Словарный диктант. Профессия 190629.01. машинист дорожных и строительных машин (ДСМ)

1. car                                                  18. bucket

2. lorry                                               19. speed limit

3. scraper                                           20. No parking

4. blade                                              21. warning signs

5. to dig                                              22. danger

6. road building (construction)           23. stone

7. caterpillar                                       24. engine

8. engine                                            25. registration number

9. a road roller

10. traffic

11. concrete

12. ground

13. sand

14. resin

15. gravel

16. to excavate

17. crane


1. mirror                     1. air filter                          1. emergency exit

2. door                        2. level                               2. brake

3. ignition                   3. roof                               3. to drive



1. no left turn              1. Car body                        1. to prohibit

2. headlight                 2. driver                             2. no entry

3. door                        3. clutch                             3. to overtake



Cловарный диктант. Word dictation. Профессия 190629.07. машинист крана


  1. crane                                             14. road

2.winch                                                     15. No parking

3. load                                                       16. service station

4. arm (jib)                                                17. traffic

5. bucket                                                   18. emergency exit

6. to move                                                 19. Speed limit

7. to lift                                                     20. engine

8. bridge crane                                          21. pipes

9. counterweight                                       22. bricks

10. driver                                                  23. petrol

11. safety engineering                              24. wall blocks

12. dangerous zone                                   25. car

13. to prohibit


1.    lorry                       1. ignition              1. crossroads              

2.    wing                      2. fuel                    2. wing                                  

3.    brake                      3. U-turn                3. window


  1. bonnet                               1. stay in line         1. silencer
  2. gear lever                          2. danger               2. wheel
  3. to move                             3. driver’s seat       3. clutch



№ 26. Зачет. НПО . Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.

Rudolf Diesel was an inventor of the diesel motor.

He was born on the 18th of March 1858 in Paris. At the age of 13 Rudolf went to Ausburg. He attended an industrial school there. He wanted to become a mechanic-engineer. Then he studied at the Higher School in Munich. He used to count and experience. As a result of his mental work was a motor, which became the most powerful of all known motors at that time.

In 1893 Diesel patented his motor. The same year he published his book “The Theory and Construction of the Rational Warming Motor”. In the book he formulated principles of motor’s work.

Soon the motor came into the mass production first in Western Europe and later in the USA.

Today diesel motors are widely used in cargo trains, in agricultural machines and others.


1. Прочитайте текст   The Automobile

Cars are a common sight on roads today, but that wasn’t always true. Back in the days before the car was invented, the only personal means of transport were the horse and the bicycle. The first cars got their power from steam and gas, and had a maximum speed of around nine miles an hour. In Britain, there was a law stopping cars from going over 2 miles an hour in towns.

At the end of the nineteenth century, cars started to use petrol and became much faster than they had been. Very few people at that time said that cars would change the world in the future. That is exactly what has happened, though, and since then we have built close to 18 million miles of roads on the Earth.

Perhaps the biggest sign of the success of the car is the fact that there are over 800 million of them in the world. However, having more cars on the road means more pollution, and that’s a major worry for many people.

wasn’t always true – не всегда было так

steam – пар                law – закон           than they had been – чем они были

though – хотя            success – успех     however - однако


   Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы:

  1. Сколько сегодня в мире существует дорог?
  2. Какая сегодня главная забота людей, касающаяся автомобилей?
  3. Какова была максимальная скорость первых автомобилей?

   Выберите правильное слово :

  1.In the 20th century cars _____ very popular.    A. became; B. have done;        C. began

  2. Cars now are much _____ than they used to be.        A. fast;       B. faster;    C. fastest

  3. In 1900, Mr. Daimler said that in the future everyone would _____ a car.

  A. build;   B. like;      C. drive

4. Driving fast near schools means more chance of an _____. A. worry; B. accident; C. success

Знаете ли вы…

1. В каком году был изобретен автомобиль?

2. Имена, широко известные в истории создания автомобиля. Назовите их (напишите)

       № 27.  Задание для самостоятельной работы по теме «Изобретения. Изобретатели» Подготовить сообщение об изобретении/ изобретателе.

Форма контроля: предоставление сообщения на проверку.


Контрольная работа по теме «Изобретатели. Изобретения » CHECKWORK

Inventors. Inventions.

Ответьте на вопросы

1. What outstanding scientists do you know?

2. What famous inventors do you know?

3. What great inventions of the 19th-20th centuries can you name?

4. Which great Russian scientist worked out the theory of space flights and designed the first rocket?

5. When was a steam engine invented?

6. Who invented the telephone?

7. When was radio invented?

8. When was the first car invented?

9. Who was the first cosmonaut?

10. Do you think there is life on other planets of the solar system?

11. Do you believe in UFOs?

12. Do you agree that computers have completely changed our lives?

№ 29. Контрольная работа по теме «Профессии»

1.Translate into Russian. Переведите на русский .

shop assistant artist accountant  hair-dresser designer      driver

II . Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык.      

Менеджер     рабочий     актер врач

III . Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово:

1.The person who sings songs is a … .             a) doctor     b) singer     c) spaceman

2. The person who plays in films is an … .      a) writer      b) engineer c) actor

3. The person who paints pictures is an … .     a) sportsman b) composer c) artist

4. The person who writes books is a … . a) artist       b) composer c) writer

 5. The person who repairs something connected with water is a …    .a) smith     b) plumber c) teacher

IV .Закончите предложения:

1. Mozart was …                         a) a president

2. Bill Gates was …                     b) a tsar

 3. George Washington was …    c) a composer

4. Ivan the IV was …                              d) a scientist

5. Isaac Newton was …               e) a programmer


V. Переведите предложения на русский язык.             

1. What is your name?

2. What is your present occupation?

3. What is your date of birthday?

4.Why do you want this job?

5.How can you be useful for our company?


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