Security, guarantee, freely, supremacy, constitution, equal, carry out, unitary, elected, executive, presidential, legal, statehood, fundamental, declare.

1. The Constitution is the ... law of the Republic of Belarus.

2. A new stage in the history of Belarusian ... began on July 27, 1990.

3. The final... act that... Belarus a new democratic state was the 1994 ... .

4. According to the Constitution, Belarus is a ... republic.

5. The head of the state and the ... power is President.

6. The President is ... for a five-year term.

7. The Constitution defines the Republic of Belarus as a ... democratic state.

8. Belarus independently ... domestic and foreign policy.

9. The Constitution establishes the principle of the ... of law.

10. The Constitution proclaims that all are ... before the law.

11. The State ... the freedom of opinion and conviction and the right to voice them ...

12. The fundamental law guarantees the citizens of Belarus the protection and social ... in old age.



Express the same idea in one word choosing the one from the box.

constitution, democracy, war, declare, structure, to be free, force, legislative, law, violate, citizen, executive, state, defence, foreign, judical, republic, security, treaty, referendum


1) fighting against attack;

2)cause by a cruel attack;

3)a country with a system of government in which the elected representatives of the people are supreme, and with an elected head;

4)organised political community with a government;

5)rule made by authority for the proper regulation of a community or society or for correct conduct in life;

6)system of government, laws and principles according to which a state is governed;

7)freedom from danger or anxiety;

8)the use of armed forces between countries;

9)use pressure or influence to make somebody get or do something;

10)having the duty of making laws;

11)having authority to carry out decisions and laws;

12)by a court of justice;

13)a person who has full rights in a state ;

14)not one's own;

15)an agreement made and signed between nations(persons);

16)make known clearly or formally;

17)way in which something is put together, organised;

18)the referring of a political question to a direct vote of the electorate.

19)a political system in which supreme power belongs to the people;

17)have personal rights, social and political liberties.





Answer the following questions. Work in pairs.

1.  What is the fundamental law of the Republic of Belarus?

2. Did Belarus have its own Constitution when it was one of the Soviet Union's republics?

3. When did a new stage in the history of Belarusian statehood begin?

4. What document of historic importance was adopted on July the 27th, 1990?

5. What happened in December 1991 in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha?

6. What was the first legal act that declared Belarus a new democratic state in Eastern Europe?

7. When was the present-day Constitution adopted?

8. Is Belarus a presidential or parliamentary Republic?

9. How many sections does the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus consist of?

10. What possesses supremacy and complete authority in the territory of Belarus?

11. What is prohibited on the territory of the Republic of Belarus?

12. What are the symbols of the Republic of Belarus as a sover­eign state?

13. What languages are state languages in Belarus?

14. What does the Constitution proclaim?

15. What rights does the Constitution guarantee?

16. What is one of the most important duties of all the citizens of the country?

17. When may a person be pronounced guilty of a crime in Belarus?



Complete the sentences:

1. The Constitution is...

2. A new stage in the history of...

3. The final legal act that declared...

4. The present-day constitution...

5. The head of the slate is elected...

6. The Constitution consists of...

7. The Constitution defines...

8. The territory of Belarus is...

9. The multitude of political institutes...

10. National, religious and racial hostility...

11. The Republic of Belarus recognises the priority...

12. The Constitution states that securing the rights and...

13. Monopolization of the mass media...

14. The Constitution guarantees the citizens...






Imagine that:

1. Your younger sister is preparing for her lesson on the history of Belarus. She doesn’t know much about the Constitution of our country and wants you to help her. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.

2. You are taking your exam in Political Science. You are to speak about the main features of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. What are you going to tell your teacher?




Working in groups discuss possible answers:

1. Explain the statements:

a) “The Republic of Belarus is a unitary democratic social constitutional State”.

b) “Belarus is a presidential republic”.

2. What are the features of the Belarusian Constitution which you consider important?






Ask questions on the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus using the following word combinations. Work in pairs.


1) to adopt the Constitution;
2)to declare the political and economical independence;
3)the agreement on creation;
4)the final Legal act;
5)at the national referendum;
6)a presidential republic;
7)to be elected;
8)to consist of;
9)unitary democratic state;
10)nation's well-being and sovereignty;
11)the principle of supremacy of law;
12)to act within the limits of the Constitution;
13)non-use of force or threat of force;
14)the supreme goal of the state;
15)to be equal before the law;
16)to have the right to equal protection;
17)to define and regulate the relationships between the state and individuals;
18)the right to health care;
19)social security in old age;
20)to be accessible to every­body;
21)to receive education;
22)on the basis of contest and free of charge;
23)all forms of ownership;
24)state and private owner­ship;
25)the principle of separation of powers;
26)legislative, executive and judicial branches;
27)to be proved by law in a law­ful court's sentence;
28)the part of the world com­munity;
29)to recognise the Decla­ration of Human Rights;
30)a set of rules;
31)to establish the duties, pow­ers and functions of various institutions of government.




Choose a famous politician or leader from your country. Write notes about him/her, then put the notes in order. Add an introductory and a concluding sentence and read your presentations aloud to the class.



Дата добавления: 2019-09-13; просмотров: 211; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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