Commentary on the Surah of the Sun 1 страница


Translated by J. Cole

see translator's introduction



Rrevealed in Arabic, the commentary on the Surah 91 of the Koran is thought to have been written and published in the 1880s.


The Bab's first large book was a type of commentary on each verse of the Koran's chapter concerning Joseph, the son of Jacob-Israel.



The Holy Koran, Chapter 91


The Sun


By the sun and its noonday brightness!

By the moon when it followeth it!

By the day when it revealeth its glory!

By the night when it enshroudeth it!


By the heaven and that which built it!

By the earth and that which spread it forth!

By a soul and Him who fashioned it!

And informed it of its wickedness and its piety;


Blessed now is he who hath kept it pure, and undone is he who hath corrupted it!

Thamud in their insolence rejected their prophet,

when the greatest wretch among them rushed up:

said the Apostle of God to them, "The Camel of God! Let her drink."


But they treated him as an impostor and hamstrung her.

So their Lord destroyed them for their crime, and visited all alike:

Nor feared He the issue thereof.


Modified translation based on Rodwell


Tablet for Maryam on Sorrow and Love                                                               CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-20





O Maryam,

The Spirit of life ascended to the domain of placelessness;

the Cage of Being was bereft of its Ever-blessed Cageling;


the Bird of eternity took its flight to the wilds of evanescence;

and the Divine Nightingale let out its cry on the Celestial Tree.


The Tabernacle of Glory was rent asunder;

and the Phoenix of Grandeur winged its way from the boughs of delight.


Spheres, lofty and transcendent, descended on the darksome dust;

and ailing hearts let out clamours of affliction.


Wholesome waters were turned into blood,

and with blood was tinged the Courtyard of the All-highest Paradise.




Yea, the gleaming hearts of the friends are alone befitting of the darts of His decree,

and the throats of those that love Him are alone yearning for the mesh of limitless anguish.


Wherever a spear flies, it strikes the breasts of the friends;

and wherever sorrow is dispelled, it descends on the hearts of the companions.




Wells of tears are the eyes of the lovers,

whilst charming indifference is the response of the objects of their desires.


Shouldst the lover cry out with pain hundreds of times over,

the beloved shall only add to the anguish of the lover.


Shoudst thou desire to drink of the Cup of Reunion, thou must submit to evanescence;

and if thou wishest to partake of the Wine of His beauty,

thou must enter the valley of privation.




O Maryam,

taste thou joy in sorrow and drink thou anguish from the cup of gladness.


Shouldst thou desire to advance into the wilderness of search,

endure patiently and do not tear away at thy face.


Shed thou not tears from thine eyes and be not of the anxious ones.


Put on the robe of submission and quaff from the wine of acquiescence;

and sell the entire world for a mere derham. [dollar]




Give thy heart to God's irrevocable decree

and submit to that which hath been ordained for thee.


Open thine eyes of discernment and turn away from all else but the Friend,

for erelong we shall gather round together at the Court of Eternal Holiness

and gain admittance to the Presence of the Lord of Mercy.


We shall hear the Harp-Player of Persia sing out in the melodious language of Hijaz,

and come together with the Friend.


We shall speak of the unspoken, behold the unseen,

and give ear to that which is unheard.


We shall bring to dance the Tabernacle of Spirit with the hymns of light

and array the sanctuary of the heart with a delightful feast.


We shall obtain the Chalice of Beauty from the Cupbearer of Glory

and drink from its Matchless Wine in the memory of the Countenance of the Lord of Majesty.




Dry up thy tears then, sanctify thy soul from sorrow,

ree thy heart from anguish, and sing out with thy melodious voice:


Should there be swords raining down in the path to the abode of the all Beauteous;

Our necks we shall offer on their edges at the behest of the all Glorious!



Translated provisionally by G. Yazdani


Tablet of the Waves                                                                                                 CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-25

(Tablet of the Billows)

Revealed in the 1880s in Persian and Arabic for Áqá Siyyid Yahyá, the tablet implies the allusion of the ocean of the Bahai wrtings.

The tablet sets forth four waves (of the Ocean of Revelation) that billow forth various religious ethical principles according with the realization of the endtimes' Day of God.

The tablet ends with an Arabic prayer for the protection of the Bahái friends and their good works.




He is Herald of good Tidings, the Gracious, the Noble!




This Day, the Mother Book proclaimeth before the faces of the companions

that the very Alpha and the Omega of realization constituteth awareness that,


`In reality these Days hath ever been peerless and without comparison!'


Blessed be the souls that are in no way held back from the True One

by the clamourings of their contemporaries!


Rather, who rise up on the Right Path ornamented with the qualities of trustworthiness and piety

which are among the hallmarks of the fear of God.




