Задание I . Прочитайте и переведите текст.  



Ecology is the study of the environment and the way plants, animals, and humans live together and affect each other. This word came from the Greek ‘oikos’ which means ‘home’.

The problem of protecting nature is of primary importance today. Through their daily activities people pollute water, air, soil. If these activities aren’t stopped the damage may become irreversible.

The Earth is suffering many ecological problems. One of them is air pollution. Air pollution destroys the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the dangerous light of the Sun.

The second important problem is water pollution. Plants and factories put trash into seas, lakes and rivers. Many birds and fish die because of the polluted water.

Industries located along waterways downstream contribute a number of chemical pollutants, some of which are toxic. Another form of pollution that is characteristic of industrial societies is noise.

Waste is an enormous problem. One third of all waste is burnt which leads to contamination of air, water and soil. Waste recycling is of a great importance in most European countries.

Railway transport industry negatively impacts on nature by building railroads and industrial enterprises. Operations of railways and rolling stock lead to great fuel and energy consumption, and exhaust fumes from diesel locomotives contain a lot of harmful substances.

Construction and functioning of railways is connected with pollution of natural complexes by emissions, drains, waste which may break balance in ecological systems. In comparison with different means of transport, railways are environmentally friendly. Electric trains cause no pollution at all, while diesel-powered trains generate fifteen times less harmful substances than automobiles for the same traffic.

In recent years the pollution problems have received great publicity. Protection of natural resources and wildlife is becoming a political programme in every country.            

Non-political environmental organisation Greenpeace has gained widespread trust and support. There are many serious actions in the list of Greenpeace activities. The national offices exist in 27 countries of the world. In Russia Greenpeace was formed in 1992. It works here in three directions: Wood Campaign, Antinuclear Campaign and Campaign for preservation of Lake Baikal. Greenpeace tries to attract public attention to different problems in the world and to find the way out.

To protect nature people should change their attitude to it. People must realize that they should keep air and water clean by establishing strict pollution control. Efforts are made to reduce pollution caused by automobile engines. Nowadays pollution-free engines are being developed which may eventually eliminate more serious air pollution problems.


to affect - оказывать влияние;

to pollute – загрязнять;

waterways downstream - вниз по течению;

waste – отходы;

contamination – загрязнение;

rolling stock - подвижной состав;

exhaust fumes – выхлопные газы;

drain – утечка;

widespread trust - большое доверие;

to eliminate – исключить;

Дата добавления: 2019-09-02; просмотров: 571; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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