Tablet to Fuad Pasha  the Heart 11 страница


Summary quoted from A. Taherzadeh

The Mist of the Unknown                                                                                        CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-20

A poetic introduction to the themes of the writings of Baha-ullah. The name of the poem, taken from the first line, appears to warn of not seeing what is unknown (God, Heaven, religion, morality, reincarnation and the laws of karma) The title also foreshadows the disappointment and negative tones of the Bahai prophecies that echo consternation and judgments on the behalf of the prophet and prophecies, in light of the planetary state of turmoil and rebellion against religion, the Law, and the will of God.

[Rhyming couplets in English, that gloss over numerous details]



Our charm bids waft the Mist of Unknown,           [the mist of that which is unseen, nor beheld]

   Mystery of fidelity thus flows from Our tone.



The east wind, musk-laden, from Cathay 2 whirls,

   Its scent so sweet streams forth from Our curls.



The ornamented sun from the True [Lord] hath risen,

   Mystery of reality from Our 3 visage doth blazon.



The sea of purity roars from waves of rapture, 4

   This gift bestowed from His essence 5 We capture.



Love's treasures lie hid in the bosom of Fars, 6

   Out this treasure-trove Pearls of Fidelity pours.



Delight of wine evinced when All 7 was manifested,

   To songs of providence 8 this Sublime Token attested.



A blast on the trumpet, the attraction divine,

   These two in one blow flow from the Exalted Clime.



Confessed Our face to the cycle of: "I am He",

   Baha 9 is brimming with the epoch of: "He is He" 10



The river of life shimmers in the closet 11 of the heart,

      This sweet wine the ruby lips of Baha doth part.



The day of God by the Lord's splendor is complete,

   The warbling in Tehran 12 from these novel words is replete.




Glory overflowing, behold! Misty unknowing, behold!

   All this from one melody thy Lord doth sing, behold!



Lo! The immortal Perfect Mystic 13, the Pristine Dawn,

   The Pure Breast from the Highest Throne out drawn.



Lo! The Tree of Paradise, harken the Nightingale's song,

   This Glorious warbling from the Light of Purity hath sprung.



Hearken the Persian 14 melody, the Arabian tambourine,

   Hearken the 'No' rhythm 15 from the Hand of Divine.



See dawning of the Godhead, the Maid of Paradise,

   How mystery of Unknown from earthly appearance doth arise.



Lo! Remnant's Countenance, Cupbearer's Face,

   Lo! The translucent glass pouring out from Our Chalice.



Behold the Burning Bush, see the Hand so white,

   Behold Mount Sinai radiating from the Palm so bright.



Hear his intoxicated moans, see the mystic ecstatic, 16

   In the precincts of rapture3 all living beings are charismatic.



From His peek, observe the amorous glance of Baha,

   From His reed, hearken the Farsi melody of Baha. 17



Emergence of Revelation 'tis, Effusion of Purity 'tis,

   Warbling of Nightingales 'tis, that pours out of Nothingness!




[Tablet of the Believer]    (unamed)                                                                    CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-(10)



This is a Tablet which the Lord of all being hath sent down from His glorious station

in honour of him who hath believed in God, the Almighty, the All-Loving.




Blessed is the wayfarer who hath recognized the Desired One,

and the seeker who hath heeded the Call of Him Who is the intended Aim of all mankind,

and the learned one who hath believed in God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsistent.


How vast the number of the learned who have turned aside from the way of God

and how numerous the men devoid of learning who have apprehended the truth

and hastened unto Him, saying,


‘Praised be Thou, O Lord of all things, visible and invisible.’




By the righteousness of God!

The world’s horizon is resplendent with the light of the Most Great Luminary,

yet the generality of mankind perceive it not.


Verily He Who is the Sovereign Truth moveth before the eyes of all men.


Unto this beareth witness the One Who is proclaiming in the midmost heart of the world,


‘In truth no God is there but Me, Omnipotent over all things,

whether of the past or of the future.’




Great is the blessedness of the believer who hath directed himself towards Him

and hath gained admittance into His presence,


and woe betide every disbeliever who hath turned away from God

and followed the wayward and the outcast.





Tablet of the Land of Bá

A letter of Bahá-ulláh, to his Turkish son Abdul-Bahá when he was visiting Beirut.

The land of Ba is Beruit, and/or Lebanon. 'Baha' translates to 'glory'. Lebanon is said to be Eden.




Praise be to Him Who hath honoured the Land of Bá

through the presence of Him round Whom all names revolve.


All the atoms of the earth have announced unto all created things

that from behind the gate of the prison-city [the fortress Akka]

there hath appeared, and above its horizon there hath shone forth,


the Orb of the beauty of the great,

the Most Mighty Branch of God—His ancient and immutable Mystery—

proceeding on its way to another land.




