Ex. 30. Listen to the dialogues, practise the reading and learn them by heart.

At the Hairdresser’s

Jane: ... ˈOh, ˎyes, ˈmy husband's ˎwonderful!

Sally: ˏReally? ˏIs he?

Jane: ˎYes, he's ˏbig, ˏstrong and ˎhandsome!

Sally: ˎWell, ˈmy husband ˈisn't very ˎbig, or very ˋstrong... but he's ˈvery inˎtelligent.

Jane: Inˋtelligent?

Sally: ˋYes, ˈhe can ˈspeak ↑six ˎlanguages.

Jane: ˋCan ˏhe? ˈWhich ˈlanguages can he ˎspeak?

Sally: He can ˈspeak ˏFrench, ˏSpanish, Iˏtalian, ˏGerman, ˏArabic and ˈJapaˎnese.

Jane: ˋOh! ... ˈMy husband's ˈvery athˎletic.

Sally: Athˋletic?

Jane: ˎYes, he can ˏswim, ˏski, ˈplay ˏfootball, ˏcricket and ˏrugby . . .

Sally: ˈCan he ˎcook?

Jane: ˊPardon?

Sally: ˈCan your ˈhusband ˎcook? ˈMy husband ˈcan't ˈplay ˎsports...but he's an ˈexcellent ˎcook.

Jane: ˋIs ˏhe?

Sally: ˏYes, and he can ˏsew, and ˏiron... he's a ˈvery ˎgood husband.

Jane: ˋReally? ˈIs he ˎEnglish?

I Want You, Fiona

Charles: ˋPlease ˏmarry me, Fiona. I ˎwant you, I ˎneed you, I ˎlove you.

Fiona: I'm ˎsorry Charles, but I ˎcan't.

Charles: ˎOh, Fiona. ˈWhy ˎnot?

Fiona: ˎWell, Charles. I ˎlike you... I ˈlike you a ˋlot, but I ˈdon't ˎlove you.

Charles: But ˋFiona, ˎlove ˈisn't ˎeverything.

Fiona: ˈOh, Charles, you ˈdon't underˎstand... for ˎme ˈlove is ˎeverything.

Charles: →Do you… ˈlove aˈnother ˏman Fiona?

Fiona: ˈYes, Charles, I ˎdo... ˎJames.

Charles: ˈNot ˈJames ˎMilton!

Fiona: ˏYes, ˈJames ˎMilton.

Charles: But he ˋdoesn't want ˏyou. He's enˋgaged.

Fiona: I ˎknow.

Charles: But ˈFiona, ˈJames ˈisn't a ˎrich man. ˈI can ˈgive you ˎeverything. ˈWhat do you ˎwant? ˏClothes? ˏMoney? ˏTravel? A ˈbig ˏhouse?

Fiona: →No, Charles. I ˈdon't ˎwant .those .things. I ˈonly ˈwant ˎJames.


Do the tasks and check with the key.

Task 1. Fill in prepositions or adverbs if necessary.

1. She is a lawyer, we are very proud …… her and she is very much respected …… her colleagues. 2. We have much …… common and we are …… friendly terms. 3. He is a good sportsman but he isn’t much …… a thinker. 4. He is tall, broad …… the shoulders and doesn’t look …… his age. 5. I’m very different …… you, we have nothing …… common. 6. She is still young …… spirit and goes …… long walks …… the forest. 7. A cousin …… mine will come …… age …… three weeks. 8. He is easy to deal ……. 9. She is very fond …… her nieces. They do well …… school. 10. - What is he …… you? Is he any relation …… you? – He is a close friend …… mine. I met …… him 7 years ago. 11. She takes ……… her father, she is just the image …… him …… appearance. 12. He is not very tolerant …… people who don’t agree ……… him. 13. He is a distant relative …… mine …… my father’s side. He is married …… my father’s half-cousin. He married …… her last year. 14. She is tall, slim …… the waist …… a well-shaped figure.. 15. They are … the same age. They are both …… their late forties. 16. My granny has a heart …… gold.


Task 2. Change using the possessive case.

1. the results of these sportsmen; 2. the work of his sister-in-law; 3.the cottage of the Johnsons; 4. the dictations of Paul and John; 5. the monkey of Mary and Kate; 6. our plans for tomorrow; 7. a break lasting a quarter of an hour; 8. a drive for four miles; 9. the cover of the book; 10. the duties of everybody; 11. He is staying with his aunt. 12. the novels of Dickens; 13. the brother of Princess Diane; 14. the dress of a girl sitting opposite us.


Task 3. Translate into English .

1. Дедушка Ника и Джона очень любит своих внуков. Ему уже за 70, но он молод духом и полон жизни и энергии.

