into English.

Звучала музыка степи

Вчера в Национальном театре оперы и балета имени К. Байсеитовой в рамках года «Астана - культурная столица тюркского мира» состоялся международный фестиваль традиционного исполнительского искусства «Музыка великой Степи». Его организатором выступило Министерство культуры и информации Республики Казахстан.

Фестиваль, проводимый раз в два года, давно уже обрел заслуженную популярность во всем тюркоязычном мире. В нем участвовали именитые музыканты из многих стран. Вот и на этот раз в Астану съехались музыканты из Тувы, Алтая, других регионов Евразии и со всех уголков Казахстана.

Концерт посетили главы ТЮРКСОЙ, Национальных комиссий и комитетов по делам ЮНЕСКО стран- членов ТЮРКСОЙ, Международной организации традиционной музыки(Лондон), ученые-исследователи традиционного музыкального искусства.

Бектур Кадыров, Казахстанская правда.


 Translate at sight the following text into Russian.


Olympic swimmer treated for cancer makes a splash with return

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- It was just a chance to get his feet wet, but Olympian Eric Shanteau managed to surprise himself. Eric Shanteau swims Friday, December 5, in the Short Course Nationals in Atlanta, Georgia. Shanteau returned to competitive swimming over the weekend for the first time since he was treated for testicular cancer. He kicked off the U.S. Short Course Nationals in Atlanta with the men's 200-yard individual medley, clocking 1:42.59 -- a personal best, finishing second to Ryan Lochte, who holds the American record. Shanteau finished the men's 100-yard breaststroke in 53.07, ahead of the 53.81 he clocked in last year's Short Course Nationals.Not bad after just a few weeks of training, little rest and no shave. "For me to go the times I just did is pretty incredible," Shanteau told CNN. The 25-year-old Georgia native drew international attention before the Beijing Games in China when he postponed treatment so he could compete in the Olympics.




Translate at sight the following text into English.

Динамика созидания и прогресса

Продвижение Казахстана в глобальных рейтингах убеждает, как велик созидательный потенциал нашего молодого государства.

Тот факт, что Казахстан, согласно опубликованному Отчету о глобальной конкурентоспособности стран мира (The Global Competitiveness Index 2012-13) Всемирноэкономического форума (ВЭФ), поднялся в общемировом рейтинге с 72-го на 51-е место, стал убедительным свидетельством успешности реализации политического курса Главы государства. Осуществив рывок вверх на 21 позицию, наша страна вплотную подошла к той вехе, что обозначает вхождение в сообщество 50 наиболее конкурентоспособных стран мира.

Необходимо отметить, что Казахстан впервые участвовал в рейтинге в качестве страны с экономикой, переходной от второго этапа(этап эффективного развития) на третий этап (этап инновационного развития).


Михаил Пугасов

Казахстанская правда.



Translate at sight the following text into Russian.

LONDON, England (AP) - Dozens of environmental activists broke into a secure area of a London airport Monday and chained themselves to each other in a protest against air-traffic pollution, causing the cancellation of dozens of flights.Protest group Plane Stupid, known for its attention-grabbing stunts, said activists stormed Stansted Airport before dawn and staged their protest near the taxi area where planes travel between takeoff and landing. The activists are opposed to a possible expansion of the airport. Police said 57 activists were arrested, most on suspicion of trespassing. Dozens of flights at the airport, about 40 miles (60 kilometers) from central London, were canceled as police worked to clear the demonstrators, who had pulled security fencing around them as a barricade. Inside the airport, thousands of passengers were trying to get information about their flights as budget airline Ryanair pointed the finger at Stansted's operator, BAA Airports Ltd. "It is unacceptable that the travel plans of thousands of passengers have been disrupted because BAA Stansted security have failed to remove a number of protesters," the airline said, adding that 52 of its flights had been canceled. 




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