Sorrow, thereby, hath enveloped this prison-city,  

whilst another land rejoiceth.


Exalted, immeasurably exalted is our Lord,

the Fashioner of the heavens and the Creator of all things,


He through Whose sovereignty the doors of the prison were opened,

thereby causing what was promised aforetime in the Tablets to be fulfilled.


He is verily potent over what He willeth,

and in His grasp is the dominion of the entire creation.


He is the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.




Blessed, doubly blessed, is the ground which His footsteps have trodden,


the eye that hath been cheered by the beauty of His countenance,

the ear that hath been honoured by hearkening to His call,


the heart that hath tasted the sweetness of His love,

the breast that hath dilated through His remembrance,


the pen that hath voiced His praise,

the scroll that hath borne the testimony of His writings.


We beseech God—blessed and exalted be He—

that He may honour us with meeting Him soon.


He is, in truth, the All-Hearing, the All-Powerful,

He Who is ready to answer.





GOD testifieth that there is none other God but Him and that He Who hath come from the heaven of divine revelation is the Hidden Secret, the Impenetrable Mystery, Whose advent hath been foretold in the Book of God and hath been heralded by His Prophets and Messengers. Through Him the mysteries have been unravelled, the veils rent asunder and the signs and evidences disclosed. Lo! He hath now been made manifest. He bringeth to light whatsoever He willeth, and treadeth upon the high places of the earth, invested with transcendent majesty and power.

Blessed is that strong one who will shatter the gods of vain imaginings through the potency of the Name of his Lord, He Who ruleth over all men.


O My Afnán! We would fain mention thy name as a token of grace on Our part, that the sweet savours of My remembrance may attract thee unto My Kingdom and draw thee nigh unto the Tabernacle of My majesty which hath been hoisted through the power of this Name—a Name which hath caused every foundation to tremble.


Say: O peoples of the earth! By the righteousness of God! Whatever ye have been promised in the Books of your Lord, the Ruler of the Day of Return, hath appeared and been made manifest. Beware lest the changes and chances of the world hold you back from Him Who is the Sovereign Truth. Ere long will everything visible perish and only that which hath been revealed by God, the Lord of lords, shall endure.


Say: This is the Day of meritorious deeds, did ye but know it. This is the Day of the glorification of God and of the exposition of His Word, could ye but perceive it. Abandon the things current amongst men and hold fast unto that which God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting, hath enjoined upon you. The day is fast approaching when all the treasures of the earth shall be of no profit to you. Unto this beareth witness the Lord of Names, He Who proclaimeth: Verily, no God is there besides Him, the Sovereign Truth, the Knower of things unseen.


Well is it with thee, O My Afnán, inasmuch as thou wert honoured to receive My Holy Verses, hast inhaled the sweet savours of My Revelation and responded to My Call at a time when My servants and My creatures, casting the Mother Book behind their backs and, clinging to the dictates of the exponents of idle fancy and vain imaginings, have denounced Me. Thus hath the Tongue of Grandeur spoken in the kingdom of utterance at the bidding of God, the Lord of Creation.


Persevere thou conscientiously in the service of the Cause and, through the power of the Name of thy Lord, the Possessor of all things visible and invisible, preserve the station conferred upon thee. I swear by the righteousness of God! Were anyone apprised of that which is veiled from the eyes of men, he would become so enraptured as to wing his flight unto God, the Lord of all that hath been and shall be.


May His glory rest upon thee and upon such as have drawn nigh unto Him and apprehended the meaning of that which the exalted Pen of God, the Almighty, the All-Loving, hath recorded in this Tablet.



ALL praise be to Thee, O my God, inasmuch as Thou hast adorned the world with the splendour of the dawn following the night wherein was born the One Who heralded the Manifestation of Thy transcendent sovereignty, the Dayspring of Thy divine Essence and the Revelation of Thy supreme Lordship. I beseech Thee, O Creator of the heavens and Fashioner of names, to graciously aid those who have sheltered beneath the shadow of Thine abounding mercy and have raised their voices amidst the peoples of the world for the glorification of Thy Name.


O my God! Thou beholdest the Lord of all mankind confined in His Most Great Prison, calling aloud Thy Name, gazing upon Thy face, proclaiming that which hath enraptured the denizens of Thy kingdoms of revelation and of creation. O my God! I behold Mine own Self captive in the hands of Thy servants, yet the light of Thy sovereignty and the revelations of Thine invincible power shine resplendent from His face, enabling all to know of a certainty that Thou art God, and that there is none other God but Thee. Neither can the power of the powerful frustrate Thee, nor the ascendancy of the rulers prevail against Thee. Thou doest whatsoever Thou willest by virtue of Thy sovereignty which encompasseth all created things, and ordainest that which Thou pleasest through the potency of Thy behest which pervadeth the entire creation.


