Tablet to Fuad Pasha  the Heart 8 страница



Beware lest one be in conflict with another,

lest a soul wrong another,

lest someone be unfaithful to another,

lest a friend backbite another,

lest one disown their brothers in faith.


Be mindful of God in all that We have revealed to you

and be among such as are assured thereof.


Beware lest you withhold the bounties of your wealth

from your kindred and the poor and poverty stricken.


In all this do We counsel you and God command you,

if ye be among those who understand.




Thus do We set forth the verses affirming the divine unity

and that which you have been commanded,

that you may testify unto the oneness of your Creator,

with the tongue of your inner and outer being,


to such measure that His signs be revealed from every limb of your bodies,

and that you be among those who confirm His singleness.


God is the One unto Whom your souls, your hearts, your spirits,

your bodies and all that you possess shall return;


indeed, He is the end of all in the heavens and on earth.




May the Spirit be with you, O Assemblage of the Friends,

from the lowly to the lofty.


Then magnify God, in Our name,

before your children and loved ones.


This is of My command unto you; observe it,

that you may be among the rightly guided.


Provisionally translated by J. Hall 2016


Tablet of the Spring of the Cow    from the Tablet to the Shiek                       40



Tablet of the Nightingale of Separation                                                              CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-35

written at the time of the Tablet of the Bell, 18__ in _____



The nightingale of separation, perched upon the branch

of the horizon, calls out in grief, you who are filled with yearning;


The bird of loyalty sings upon the tree of eternity

with the strains of this parting, you who are filled with yearning;


As does the dove of the two seas upon the twigs of the lote-tree of separation —

that the departure is imminent, you who are filled with yearning.





the time of union has been fulfilled, and by virtue of the decree

that of absence has begun through this parting, you who are filled with yearning;


Tears have flowed from the eyes of the immortals in the concourse

on high because of this farewell, you who are filled with yearning;


The breezes of joy that blew from the paradise of splendor

have been stilled by this departure, you who are filled with yearning.


By God, the faces of the celestial maidens in their chambers

have paled at the prospect of this absence, you who are filled with yearning;


The nymphs powder their cheeks blood red, for they have heard

about this leave-taking, you who are filled with yearning;


And will never adorn their bodies with the silks of eternity

after learning of this departure, you who are filled with yearning:


No sorrow shall ever compare to this grief in the realm of the unknowable essence,

for the wind of separation is blowing, you who are filled with yearning!




In this time, when the bird of eternity has flown from the land of Iraq

and the people of longing and yearning burn with the fire of separation,

this letter is being sent by this ephemeral ant to the friends of God.


Friends, weep for as long as you have eyes, and cry out for as long as your souls exist,

for the carpet of union, joining, nearness and encounter has been rolled up.


Instead, the sovereign of destiny has, by virtue of a preordained decree,

spread out the quilt of parting, leave-taking, absence and departure.


The gales of separation and regret have gusted with such force

that they have clothed the branches of being, whether visible or invisible,

with the cloak of nothingness, then repaired to the blustery autumn of eternity.


Then, eyes should weep, ears listen to the wailing,

tongues moan and lament, and bodies tumble into the dust of their birth-places.


Nevertheless, we praise God for having singled us out for these misfortunes and afflictions,

and give thanks to him at all times and in all circumstances.


He is, in truth, witness to his own words.




In all the past scriptures it is mentioned that a time will come, a season will arrive,

that the bird of Persia shall sing an Arabian melody.


Therefore, hasten to him, lovers of the celestial beauty,

you who are distracted by the divine sanctum.


Now, that time has arrived, that breeze has wafted, and that bird has flown,

yet you have not seen it nor attained to it, and have not accomplished the goal.


Indeed, you have not advanced toward what was written, nor have you listened.


Now that moment has passed, and that day has slipped out of your grasp.


That breeze shall not blow again in this land, that rose shall not again flower here,

and that door shall never again open.


