Unit 5 Environmental problems



1.What are the matters of people's great concern nowadays?

2. What damage do acid rains bring?

3. Why are the ozone «holes» dangerous for the life on the Earth?

4. Why is tropical rain forest a natural recycler, provider and protector for our planet?

5. What could lead to shortages of safe drinking water?

6. What are the main ecological problems in our country?

7.What international organizations dealing with ecological problems do you know? What do they campaign for/ against? Would you like to join any of them?


8.You are invited to the international conference concerning ecological problems in different countries. You need to decide what to say about the main sources of pollution in the Republic of Belarus.

9. Imagine that you are a young designer who has been asked to produce a T-shirt with an ecological orientation. Think of its design and explain the picture printed on your T-shirt covering the essence, reasons and consequences of the ecological problem.

10.You are participating in the session of the Ecological Council of your city. Work out an appeal to the citizens on improvement of the ecological state of your native city.


11.Summarize the information of the Unit to be ready to speak on the topic “Environmental problems”. The first step to be done is to write the plan of your future report.


Unit 6 Cultural Life of Belarus



1. What do you know about the development of culture in Belarus in the 16th -18th centuries?

2. What examples of architectural development of our country do you know?

3. What national Belarusian holidays can you name?

4. What do you know about Belarusian national food?

5. What do you know about the Golden Age of the Belarusian culture?


6. You are going to write an essay on the development of culture in the 17— 18th centuries in Belarus. You go to the library and ask the librarian what book and on what topics can be helpful for you. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.

7. Your friend is interested in architectural design. Recommend him to go to Neswizh and see the Castle of Neswizh. Tell him about the time when this monu­ment was created. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.

8. You go to a book shop to buy a book about the period of Rzech Pospolita. The shop assistant recommends you to buy several books, especially those on its culture. Find out from her what important events happened at that time. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.

9. Your friend knows the Belarusian history not very well and tries to prove that the times of Rzech Pospolita were prosperous in the history of our country. But he knows little about the development of culture at that time. Convince him in the opposite idea. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.


10.Summarize the information of the Unit to be ready to speak on the topic “Cultural life of Belarus”. The first step to be done is to write the plan of your future report.


Unit 7 Great Britain: National Traditions and Customs



1. What is the main quality of the British character?

2. Why does the behaviour of British people seem strange to foreigners?

3. What rules should you observe if you are invited to a British party?

4. How do British people dress these days?

5. What is the attitude of British people to smoking?

6. What kind of place is a pub? Why do the English like to go to pubs?

7. What is the English people’s attitude to children?

Express your opinion:

8. English people as a nation have been for centuries reserved and modest. They are also known as snobbish and unsociable. Does this characteristic refer to all of them? What do you think about English vanity and arrogance? Can you give any examples borrowed from books and films characterizing the British people?

9. British people don’t like to dress up. Is there any difference in the attitude of British and Belarusian people to their clothes? What clothes do your friends prefer?

10. Recently smoking has received a lot of bad publicity in Great Britain, and fewer people now smoke. What can you say about the attitude of Belarusian people to this bad habit? Can we state that the number of smoking people reduces in our country?


11.Summarize the information of the Unit to be ready to speak on the topic “Great Britain: National Traditions and Customs”. The first step to be done is to write the plan of your future report.


Дата добавления: 2019-09-13; просмотров: 203; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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