1. I said yes. Don’t say no.

2.  Don’t talk business (shop) at table.

3. What did you say? Say it again. Speak up.

4. Say good-bye to Aunt Emily. – It goes without saying.

5. What does the letter say? What does the book tell about?

6. They say, he didn’t say a word.

7. It’s easy and pleasant to tell the truth.

8. Everybody says, he speaks three languages.

9. Let’s talk it over now. Don’t tell me a lie.

10. Tell me the time, please. Tell him a tale.

11. I want to have a word with you.

12. He likes to tell jokes.

13. Strictly speaking, it was a mistake.

14. Say good night to everybody and go to bed.

15. Stop talking. Frankly speaking, you are talking nonsense.


16. He said hello to the children. He told us the news.

17. They didn’t talk politics, they talked fashion.


  1. He offered me a cup of coffee.
  2. He offered his help to me.
  3. He offered us to buy tickets to a movie.
  4. He suggested a walk to me.
  5. He suggested their helping me.
  6. He suggested buying tickets.
  7. He suggested to us (that) she should buy the tickets.
  8. He suggested she buy the tickets. He suggested she bought tickets.
  9. He proposed to her, but she refused to marry him.
  10. He proposed a toast.


  1. to say (to smb), to tell smb.
  2. to add that
  3. to admit
  4. to agree
  5. to answer / reply that
  6. to assure smb
  7. to complain (to smb)
  8. to boast (to smb)
  9. to confess (to smb)
  10. to convince / persuade smb.
  11. to decide
  12. to deny
  13. to doubt
  14. to exclaim
  15. to explain (to smb)
  16. to try to find out
  17. to hope


  1. to inform smb.
  2. to insist
  3. to want to know
  4. to learn
  5. to mean
  6. to notice / remark that
  7. to promise
  8. to remind smb.
  9. to suggest (to smb.)
  10. to suppose
  11. to suspect
  12. to think
  13. to warn
  14. to ask
  15. to beg
  16. to advise
  17. to order / to command
  18. to forbid




1. Chelyabinsk is situated in one of the most picturesque parts of Russia – in the Urals.

2. The ancient Urals are famous for their unique beauty.

3. The history of the town goes back to the eighteenth century.

4. It was founded on the thirteenth of September.

5. In the nineteenth century it was a small provincial town.

6. It became a merchant town on the crossroads of the trade ways from Europe to Asia.

7. Modern Chelyabinsk has changed beyond recognition.

8. Its seven large districts house more than a million inhabitants.

9. The city's heavy industry creates scores of ecological problems.

10. The centre of the city is Revolution Square.

11. A few trolley-bus stops and you find yourself in Gagarin Park.

12. Not many cities can boast of a rich pine forest not far away from the centre.

13. At every turn you can find small cafes and shops here.

14. There are a lot of places for entertainment: modern cinemas, amusement centres.

15. The cultural life isn't at a standstill.

16. The original building of the Drama Theatre catches your eye.

17. Our concert hall is on the Miass embankment.

18. If you are interested in art you can visit various exhibitions.

19. Modern high-rise houses are built every year.

20. The city is growing daily.

21. Our city is comparatively young and open to further progress.


1. The tourists arrived in Paris on Monday. They arrived at the station.

2. He left Moscow yesterday. He left for Paris. He left Moscow for Paris.

3. A tour of the city will give you a good idea of its beauty.

4. If you want to get an idea of the capital, go sightseeing with us.

5. We were surprised at the size of the building and impressed by its architecture.

6. London impressed us greatly. / London made a great impression on us.

7. There are a lot of sights / places of interest in Moscow.

8. I travel on business and for pleasure.

9. He will make a business trip soon.

10. The guide suggested to us going on an excursion.

11. They live on the outskirts of the city.

12. The monument to Prokofiev is near the local history museum.

13. Go through the arch and you will see the entrance to/ of the building.

14. They used to put up at this hotel.

15. Where is the exit from the airport?


VOC 2 (1)

