F. Look at the highlighted words from the text. What part of speech are they? Match them with their corresponding definitions.

1. stirred         a. money from promoting products/services for sale

2. frank           b. a meal from which people serve themselves

3. revenue       c. moved around with a spoon or stick

4. pervasive    d. honest and truthful

5. smorgasbord e. existing or spreading everywhere

* * *

6. insufferable f. objects used by actors in a film

7. props     g. typical, a calling card

8. signature              h. an advertisement on television or radio

9. commercial i. made by crossing threads under and over each other

10. woven       j. extremely annoying or unpleasant

G. Complete the following sentences using words from exercise E. Change the form of the words where necessary.

a) To be perfectly ________, that’s a crazy idea.

b) Sue is responsible for costumes and _________ .

c) Tom is very often accusing other people of being rude, but he can be pretty ________ at times.

d) In that soap powder __________ a black man “washed” by the Qiaobi Detergent is transformed into a fair-skinned Asian man.

e) Digital advertising _________ reached $59.6 billion in the United States during 2015, marking a 20 percent jump compared to the year before.

f) The exposure of all respondents to advertising clearly establishes the all-_________ influence of advertising on the socio-economic environment.

g) If you want to impress a new client you should put out a full ________ when they arrive so they can find what they like.

h) James Bond was _______ his coffee with a spoon when he heard someone knocking at the door.

i) The confederation was certainly a tightly-________ group of scientific labs that relied on each other for support and information.

j) El Draque is an example of a _________ drink coined after the nickname of Sir Francis Drake.

H. Do you know the difference between marketing and advertising? Marketing is the process of preparing your product for the marketplace which involves understanding of your potential customers and their aims. Advertising is the process of making your product and service known to the marketplace. It is essentially spreading the word about what your company has to offer. Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1) The marketing/advertising team is responsible for planning the company’s promotion.

2) If you need advertising as part of a campaign, go to an marketing/advertising agency.

3) Marketing/advertising is a method of persuading a target audience to buy a product through television, radio, print publications, the internet, posters or billboards, etc.

4) Social media is an inexpensive but powerful option; tools such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+ can help to market/advertise what you have to offer.

5) Marketing/advertising companies focus on selling strategies and concepts, and they also monitor consumer behavior.

6) One of the major aims of advertising/marketing is to create brand recognition among potential customers.

7) Advertising/marketing efforts will ultimately be more profitable if your ad speaks to a certain customer – the ones who are directly in need of your product or are likely to use your product or service.

8) These cars have been marketed/advertised in Russia since 2015.

9) Have you tried that soap powder they have been marketing/advertising on TV recently?

10) All special offers marketed/advertised in this brochure are subject to availability.

I. Classroom activity. Misspelled trade names are attention-grabbers. Can you correct the spelling of Vics, Bic, Pedigree, MOTOR KARE, KWICK KOPY? Prepare a list of trade names . Teacher goes around the class and plays « Rock, Paper, Scissors, Well » with each student. If a student wins, he/she asks teacher a trade name. If teacher wins, he/she must ask the student a trade name! The winner explains the name’s appeal – is it a female appeal, masculine appeal, snob appeal, price appeal, health appeal, moral appeal, service appeal or youth appeal?

E.g.: The new range of Avon cosmetics has a female appeal.

E.g.: Johnson & Johnson has a strong health appeal.

J. Below are real names of ten companies (left column) and ten ways to advertise them (right column). Find out the kind of business they are and choose the best way(s) of advertising for them.

DALITE pet store                                          A-frame ad

L'eggs road safety installation                       Billboard ad

Coin shipping                                      Celebrity endorsement ad

Woof’ n’ Chirp pantyhose store          Front-page ad

MUSTANG financial services                       Handbill ad

Shake’n’Bake lamps                            Inside transit ad

Smirnoff roof lights                              Pavement ad

Cat’s eye alcoholic drinks                    Pop-up screen ad

Rite Speed breadcrumb                                 Product placement

Sunlite jeans                                         Publicity stunt


K. Classroom activity “Slogan competition”. What slogans do you know? Would you like to write a slogan? Work in pairs as freelancers of a local advertising company and write a slogan for a new product (dry dog food/sun glasses/a mosquito-repellent etc.).

Ex.: Coffer Maxwell. Good to the last drop!              

Дата добавления: 2019-09-08; просмотров: 1560; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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