Have you never heard that the nightingale of the divine garden seeks repose

and settles only in the spiritual rose bower;


that the hoopoe of the Sheba of love only makes its home in the Sinai of the spirit;

or that the hearts of lovers seek no visage save the beauty of the beloved?




Lovers, you have become immersed in thoughts of your own selves, and never set out for the lands of the beloved.


What a marvelous heedlessness has overtaken contingent being and encompassed existence!


The sun is radiant, brilliant and shining in the midst of the sky,

yet all are singing along with and have become intimates of the birds of night.


I shall close with what the nightingale of separation sang in the land of Iraq,

calling out to all who dwell beneath the horizon:


The bird of immortality has flown to the city of the unknowable divine Cloud,

and the dove of the spirit has taken flight from its branch and sought another perch.


Then weep, lovers and people of the concourse on high.


Thus do we cast upon you the verses of parting,

so that perhaps you will rise from the couches of heedlessness and join the ranks of the mindful.






this nightingale of constancy has taken wing from the rose of union,

has set out for the garden of separation, and has consumed all the lovers in the precincts of Iraq.



do not forget the union of souls while you are in the affliction of separation.


Lament this departure,

yet sow the seed of patience in the good earth of the heart,


watering it with your tears, so that it will give forth sweet fruit.


This is the counsel of the nightingale of the divine garden.


Therefore, heed it.  


Translated by J. Cole


Tablet of the Feast of Ridvan                                                                                  CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-35





He is the Almighty Lord!




Lo, this is the garden of Paradise wherein is raised the Voice of God, the Dominant, the Strong;


Here do the immaculate Maids of Heaven dwell,

they whom no eye hath seen save only God's, the Sanctified, the Well-Beloved;


Herein the eternal nightingale singeth on the bough of the sacred Lote-Tree

a song that bedazzaleth the minds,


and herein are the needy led to the haven of wealth,

and all men guided to the Word of God;

verily this is a manifest truth.




Here is the song that the nightingale singeth;

In thy name that is God,

Thou art verily God!




O sacred Monk, ring out the bells,

for the day of God hath come,

and the Beauty of the All-Glorious is established on the holy, shining throne.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!



O prophet of wisdom, Hud,

beat thou upon thy drum, in the name of the Lord, the Precious, the Bountiful,

for the Temple of Holiness is seated upon His high, unapproachable throne.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!


O Thou beauty of eternity,

pluck with the fingers of the spirit at the strings of Thy lute that is wondrous and Holy,

for the Heavenly Beauty hath come in His garment of glimmering silk.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!


O angel of light,

sound thou thy trumpet to herald this appearance,

for the letter HA hath mounted above the letter of pre-existent might.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!



O Nightingale of Praise,

sing out upon thy boughs within this garden and land,

the well-beloved Name, for the beauty of the red rose hath shone from the impenetrable veils.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O Thou Dove of Paradise,

sing upon the boughs in this wondrous day,

when the Lord hath cast His rays upon all creatures.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O Thou Bird of Eternity,

soar into this firmament,

for the bird of faithfulness hath winged his flight to the presence of the merciful Lord.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O Dwellers in Paradise,

sing out and chant with melodious voices,

for the melody of God is pealing from beyond the high pavilions of holiness.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O denizens of the Kingdom,

sing in the name of the Well-beloved,

for the beauty of commandment hath gleamed from behind the veils,

in the shining mantle of the spirit.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O dwellers in the kingdom of names,

adorn the zones of the furthermost heaven,

for the Greatest Name is riding on the mighty clouds of holiness.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O people of the realm of holy attributes in the heaven of Abha,

prepare to meet your God,

for the breezes of sanctity have wafted from the exalted throne, and this is a manifest grace.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O thou Ridwan of the one God, rejoice within thyself,

for the Ridwan of God, the Exalted, the Precious, the Wise, is made manifest.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!