1. Will you go by bus or by trolleybus?

2. They were going to the railway station when they saw this accident.

3. He got on a tram and got off at the next stop but two.

4. He got on a minibus and went as far as Revolution Square.

5. He got into the taxi and asked to put him down at the park.

6. He got out of the car and went on foot.

7. We realized that we had missed our stop.

8. Take / get on bus eighteen.

9. He changed to tram seven.

10. I’ve changed my mind. I’ll walk to the park.

11. How much is the fare?

12. The trolleybus is overcrowded, there are no vacant seats.

13. There are a lot of traffic jams in the rush hour.

14.  There’s heavy traffic in this street.

15. I am going to be late. We’ve been stuck in a traffic jam.

16. We should observe traffic rules.


VOC 2 (2)

1. The traffic lights are at the next corner.

2. We will go, when the light changes (from red) to green.

3. Soon he will have a driving licence аnd he will be able to drive.

4. Will you give me a lift or shall I take a taxi?

5. There is a parking place near the supermarket.

6. You can’t park here.

7. He was fined $50 for speeding.

8. Can you ride a bike?

9. Did they go on a bike or a motorbike?

10. What fog! I’m afraid, we’ll have an accident.

11. It was an unforgettable event in his life.

12. The trip passed without incident.

13. I met her by accident.

14. It was an accident.

15. In that case I will talk to him myself.

16. I’m saving this bottle of wine for a special occasion.


1. Do you live in a busy or a quiet street?

2. Cross (go across) the bridge, turn (to the) left and go as far as the crossroads.

3. Let’s walk along the boulevard on the embankment.

4. There are no bicycle paths in our city.

5. They took the first turning on the right and saw a metro / underground station.

6. Do you see a pedestrian crossing anywhere?

7. They were walking along the park lanes and came across (ran into) an old acquaintance.

8. He said he lived in the neighbourhood (nearby).

9. He slipped on the pavement on his way home.

10. I met him on my way to the university. He saw me and turned away.

11. He turned round and saw me.

12. He found himself in a blind alley and turned back.

13. We realized we were going in the wrong direction and decided to ask a passer-by the way.

14. We are lost (have got lost/ have lost our way). Let’s go in the opposite direction.

15. We are going in the direction of the river and we will reach it soon.

16. Don’t stand in my way. Move out of my way.

17. Turn into Kirov Street. The nearest hairdresser’s is round the corner.

18. Let’s meet near the shop on /at the corner. Don’t lose your way.

19. Go up / down this street as far as the subway. The theatre is in the square.

20. We got to the railway station in time.


1. I'm a stranger here.

2. How can I get to the station?

3. Could you tell me the way to the museum?

4. Am I going the right way to the bus stop? / Am I right for the bus stop?

5. Which is the shortest way to the theatre?

6. Go (walk) straight on as far as the square.

7. Walk down one block.

8. Where do I get off? Where am I to get off for the railway station?

9. This bus will take you straight / right to the theatre.

10. It'll take you five minutes to get there.

11. It's not a long way from here. You can’t miss it.

12. It's five minutes' walk from here. / It's a five-minute walk from here.





1. There’s hardly a cloud in the sky in fact. It must be 25 degrees in the shade.

2. It’s very close today. Not a leaf is stirring. There’s hardly a breath of air.

3. I fear a thunderstorm is coming.

4. The sky is overcast and the sun is going in.

5. It looks like rain. We should take some shelter. It never rains but it pours!

6. What a tremendous clap of thunder! And what a flash of lightning!

7. Look! It’s clearing up. The clouds are lifting.

8. The air is remarkably fresh. Look at this wonderful rainbow!

9. We are in for a spell of good weather again.

10. Now I know why Englishmen always grumble about the weather.

