Unit 8 Socio-Political Life of Belarus



1. What is the fundamental law of the Republic of Belarus?

2. When did a new stage in the history of Belarusian statehood begin?

3. What happened in December 1991 in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha?

4. When was the present-day Constitution adopted?

5. Is Belarus a presidential or parliamentary Republic?

6. How many sections does the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus consist of?

7. What possesses supremacy and complete authority in the territory of Belarus?

8. What are the symbols of the Republic of Belarus as a sover­eign state?

9. What languages are state languages in Belarus?

10. What does the Constitution proclaim?

11. What rights does the Constitution guarantee?

12. What is one of the most important duties of all the citizens of the country?

13. When may a person be pronounced guilty of a crime in Belarus?


14. Your younger sister is preparing for her lesson on the history of Belarus. She doesn’t know much about the Constitution of our country and wants you to help her. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.

15. You are taking your exam in Political Science. You are to speak about the main features of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. What are you going to tell your teacher?


16.Summarize the information of the Unit to be ready to speak on the topic “Great Britain: National Traditions and Customs”. The first step to be done is to write the plan of your future report.


Unit 9 Socio-Political Life of Great Britain



1. Are the powers of the Crown great?

2. Can the Queen act independently?

3. Who are the ministers responsible politically to?

4. What are the formal functions retained by the Queen? What functions does she have in home and international affairs?

5. Where does Parliament reside?

6. What is Parliament made up of?

7. Who elects the members of the House of Commons?

8. Who does the House of Lords consist of?

9. Who presides over the House of Lords?

10. What are the main functions of Parliament?

11. Who appoints the Prime Minister?

12. Who forms the Government?

13. What are the functions and powers of the Prime Minister?

14. How many ministers is the Cabinet composed of? Name some of them.

Express your opinion:

15. What do you see as advantages and disadvantages of having a monarchy?

16. Do you think that the role of the Queen is diminishing?


17. Summarize the information of the Unit to be ready to speak on the topic “Socio-Political Life of Great Britain”. The first step to be done is to write the plan of your future report.


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