Before you read, respond to the following questions,

1. What makes the world more and more interconnected?

2. What are the causes of world conflicts?

3. What role does the intercultural dialogue have in maintaining peace?


Read the text and say to what extent you agree or disagree with the ideas expressed.

Intercultural Dialogue

The world is more and more interconnected but it does not mean that individuals and societies really live together – as reveal the exclusions suffered by millions of poor, women, youth, migrants and disenfranchised minorities. Today there is more information, technology and knowledge available than ever before, but adequate wisdom is still needed to prevent conflicts, to eradicate poverty or to make it possible for all to learn in order to live in harmony in a safe world.

In this new, turbulent international globalised landscape, a central message must be heralded: peace is more than the absence of war, it is living together with our differences – of sex, race, language, religion or culture – while furthering universal respect for justice and human rights on which such coexistence depends. Therefore, peace should never be taken for granted. It is an on-going process, a long-term goal which requires constant engineering, vigilance and active participation by all individuals. It is a choice to be made on each situation, an everyday life decision to engage in sincere dialogue with other individual and communities, whether they live a block or a click away.

[31} Intercultural Dialogue. – UNIESCO, 2017

Read the text and decide whether the following statements are TRUE, FALSE, or there is NO INFORMATION provided.

1. The world interconnectedness means that people and countries really live together.

2. Nowadays the access to information, technology and knowledge is more available.

3. Peace is a crucial factor in the global world.

4. Respect for justice and human rights can help to eradicate poverty.

5. Engaging in dialogue is conducive to an everyday life decision.


Definitions: Explain the meaning of the italicized words and phrases.

Communication: Read the following passage and comment on it.

 “In our increasingly diverse societies, it is essential to ensure harmonious interaction among people and groups with plural, varied and dynamic cultural identities as well as their willingness to live together. Policies for the inclusion and participation of all citizens are guarantees of social cohesion, the vitality of civil society and peace. Thus defined, cultural pluralism gives policy expression to the reality of cultural diversity. Indissociable from a democratic framework, cultural pluralism is conducive to cultural exchange and to the flourishing of creative capacities that sustain public life” (The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, Article 2, “From cultural diversity to cultural pluralism”).

Individual Projects: Study one of the topics and prepare a presentation.

1. What do you know about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)? Choose some Articles and prepare your report.

2. What is the mission of the UN International Court of Justice?

3. What is the role of three branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial?


ESL Café Conversation: Discuss the following topics in pairs or in small groups.

1. How can we prevent people from dropping out of high school?

2. What can be done to prevent divorce?

3. How can healthcare be ensured for everyone around the world?

4. How can we improve literacy?

5. How can we prevent children from being negatively influenced by violence and pornography in media such as video games, movies, and the Internet?

6. How can we best reduce the problem of terrorism?

7. What should we do to help people get jobs?

8. How can people be convinced to drive more safely?


Learning Outcome: Study the model of the UN (structure, departments) and role play an assembly session on the issues of global importance or social issues. [11]

Task 7: ‘UN Model Language: Points and Motions ’

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 449; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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