Задание II . Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос.

MODULE I              

Тема: Современная студенческая жизнь. Моя семья, биография. Резюме, трудоустройство.

Задание I . Прочитайте и переведите текст.  


In most families, it's a small family group who live in the same house, mother, father and the children before they get married. But if one of the grandparents dies, the other usually sells their home and goes to live with their children. So it's quite common to have one grandparent living with you. Most children leave home when they get married. But there are some people who want to lead independent lives and they find a flat as soon as they start their first job, even before they get married. Of course, the main problem is that flats are so expensive to rent here, and we simply have to live with our parents.                                                                                                     

After the 9th form pupils have to sit for examinations. Also they have a choice between entering the 10th grade of a general secondary school and enrolling in a specialized secondary or vocational school.

Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are open before them: technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2000 existing in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can't decide even after leaving school. Studying to be a lawyer represents the fulfillment of one of my longest held dreams. Whatever I could do as a lawyer to help people who are victimized by unscrupulous businessmen, as well as their own ignorance of the law, would give me a great satisfaction. The duty of the lawyer is not only to punish people for various crimes: from espionage to serial murder and terrorism, but they must do their best to prevent crimes, to fight against evil in our society. They should help those people, who committed an error (broke the law) to find the right road in their life. The lawyers protect the rights and legal interests of citizens, institutions and organizations. I want to help people, businesses to solve their problems, I want to help everybody to know the rules that we all have to get along. I think that the profession of a lawyer is one of the most important in the law-governed state, which we are creating now.

Persons who finish the general secondary school, receive a secondary education certificate, giving them the right to enter any higher educational establishment. Entrance examinations are held in July and August. Institutions are headed by rectors; the faculties are headed by the deans. One has to study in the institute for 5 years. Higher educational institutions train students in one or several specializations.

Then you look for a job. That is why you have to know how to write a resume. No matter what method of job hunting you use, inevitably somebody will ask you for a resume. Most companies require a resume before seriously considering a job candidate from the outside. Resumes are sometimes also required in order to receive a job transfer within a company. The purpose of a resume is to help you obtain a job interview, not a job. Very few people are hired without a personal interview. Effective resumes are straightforward, factual presentations of a person's experience and accomplishments. They are neither over detailed nor too sketchy. A general rule is that two or three pages in length are best.


to lead independent lives - жить отдельно

to get married - жениться (выходить замуж)

to enroll - записаться

to follow the advice - следовать совету

ignorance of the law - незнание закона

fulfillment of dreams - исполнение мечты

unscrupulous - беспринципный

higher educational establishment - высшее образовательное учреждение

to be headed by - возглавляться

to commit an error - совершить ошибку

a resume - резюме

in order to receive - для того, чтобы получить

experience and accomplishment - опыт и достижение

neither ... nor - ни... ни

Задание II . Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос.


1. Why do young families want to live apart from their parents?

a) They want to lead independent lives.

b) They don’t like to live with parents.

c) They need freedom.

2. When do they start living independent?

a) ...when they get older.

b) ... when they get married.

c) …when they enter educational institutions.

3. Why is it not easy to choose your future profession?

a) ...because they don’t know what to do.

b) ...because their parents insist on their own choice.

c) ...because there are more than 2000 existing in the world.

  4. Why do people choose the career of a lawyer?

       a) The lawyers protect the rights and legal interests of citizens, institutions and organizations.

       b) The lawyers get great salaries.

       c) The lawyers have a good way of living.

   5. What do persons who finish general secondary school do after school?

       a) They look for any job.

       b) They get married.

       c) They enter any higher educational establishment.

   6. What do you do after getting higher education?

      a) You look for a job.

      b) You continue studying.

      c) You have a rest.

   7. Why do you need to know how to write a resume?

      a) Most establishments require a resume before entering institutions.

      b) Most people require a resume before inviting you to the party.

      c) Most companies require a resume before seriously considering a job candidate from the outside.

     8. What is the main aim of a resume?

     a) ...to help you get a highly paid job.

     b) …to help you obtain a job interview, not a job.

     c) ... to help you be sure in your professionalism.

     9. What makes a good resume?

    a) They are straightforward, neither over detailed nor too sketchy.

      b) They are short, but detailed.

        c) They are very long and detailed.

  10. How many pages are enough for a good resume?

     a) three or four pages in length

     b) four or five pages in length

        c) two or three pages in length.


Задание I II . Определите, соответствуют ли данные предложения тексту ( True / False / Not mentioned in the text ):


1. The purpose of a resume is to help you obtain a job. a) true; b) false; c) not mentioned in the text

2. Persons who finish the general secondary school receive a higher education. a) true; b) false; c) not mentioned in the text

3.  It is not an easy thing to choose a profession. a) true; b) false; c) not mentioned in the text

4. It is not important to know how to write a resume. a) true; b) false; c) not mentioned in the text

5. Most companies require a resume. a) true; b) false; c) not mentioned in the text

6. After the 9th form pupils have to take examinations. a) true; b) false; c) not mentioned in the text

7. The lawyers protect the rights and legal interests of citizens only. a) true; b) false; c) not mentioned in the text

8. Most children leave home because they want independence. a) true; b) false; c) not mentioned in the text

9. Institutions are headed by deans. a) true; b) false; c) not mentioned in the text

10. Few pupils follow the advice of their parents. a) true; b) false; c) not mentioned in the text

Задание IV . Выберите правильный вариант. Обратите внимание на формирование глаголов to be , to have (таблица № 1)


1. Most children_____students if they enter higher institutions.

a) are; b) will be; c) were.

2. Finishing school____ the beginning of the independent life.

a) am;  b) are; c) is.

3. There_____some people who want to lead independent lives.

a) is; b) are; c) am.

4. I_____a family.

a) has; b) have; c) is having.

5. Last century there_____a lot of schools for boys and girls only.

a) are;   b) have; c) were.

6. Did you_____a good family life?

a) had; b) have; c) has.

7. The profession of a lawyer____one of the most important in the law-governed state.

a) is; b) are; c) am.

8. Entrance examinations usually______ in July and August.

a) was; b) is; c) are.

9. If my friend______a good resume he will find a good job.

a) have; b) has; c) will has.

10. The purpose of a resume______to help you obtain a job interview, not a job.

a) are; b) were; c) is.



 Тема: Учеба. Университет. Система образования в России и Великобритании.

Дата добавления: 2019-09-02; просмотров: 388; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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