Ex. 26. Choose the correct item.

1. My cousin’s name is (Marry, Mary, Merry). She’s a (coach, couch, catch) by profession. 2. He is a (quite, quiet, quit) man with big hazel (ears, airs, eyes). 3. They (got, were) married ten years ago and have lived happily up to now. 4. He does well (at, in) Math and Physics. He is the best (between, among) his classmates. 5. Her (hair, hare, hear, here) is dark and wavy. 6. She (steel, steal, still) goes for long walks over the (hills, heels, heals). 7. I don’t (agree, angry) with you. 8. Jack is not a (fool, full), is he? 9. Sheila is both (social, sociable) and kind. 10. Harry is (fond, found) of folk art. 11. Her (mouth, mouse, moth) was small and red with thin lips and white even teeth. 12. Will you (mary, merry, marry) me, darling? 13. Is your granny (retire, retired, returned) yet? 14. Are they (marry, married) or (divorce, divorced) now? 15. Is her second husband an (architector, architecter, architect)? 16. (Mr, Mrs, Ms) Cotman is respected by his (colleges, colleagues), I believe. 17. The stranger was wearing a long black (beard, bird). 18. His (father, farther) is an (elder, elderly) gentleman. 19. Her hair (look, looks) marvellous. 20. She (dyed, died, dead) her hair blonde last (month, mounth). 21. The king is (died, dead). How did he (die, died, dead)? 22. He’s quite (bald, bold) – not a hair on his head. 23. He’s been ill for a week, but now he (is, does) well again. 24. He’s very hard-working and (is, does) well at college. 25. Don’t (waste, waist, waiste) your time, get down to work. 26. She’s become quite thick round the (waste, waist, waiste), hasn’t she? 27. Throw this into the (waste, waist, waiste) paper basket.

Ex. 27 . S peak on the topic. What do you think of being an only child?


Follow the plan:

1. State the problem

2. Express your opinion

3. Give arguments and examples

4. Make a conclusion

Ex. 28. Learn to pronounce the zodiac signs. Do you believe that the character of a person is determined by his or her zodiac sign? Give examples.

Aries            Taurus      Gemini            Cancer         Leo               Virgo      

[ˈɛərız]           [ˈtɔ:rəs]      [ˈʤemınaı]         [ˈkænsə]       [ˈli:ɜʊ]           [ˈvɜ:gɜʊ]

21 March –       21 April –        23 May –               22 June –       23 July –           23 August –

20 April            22 May            21 June                   22 July          22 August        22 September


Libra             Scorpio        Sagittarius   Capricorn   Aquarius       Pisces

[ˈlıbrə]             [ˈskɔ:pıɜʊ]    [ˌsæʤıˈtɛərıəs] [ˈkæprıkɔ:n] [əkˈwɛərıəs]      [ˈpısi:z]

23 September –  23 October –    22 November –   23 December – 21 January –       20 February –

22 October         21 November   22 December      20 January         19 February        20 March

Ex. 29. Read the text and say if there is anything in common between the actor Robin Williams and the character he played in the film Mrs. Doubtfire.


Robin Williams (by Sylvia Bloch)

“My childhood was kind of lonely and quiet. My father was away working, my mother was away working, and I was basically raised by the maid. I’d spend most of my time alone in our huge house, playing with my toy soldiers”. This is how actor-comedian Robin Willams describes his childhood. Born in 1952 in Chicago, Illinois, Williams grew up in Chicago and Detroit and attended eight different schools in eight years because his father, an automobile executive, was frequently transferred. 

When his father retired, the family moved to a town near San Francisco, California. Williams went to college and studied political science, but when he discovered theater, he dropped out to pursue acting. After studying in New York City for two years, he returned to San Francisco and started working on his stand-up comedy routines.

Williams began to be noticed and soon received offers to appear on television. His career took off in 1978 with the TV series Mork & Mindy, where he played the part of Mork, an alien from another planet. Almost 60 million people would tune in to each episode just to watch Williams ad-lib and clown around. The show became a hit, and unable to handle the pressure of instant fame, Williams turned to alcohol and drugs.

In 1983, two things happened that influenced Williams to change his life for the better – his friend John Belushi, a fellow comic and actor, died of a drug overdose, and his wife became pregnant. Williams told a magazine, “I knew I couldn’t be a father and live that kind of life.” He was able to turn his life around.

Williams went on to star in movies, receiving an Academy Award nomination for his role in the film Good Morning, Vietnam. He played the part of a grown-up Peter Pan in Hook and the part of a divorced father who disguises himself as an English housekeeper in Mrs Doubtfire.

When the opportunity came to do the voice of Genie in the Disney movie Aladdin, Williams jumped at the chance. He said he wanted to act in something that his children would enjoy, and was very happy when the movie came out and people told him, “I loved it as much as my kid did”. For Robin Williams, being a father is very important. “My kids are the most wonderful things in my life”.

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