Gender differences in attribution of guilt to the

Participants of typical and atypical marital violence scenarios


Ulybina E.V.,

PhD (Psychology), P rofessor, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia,

Abbasova S.E.,

PhD Student, Chair of Psychology, Department of General Psychology, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia,

The article analyzes the gender differences of respondents in attribution of guilt to the aggressor and the victim during the husband’ aggression towards the wife, which, according to previous studies, is perceived as a typical situation of marital violence, and the wife’ aggression towards the husband situation is perceived as an atypical situation. The research hypotheses are: 1) the victim’s fault is directly related to Belief in a Just World (BJW) only in typical situation of marital violence and 2) gender favouritism is manifested when attributing the guilt of the characters in a typical situation but not in an atypical situation. The sample consisted of 1157 people (female – 679, age - 18 to 66) who completed an online questionnaire that included a Belief in a Just World scale (Nartova-Bochavera et al., 2013), and read a vignette describing the situation of marital violence. In the scenario either the husband or the wife was the perpetrator of the physical violence. Analysis of the results showed that attribution of guilt to the wife-victim is directly related to the scales of BJW for all and BJW for themselves only for women respondents, for men - it has reversed connection. Also, gender favoritism is manifested only in attributing the guilt in a typical marital violence where aggressor is a husband, however in atypical scenarios guilt attribution has no connection with BJW scales.

Keywords: marital violence, attribution of guilt to the victim, attribution of guilt to the aggressor, belief in a just world, gender favoritism



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