I implore Thee by the glory of Thy Manifestation and by the power of Thy might, Thy sovereignty and Thine exaltation to render victorious those who have arisen to serve Thee, who have aided Thy Cause and humbled themselves before the splendour of the light of Thy face. Make them then, O my God, triumphant over Thine enemies and cause them to be steadfast in Thy service, that through them the evidences of Thy dominion may be established throughout Thy realms and the tokens of Thine indomitable power be manifested in Thy lands. Verily Thou art potent to do what Thou willest; no God is there but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.


This glorious Tablet hath been revealed on the Anniversary of the Birth [of the Báb] that thou mayest recite it in a spirit of humility and supplication and give thanks unto thy Lord, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. Make thou every effort to render service unto God, that from thee may appear that which will immortalize thy memory in His glorious and exalted heaven.


Say: Glorified art Thou, O my God! I implore Thee by the Dawning-Place of Thy signs and by the Revealer of Thy clear tokens to grant that I may, under all conditions, hold fast the cord of Thy loving providence and cling tenaciously to the hem of Thy generosity. Reckon me then with those whom the changes and chances of the world have failed to deter from serving Thee and from bearing allegiance unto Thee, whom the onslaught of the people hath been powerless to hinder from magnifying Thy Name and celebrating Thy praise. Graciously assist me, O my Lord, to do whatever Thou lovest and desirest. Enable me then to fulfil that which will exalt Thy Name and will set ablaze the fire of Thy love.


Thou art, in truth, the Forgiving, the Bountiful.



Tablet of the Divine Presence                                                                                 CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-20

The first translation was published within 1928's Bahá’í Scriptures compilation.



He is the Everlasting Being!




This is a message which We have appointed

as Our meeting for those who advance toward God in this Day in which all nations are changed.


The person who reads that which is revealed

in this Tablet from the direction of the Throne [of God]

and doubts the reality of Bahá-ulláh’s Tablet of the Divine Presence, of meeting his Lord;


verily, he is of those who deny God who causeth the mornings to break forth!




O birds of Paradise!

Hear the voice of the Beloved in these days wherein the feet of the people deviate.


On account of your advancement the Supreme Concourse hath rejoiced;


yet because of your not having attained the meeting,  

and being thirsty while near the ocean,

the cry of mourning and weeping has been raised by the inhabitants of the cities of eternity.

[for your persecution or martyrdom]


This is indeed good;  

that this rejoicing and sorrow seem to unite and to embrace one another in the Day of God,

the Omnipresent, the Dear, the Chosen!




The bellies of the polytheists are burned by that which We have uttered aforetime,

and for this reason they dissemble day and night against My soul.


Blessed are you, since ye have entered the city

and attained that which your Lord, the Dear, the Giver, desireth.


It is incumbent upon you that gladness and exultation shall be manifest in your faces;

so that every soul may find you in submission [to God with] and patient.


Thus it is preordained from the Pen of El-Abha.             [“God”-“glory”, or, “glory of God”]


Verily, your Lord the Merciful is the knower of that which is secret and manifest!




Ye are in the shadow of My providence and under the Dome of My mercy.


Verily, the sight of God is directed toward you,

O ye possessors of clear insight.


Blessed are ye;

[and blessed are] those who love you, and those who advance toward you sincerely,

for the sake of God, the Dear, the Almighty!


God beareth witness, and those who are encircling the Throne,

that ye have victoriously attained His meeting,

and have circulated around the Holy of Holies of His Cause,

and were present before His Face.



Verily, He is the powerful over all that He wisheth!


There is no God but He, the Dear, the Bestower!




By Myself! [By God!]

We have accepted from you that which ye desired,

and We will be with you in all times.


El-Bahá be upon you on the part of the Dear, the Helper!



Translator unknown


Tablet of the Divine Presence                                                                                 CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-20

The newest provisional translation



He is the Eternal!



Lo, We made this epistle to be the attainment of Our presence

for such as have turned unto God in these days,

wherein the nations have been made to tremble.


Whosoever gazeth upon that which hath been sent down from the Throne of glory in this Tablet

and findeth himself in doubt as to whether he hath attained the presence of his Lord,


he is of them who have turned away from God,

the One Who causeth the dawn to break.




O ye birds of the most exalted paradise!

Give ear unto the call of the Beloved in these days wherein the feet of men have slipped.


The Concourse on high have rejoiced by reason of your acceptance of this Cause,

and the voice of the citizens of the cities of eternity hath been raised aloud

in grief and lamentation by virtue of your remoteness from Him and your burning thirst,

notwithstanding your nearness to the Ocean of His presence!


O how glorious is this blissful joy, this bitter anguish!                   [of persecuton or martyrdom]

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