Ex. 16. Translate into English.

A.1. Кем вам приходится этот молодой человек? – Он какой-то дальний родственник со стороны моей матери. – Как его зовут? – Я не помню. 2. Это ваш знакомый? – Мы работаем вместе. 3. Они близкие друзья? – Да, они познакомились много лет назад. Они сидели за одной партой в школе. 4. Её коллеги считают её очень серьёзной, справедливой и надёжной. 5. Посмотри на жениха и невесту. 6. Джим и Делла обручены и собираются пожениться. Свадьба в следующем месяце. 7. Кто глава вашей семьи? 8. Его женитьба была очень удачной. Он и его жена очень счастливы вместе. 9. Моя подруга замужем за моим двоюродным братом. Они поженились в прошлом году. Вчера у них родился ребёнок.  

B . 1. У нашей бабушки золотое сердце. Она очень добрая, щедрая и гостеприимная. Все её любят и уважают. 2. Какое прозвище у него было в детстве? 3. Кто ведёт хозяйство в вашей семье? 4. Наш сосед – тёзка моего отца, у них даже одинаковые отчества. 5. У меня масса родственников с маминой и папиной стороны. Мы все в дружеских отношениях и часто встречаемся. 6. С моей младшей сестрой нелегко ладить, иногда она бывает эгоистичной и упрямой. 7. Мы близкие друзья, у нас много общего. 8. Она вдова. Её муж умер несколько лет назад. 9. Где вы родились?

Ex. 17. Answer the questions.

1. What is your first name, last name and patronymic? 2. When and where were you born? Are you just out of school? 3. Are you an only child in the family? 4. How large is your family? 5. Who is the head of the family? 6. Who keeps house in your family? 7. Who cooks meals? 8. Do you have a lot of relatives? On whose side? 9. Are you on friendly terms with your relatives? Do you have much in common? 10. Do you have many acquaintances? Are you easy to deal with? 11. Do you have close friends? 12. Do you have namesakes? 13. Are there twins among your relatives or acquaintances? 14. Do you or your friends have nicknames? 15. Who is the most kind-hearted person in your family? 16. Are you married or single? 17. Have you got a steady boyfriend (girlfriend)? 18. Do you meet your ex-classmates? 19. Are you on friendly terms with your seatmate? Are you friends with your neighbours? 20. Do you have a flatmate or a roommate? 21. Are any of your relatives or acquaintances divorced? 22. Do you know any widows or widowers? 23. When did your parents marry? Do they celebrate this date? 24. Who is the pet of your family? 25. Whom do you respect? 26. Are any of your relatives retired?      28. Have you ever been to a wedding?


Ex. 18. Translate into Russian.

1. After the divorce she changed her name back to the one on her birth certificate, her mother’s maiden name of Verne. 2. Dr Brown had the same name as his neighbour, although the two were unrelated. 3. Julia was his daughter by his first marriage. 4. Brian was her next-to-the-oldest brother. 5. I made a date with her for 7 o’clock. 6. He saw someone he knew – a classmate, with a date. 7. I’ve got a movie date tonight. Is that O.K.? 8. This couple in late middle-age has just celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary.


Ex. 19. Translate into Russian.

1. She is single. But her heart is taken. 2. I have a crush on him! / I’m so into him! 3. My first crush was Tim Wyatte. 4.You feel crushed when they don’t love you back. 5. Didn’t you once try to chat up Jenny? 6.  Is he hitting on me?7.Guys like him use all sorts of tricks to pick up a girl for a one-night stand. 8. Don’t be such a wall-flower! Go out and mingle! 9.He’s head over heels for you. 10. You could just feel the chemistry between them! 11. Man up and ask her out!You may or may not hit it off. Anyway, it’s worth a shot. 12.We made it past the first date. 13. We dated for several months before we began to get serious. 14. They are going steady. 15. I’m in a relationship with her.

Ex. 20. Translate into Russian.

1. She’s a stay-at-home mum. 2. We’re suffering from empty-nest syndrome since the kids started uni. 3. I’m too young to settle down. 4. The government is concerned about the high number of NEETs. 5. My parents are in a home. 6. They are unemployed and live on benefits. 7. We need to do more to help single parents. 8. He claims he’s a new man, but I’ve not seen much sign of it. 9. That kind of helicopter parenting surely does more harm than good!      10. They’re having a civil partnership.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 455; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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