O heaven of the grandeur,

thank God within thyself,

for the heaven of holiness is raised up in the realm of the sanctified heart.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O Sun of this earth, eclipse thy face,

for the sun of eternity hath dawned in the luminous heaven.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O land of knowledge, swallow up thy learning,

for the realm of wisdom is unfolding in the self of God., the Exalted, the Mighty, the Bountiful.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O lamp of the world, extinguish thyself,

for the light of the Lord is kindled in the lamp of eternity,

and hath illumined the denizens of heaven and earth.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O seas of the world, quiet your waves within you,

for the crimson sea hath surged with a wondrous Cause.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O rooster of everlasting life,

crow out on the peaks of the realm of might,

for the Herald of God hath sounded His Call from every lofty hill.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O concourse of lovers, give out the glad tidings with all your heart,

for the time of waiting is over, and the covenant hath come,

and the Beloved hath shone in wondrous beauty.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O people of knowledge, rejoice within your souls,

for the day of parting is gone by, the time of certainty hath come,

and the beauty of this Youth hath shone in sacred raiment within the paradise of the steadfast Name.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!


Lauded art Thou O my God!

I implore Thee by Thy day in which all the prophetic days are resurrected,

Thy day whereof a moment comprehendeth all the ages.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

And I implore Thee by Thy Name which Thou made king of the Kingdom of Names

and ruler over all in earth and heaven.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

To make men free of all besides Thyself,

and cause them to approach unto Thee and sever themselves from all but Thee.


Verily Thou art the Powerful, the Precious, the Compassionate.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

Then kindle, O my Beloved, in their hearts the flame of Thy love,

till it shall burn away the memory of all save Thee,

that they may testify with themselves that verily Thou hast dwelt from everlasting on the heights of immortality, that nothing hath been joined with Thee, and that Thou ever art as Thou hast been.


There is no God save Thee, the Mighty, the Beneficent.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

And those among Thy servants who seek to ascend the heights of Thy singleness,

if their souls be set on the remembrance of aught else save Thee,

they shall not be true believers in the unity of God,

nor will the rank of a follower of the union of God be allotted them.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!



The glory be to Thee, O my God, for as long as Thy command endureth.


Wherefore send Thou down from the clouds of Thy Mercy

that which shall cleanse the hearts of Thy lovers, and sanctify the souls of Thy friends.


Then raise them up in Thy Loftiness, and give them the victory over all on earth;

for this is that which


"We have desired to bring honor upon those who were brought low in the land,

and to make them leaders of men, and to make them our heirs."                                    Koran __


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!



Translated by A. K. Khan and M. Gail



Tablet on the Birth of the [King of Names]                                                        CHAPTER ONE

(2nd tablet)                                                                                                              Divisions 1-35

After spurious inferences appear invoked, the tablet for the prophet's birthday has been re-edited.



He is God!




O concourse of the [lovers] of God!

By the righteousness of the Almighty!


Verily, this is a night, that the likes of hath never been manifested

in the world of creation.                                                               [on Earth, in this solar system]


Verily, this bounty is from God, the All-Powerful, the Beneficent.

[that is, the voluminous dispensation of the Bab and Baha-ullah,

and the manifestation of the prophets]



On this night, the Spirit spoke with a voice that threw into commotion the realities of men:


"Rejoice, O Concourse on high in the inmost essence of Paradise!"


Thereupon, God cried out from behind the Holy Veil of divine bestowals:


"This, truly, is a night during which the Reality of the All-Merciful hath been born

and the meaning of every eternal decree hath been divulged by the Pen of the All-Glorious."


Therefore, rejoice and exult, O people of the Bayán!


During this night, the Nightingale lifted up Its voice upon the boughs and branches, proclaiming:

"Rejoice, O citizens of Paradise!"





This night the veils of glory concealing the light of certitude were rent in twain

and the Dove of Heaven chanted and sang in the midmost heart of Paradise.


Therefore, rejoice O Temples of Holiness dwelling in the city of time!


On this night, God revealed His light through every exalted Name.


Moreover, He hath been established upon every pure and radiant heart.

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