His eminence the servant of (God) -- upon whom be My Glory and My Bounty --

proceeded in the direction of the saintly ones.


He wholeheartedly sought and graciously supplicated and requested for every one of them from the heaven of Bounty and Bestowal that which shall be the cause and reason of their eternal remembrance and perpetual laudation.


Wherefore is the Ocean of the Exposition manifest through the Waves of Demonstrative Proof and the Pure Bounty of the Desired One of all the worlds.


Every specific wave crieth out a given directive.



The first wave uttereth the words:



"O Concourse of saintly ones!

Unto My Days thou hast attained, the mention of which, most of the sacred Books of the world have been ornamented.


Today thou ought to manifest something of the Light of Unity that all the world,

whether of the East or of the West, might be illumined by that Light."



The second wave uttereth the words:



"O People!

The most befitting vesture in the sight of God in this Day is trustworthiness.


All Bounty and honour shall be the portion of the soul that arrayeth itself with this greatest of adornments."



The third wave uttereth:



"An Enlivening Spirit be upon thee, O people of Bahá!


Thou shouldst manifest that which will confirm the sanctity of His Divine Essence

from any likeness or inappropriate similitudes,

as well as uphold the transcendence of His Being

from all that hath either been said or will ever be said (about Him)."



The fourth wave uttereth;



"O Concourse of Lovers!

Cast aside whatsoever debaseth thee

and take thou firm hold of whatsoever elevateth thee through this Name

which hath caused the wafting of the Fragrant Breeze of God,

the Mighty, the Help in Peril, the Independent!"



Praise be unto Thee, O my God,

my Master and My Support!


Preserve Thy saintly ones from the evil of Thine enemies and

render them victorious through the hosts of Thy Power and Thy Sovereignty.


Do Thou make every single one of their deeds to be a lamp

among the deeds of whomsoever is upon Thine earth,

such that it might transform darkness into Light.


Thou art indeed the King of the Divine Theophany

and the Judge on the Day of Gathering.


No God is there except Thee,

the Ultimately Real, the Knower of things unseen.


Provisionally translated by S. Lambden

Introduction adapted from that of S. Lambden

see notes


[38] Hakím an-nushúr

"Verily it is We Who give Life and Death; and to Us is the Final Goal;

the Day when the Earth will be rent asunder, from (men) hurrying out:

that will be a gathering together,- quite easy for Us."                                            Qurán 50.43-4


See Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh:


"By Him Who is the Great Announcement!

The All-Merciful is come invested with undoubted sovereignty. The Balance hath been appointed, and all them that dwell on earth have been gathered together."


27 Lambden's first draft translation of this same passage is as follows:


`Today the most befitting ornament in the estimation of God is trustworthiness (or `sincerity').


Bounty and Providence be upon every soul

which hath been adorned with this most great adornment.'


Passages from the Tablet to Áqá Mírzá Áqá (Afnan)                                        CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-14

The nephew of the Bab's wife

Among many other tablets, the Tablet of the World was revealed in his honour in 1891.



He is the Comforter, the All-Knowing!  




O My Afnán!

That which thou hadst repeatedly sent to Our Name Mihdí [3] was read in Our presence,


and from it We sensed the fragrance of sorrow caused by this calamity [4]

which hath robed the Temple of Grandeur with the garment of grief.


Thy Lord is, in truth, the Source of praise, the All-Knowing.




Verily, over this supreme affliction,

My Most Exalted Pen hath lamented.


To this beareth witness what the Maker of the heavens hath sent down in His manifest Book.


Well is it with him who recalleth those who met a martyr‘s death in the path of God,

whether in former or in recent times, or in these days,


and readeth what was sent down for them from God, the Lord of the worlds.




O My Afnán!

Verily the divine Lote-Tree hath moaned and the Rock [5] hath cried out,

yet the evil-doers are deep in slumber.


Ere long, the scourge of the wrath of thy Lord shall make them aware.


Verily, He is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.




O My Afnán!

It is incumbent on everyone who hath drunk of the wine of the love of God to share,

with the citizens of the Supreme Concourse, in this supreme affliction and great calamity,


for they mourn as they see the utmost sorrow of this Wronged One

- the evidence of His grace, His fidelity and His bounty.




Verily, He is the Gracious, the Ancient of Days.


Nevertheless, thou and all the other beloved ones of God should evince

the utmost resignation, acquiescence, patience, and submissiveness to the will of God.



Translated by H. M. Balyuzi


[There appears to be merely 14 lines to this tablet, yet there could be more]



[1] This Tablet is listed by Balyuzí as being unpublished, no MS is named, and the work is not included in the Leiden List of the Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh. This text is not the same as the one translated and published in Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh pp.. 238-240.