11. They do like to complain about their climate, but you shouldn’t pay too much attention to it.

12. The devil isn’t so black as he is painted.


1. It’s an Indian summer soon. Have you heard the weather forecast?

2. What do the weathermen say? What's the weather like today?

3. How do you like the weather today?

4. What nasty (beastly) weather (we are having today)! Are you weather-sensitive?

  1. What muddy (dirty) roads! What big pools!

6. The apple trees are in blossom (bloom). These apples turn ripe in August.

7. I hear the weather will keep dull.

8. Will the temperature be two degrees above or below zero at night?

  1. Look! It’s raining hard (heavily).
  2. It often hails during the thunderstorm.
  3. It’s drizzling. He doesn’t like rainy weather.
  4. It looks like rain. The first raindrops have fallen on the dusty road.
  5. We were caught in a pouring (heavy) rain. We got wet through (to the skin).
  6. We often bathe in this lake.
  7. There is a small waterfall on the river.
  8. We should save something for a rainy day.
  9. I’ll come rain or shine.



1. It was snowing hard (heavily); lightly.

2. The winter was snowy. The roads were covered with ice.

3. There was a good (heavy) fall of snow. Let’s make a snowman and fight with snowballs.

4. There was a light fall of snow. The rivers and lakes are frozen over.

5. The snowfall lasted all night long.

6. What a beautiful snowflake! What snowdrifts! What big icicles!

7. They threw snowballs at passers-by.

8. Have you ever seen a yeti?

9. The first snowdrops appeared in the forest.

10. It often sleets in late autumn.

11. The snow is melting. It’s slippery outside.

12. Let’s go down the slide. Don’t slip. The snow is turning to slush.

13. He seldom skis. He skied yesterday. We skated.

14. Look! He is skiing! Where are my skis?


  1. East / west / north / south wind is blowing today.
  2. It’s windy today. The wind is blustery and biting.
  3. The trees are swaying in the wind.
  4. A light wind stirred the curtains on the window.
  5. It’s still. It’s stuffy (close). There’s hardly a breath of air.
  6. Let’s air the room. Don’t sit in a draught (draft).
  7. Have you heard the gale warning?
  8. The sun is shining brightly. The day will be sunny and warm.
  9. We watched the sun going down.
  10. He woke up at sunrise / at dawn with the first rays of light.
  11. Look! The sun has hidden behind the clouds.
  12. Yesterday the lake sparkled in the sun. It’s foggy today. The lake is covered with fog.
  13. It’s good to stay at home on such a chilly day and enjoy the warmth from the fireplace.
  14. What has happened to him? He looks bad. – The day is hot. He doesn’t like heat.
  15. Let’s go to the seaside in summer. The town is situated on the seacoast (seashore).
  16. Does their house stand on the bank of the river or on the shore of the lake?
  17. This film is about earthquakes and other natural disasters.

VOC 4 +

1. Everything is good in its season.

2. Every cloud has a silver lining.

3. After rain comes fair weather.

4. Make hay while the sun shines.

5. Any port in a storm.

6. As you sow you shall mow.

7. Still waters run deep.

8. Look how funny our shadows are!

9. Let’s find a table in the shade.

10. It’s thirty degrees in the shade today.

11. Mike has become Lucy’s shadow.

12. They sat in the shade of the tree.

13. He’s afraid of his own shadow.




  1. written
  2. wrote
  3. born
  4. beat, hit, struck
  5. became
  6. beginning
  7. bite
  8. blew
  9. broken
  10. brought
  11. built
  12. buy
  13. caught
  14. choosing
  15. chosen
  16. thought
  17. digging
  18. winning
  19. cutting
  20. taught
  21. drank and ate
  22. thrown
  23. fell
  24. felt
  25. fed


  1. drove
  2. fought
  3. woken
  4. flew
  5. forgotten
  6. forgave
  7. froze
  8. getting
  9. grew
  10. hung / hanged
  11. heard
  12. hidden
  13. known
  14. knowing
  15. lied
  16. lay, lying
  17. laid, put
  18. lose
  19. paid
  20. rose
  21. sitting
  22. said, spoke, told
  23. stolen
  24. coming
  25. shown



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