2. На ее дочь приятно посмотреть. Она похожа на мать. У нее густые темные волосы до плеч, выразительные карие глаза, прямой нос и яркие пухлые губы. У нее тонкие брови и ямочки на щеках. Она очень хорошенькая.

3. Его невеста – двадцатичетырехлетняя девушка. Она модельер, очень серьезная и умная. Они поженятся в следующем месяце.

4. Ее дядя – адвокат. Он полный и высокий, носит усы и бороду. У него высокий лоб и орлиный нос. Он очень начитанный и немного рассеянный.

5. Мой сосед – холостяк средних лет. Он среднего роста и крепкого телосложения. У него рыжие волосы и веснушки. Он очень общительный и остроумный.

6. Он пожилой, лысый и носит очки? – Нет, он молодой, у него густые кудрявые волосы и он хорошо видит. Он женат на моей сестре, он женился на ней три года назад.

7. Их младшая дочь упрямая, эгоистичная и легкомысленная.

8. Его старший брат станет совершеннолетним через две недели. Он спокойный и серьезный парень. У него короткая стрижка и правильные черты лица. Он хорошо учится.

9. – Он надежный человек? – У него доброе сердце, но он легкомысленный и небрежный. Он разведен и у него нет детей.

10. Ее жених очень красив. Он высокий, тонкий в талии и широкий в плечах. Он загорелый и всегда чисто выбрит.

11. У нее широко посаженные голубые глаза с длинными ресницами, вздернутый нос и открытый лоб. Она стройная и длинноногая. Она просто очаровательна.

12. Oн среднего роста, сутулый и узкоплечий.


Task 1

1. She is a lawyer, we are very proud of her and she is very much respected by her colleagues. 2. We have much in common and we are on friendly terms. 3. He is a good sportsman but he isn’t much of a thinker. 4 . He is tall, broad at the shoulders and doesn’t look _ his age. 5. I’m very different from you, we have nothing in common. 6. She is still young in spirit and goes for long walks in the forest. 7. A cousin of mine will come of age in three weeks. 8. He is easy to deal with. 9. She is very fond of her nieces. They do well at school. 10. - What is he to you? Is he any relation to you? – He is a close friend of mine. I met _ him 7 years ago. 11. She takes after her father, she is just the image of him in appearance. 12 He is not very tolerant with people who don’t agree with  him. 13. He is a distant relative of mine on my father’s side. He is married to my father’s half-cousin. He married _ her last year. 14. She is tall, slim at the waist with a well-shaped figure.15. They are (of) the same age. They are both in their late forties. 16. My granny has a heart of gold.


Task 2

1. these sportsmen’s results; 2. his sister-in-law’s work; 3. the Johnsons’ cottage; 4. Paul’s and John’s dictations; 5. Mary and Kate’s monkey; 6. our tomorrow’s plans; 7. a quarter of an hour’s break; 8. four miles’ drive; 9. the cover of the book; 10. everybody’s duties; 11. He is staying at his aunt’s. 12. Dickens’ novels; 13. Princess Diane’s brother; 14. the dress of a girl sitting opposite us.


Task 3

 1) Nick and John’s grandfather is very fond of his grandchildren. He is over seventy already, but he is young in spirit and full of life and energy.

2) Her daughter is nice to look at. She is (looks) like her mother. She has thick dark shoulder-length hair, expressive hazel eyes, a straight nose and full bright lips. She has thin eyebrows and dimples on her cheeks. She is very pretty.

3) His fiancee is a twenty-four-year-old girl. She is a fashion designer, very serious and intelligent. They will marry next month.

4) Her uncle is a lawyer. He’s stout and tall, he has a beard and a moustache. He has a high forehead and an aquiline nose. He is very well read and a little absent-minded.

5) My neighbour is a middle-aged bachelor. He is of medium height and strongly built. He has red hair and freckles. He is very sociable and witty.

6) Is he elderly, bald and does he wear glasses? – No, he is young, he has thick curly hair and he sees well. He is married to my sister, he married her three years ago.

7) Their younger daughter is stubborn, selfish and light-minded.

8) His older brother will come of age in two weeks. He is a quiet and serious fellow (guy). He has a short haircut and regular features. He does well at school.

9) - Is he a reliable man? – He is kind-hearted, but light-minded and slap-dash. He is divorced and he has no children. (= he doesn’t have any children = he hasn’t got any children)

10) Her fiance is very handsome. He is tall, thin at the waist and broad at the shoulders. He has a tanned complexion and he is always clean shaven.   

11) She has blue wide-set eyes with long eyelashes, a turned-up nose and an open forehead. She is slim (slender) and long-legged. She is just charming.

12) He is of medium height, stooping and narrow-shouldered.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 443; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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