[2] Áqá Mírzá Áqáy-i-Afnán (1842 - 1905). His mother was a sister of Khadíjih Bagum, the wife of the Báb. She acquainted Mírzá Áqá with the mission of the Báb when he was only 13, and from that time on, he was a devoted Bábí. It was due to the efforts of the youth that Hájí Mírzá Siyyid Muhammad, the eldest maternal uncle of the Báb, went to Baghdád to seek the presence of Bahá’u’lláh and inquire from Him the proofs of his Nephew’s Mission. It was in response to these queries that Bahá’u’lláh revealed the Kitáb-i-Íqán. Soon after, when Nabíl was sent to Persia, proclaiming to the Bábís the advent of ‘Him Whom God shall make manifest’, Mírzá Áqá immediately recognized Bahá’u’lláh. He was soon teaching the Faith in Shíráz, and about 50 souls became Bahá’ís. He was a close friend and business associate of the two brothers, Mírzá Muhammad Husayn and Mírzá Muhammad Hasan, the Beloved of Martyrs and the King of Martyrs. The deaths of his dearest friends, and the danger in which these events placed him, forced Áqá Mírzá Áqá to leave Shíráz and establish a trading house in Bombay. He later arose to teach the Faith in Egypt and Beirut. During the Ministry of ’Abdu’l-Bahá’, Áqá Mírzá Áqá tended to the restoration of the House of the Báb, overseeing the rebuilding of two rooms which had been destroyed during the time it was occupied by Khadíjih Bagum. Among many other Tablets, the Lawh-i-Dunyá (Tablet of the World) was revealed in his honour in 1891.

See The Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, Vol 4. Ch. 22 and H.B. Balyuzí Eminent Bahá’ís in the Time of Bahá’u’lláh. Ch. 17

[3] ’Ismu’lláhu’l-Mihdí, Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Dahají of Yazd. He was known among the believers to be a great teacher of the Faith, acquiring fame throughout the community, but he was actually vain and egotistical. Following the passing of Bahá’u’lláh, he broke the Covenant and rebelled against ’Abdu’l-Bahá’ in the hope of becoming head of the Faith in Persia. There is a Tablet addressed to him in Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 193-201. See also The Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, Vol. 2, p 272-3. As testified by Shoghi Effendi, he died in obscurity and poverty, along with his wife and sons

[4] This refers to the martyrdom of Mírzá Muhammad Husayn and Mírzá Muhammad Hasan, the Beloved of Martyrs and the King of Martyrs. Describing this incident, Shoghi Effendi writes:

A month later occurred in that same city the tragedy of the two famous brothers Mírzá Muhammad-Hasan and Mírzá Muhammad-Husayn, the “twin shining lights,” respectively surnamed “Sultánu’sh-Shuhadá” (King of Martyrs) and “Mahbúbu’sh-Shuhadá” (Beloved of Martyrs), who were celebrated for their generosity, trustworthiness, kindliness and piety. Their martyrdom was instigated by the wicked and dishonest Mír Muhammad-Husayn, the Imám-Jum’ih, stigmatized by Bahá’u’lláh as the “she-serpent,” who, in view of a large debt he had incurred in his transactions with them, schemed to nullify his obligations by denouncing them as Bábís, and thereby encompassing their death. Their richly-furnished houses were plundered, even to the trees and flowers in their gardens, all their remaining possessions were confiscated; Shaykh Muhammad-Báqir, denounced by Bahá’u’lláh as the “wolf,” pronounced their death-sentence; the Zillu’s-Sultán ratified the decision, after which they were put in chains, decapitated, dragged to the Maydan-i-Sháh, and there exposed to the indignities heaped upon them by a degraded and rapacious populace.

[5] Peter the Apostle, and the Holy Rock of the Kaaba at Mecca



Tablet to Hasan-i-Sháhábadí                                                                                  CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-25





He shineth from the Horizon of the Heaven of true Knowledge with Wisdom and Utterance!




O Hasan!

Hearken unto the Call of Husayn [i.e. Baha-ullah] Who hath been incarcerated in the Prison Fortress of ’Akká by reason of that which the hands of the heedless have wrought.


If any were to question them [that are heedless ones],

“by what reason have ye imprisoned Him?”,

they would reply:


“Verily, He hath come with a new Shariah

and this new Shariah doth not accord with the Law under which we have been.


To this matter testifieth our Book which is called the Qur’án,

a Book that is from God, the Lord of all mankind.                                                   Qurán 10:37


See that which the All-Merciful hath revealed therein:


‘Verily He[5] is the Messenger of God, and the Seal of the Prophets.’”[6]




To this We reply: “Indeed thou speaketh the truth.


We do testify that through Him,[7]

Messengership[8] and Prophethood[9] have both been sealed

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