The Subject

Ex. 5 11 . Find the subjects in the sentences and say what they are expressed by. Translate the sentences.

 1. Life is full of compensations. 2. Nancy is my close friend. 3. She found this hard to believe. 4. Everything that lay before us was new and mysterious. 5. Yours was a clever choice. 6. Reading is a way of learning things. 7. What I mean is that we should compromise. 8. To accept this offer is to radically change your life. 9. Thirteen is a tricky number: with some nations it means good luck, with others bad luck.        10. The rich and the powerful rule this country. 11. There are fashions in language learning. 12. Your constant perhapses and might-have-beens irritate me. 13. It was a pleasant surprise. 14. Shopping is my life. 15. To have been hit under the belt by your closest friend must have been a shock for you, Andrew.

Ex. 5 12 . Analyse the pronoun it used as the subject in the following sentences.

1. It doesn’t matter. 2. It was very pleasant on the river’s bank. 3. It’s raining here at the moment. 4. – Who was that you were speaking to? –  It was only the postman. It took Stephen some time to work out what she meant. It is impossible to make any decision. 7. He gave her an engagement ring. It was beautiful, very expensive, too.    8. The strike went on for over a year. Finally it was settled. 9. It seemed like a good idea. 10. The punishment wasn’t severe. It was a three-month stay in prison.           11. We’ve just got urgent information. It can explain everything. 12. It’s unexplainable, don’t even try to do it. 13. It’s vitally important that you give up smoking. It has become too bad for your lungs. 14. It’s hard to believe that you are leaving us for such a long stretch of time. 15. It’s an antique vase. It’s very, very old.

Ex. 5 13 . Insert there or it.

1. ... are about forty of us, sir. 2. ... is a big group, of about twenty. 3. ... was a new cushion on one of the settees. 4. ... was a cute cushion embroidered by my grandmother. 5. ... was not a tree in sight. 6. ... was a lonely place. 7. ... is a reason for everything. 8. … very sound reason, Paul, you may leave now. 9. … is a very sound excuse for my being late, Mary. Do forgive me! 10. ... is nothing new under the moon. 11. … is as old as the world. 12. ... was raining cats and dogs on Monday but ... was still so much work to do in town. 13. –  ... never rains, but ... pours. –  Yes, one unhappy event is followed by another unfortunate event. 14. – Is … snowing outside? –  ... a lot of snow in the streets. 15. –  ... is something you are hiding from me, I feel it. – ... is purely your fantasy, ... is nothing to hide, especially from you. 16. ... was an ordinary house, but in that ordinary house ... lived an extraordinary wizard*                 17. According to modern standards ... is a big ... family. … are four children in it.    18. ... are 450.000 words in the English language. ... is the richest language in the world.

* a wizard— a magician, a person of extraordinary powers.

The Predicate

Ex. 5 14 . Read and translate the sentences. State the types of predicates in them.

1. It takes a long time to learn a language. 2. My niece has been taking music lessons for a year already. 3. The storm started all of a sudden. 4. They started to work enthusiastically. 5. They stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom. 6. He can’t stop loving her. 7. Every year he met with his classmates. They would sit to table, have a special supper and remember the good old times. 8. When I was a schoolgirl, my mother used to give me a lift to the school. 9. Sue, dear, this young man must have been waiting for you outside for two hours already. 10. Bob looks like a punk. 11. This novel was a bestseller last year. 12. Jessica looks elegant in the new suit. 13. She turned pale, the news was too bitter. 14. The strawberries look beautiful and taste delicious. I adore them. 15. Nora gave me an odd look. 16. Now we are having a very lazy time. 17. If I make a mistake, correct me. 18. He gave Henry a hearty wink and strode off.

Ex. 515. Say what parts of speech the predicatives are expressed by in the following sentences.

l. This is a “cheer up” book. 2. The Renoirs in this museum are priceless. 3. Mrs. Norris is a great cat-lover. 4. This film was awfully funny. 5. You look great today!
6. The new manager is about thirty. 7. Chris became a computer whizz. 8. Your task is to find the right man to do the job. 9. I am scared, I really am. 10. It was them who did it. 11. The biggest problem in life is choosing. 12. It’s getting cold. 13. He felt lonely. 14. This perfume smells fantastic! 15. Harry’s mouth fell open as the full impact of what he was seeing hit him. 16. It’s up to you. 17. My French is very rusty.

Ex. 516. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the difference between the words in italic type.

1. I feel good. I feel well. 2. The train arrived early. The train was early. 3. You look good in that hat. You look well as usual. 4. Yesterday was rainy. We met yesterday.       5. Home was a welcome sight. Do you want to go home? Downtown is covered with smoke. She drives down town every day. 7. Those were hard times. They do try hard. He was so weak, he could hardly walk. 8. We took a fast train. News travels pretty fast. 9. His is a fast car. How fast can you do it? 10. The exam was extremely hard. Think hard about what I’m offering. She had hardly any money. 11. He gave me a friendly smile. He smiled at me in a friendly way. 12. Richard has a high social status. That is a highly difficult sum. 13. The Dnepr is a deep river. We are deeply touched by your kindness. 14. No problem, I can do it easily. It’s not an easy question.

Ex. 517. Fill in the blanks with one of the following link-verbs.

1. In the middle of the talk the line ... dead.

2. She counted to one hundred to ... cool.

3. The detective … motionless behind the door.

4. Carl Ray’s mouth sort of ... open.

5. That dog ... me crazy.

6. It … reasonable to me.

7. The music ... too loud.

8. His words ... true.

9. The words, unfortunately, … unspoken.

10. She ... icy cold.

11. I think your memory ... deeply buried, repressed.

12. It … a capital idea.

13. They … impatient.

14. To everybody’s surprise, he ... a feminist.

15. The book … open at the end.

16. The sounds ... sharp and clear in the quiet of the evening.

17. Dad … frantic.

18. The North Sea oil revenues … dry.

19. But today, nothing was going to ... wrong.

20. His face ... from red to green like a set of traffic lights.

was going, became, grew, fell, went, stayed, felt, go, rang, sounded, seems, drives, run, stood, dropped, stay, went, remained, appears, rang

Ex. 518. Translate into English.

1. Він був несхибним у своєму рішенні. 2. Питання залишається відкритим. 3. Будинок залишався порожнім протягом двадцяти років. 4. Обличчя Макса стало цеглисто-червоним.     5. Зрозумій, твоя поведінка зводить з глузду твоїх батьків. 6. Він виглядав переможцем.               7. Хлопчик подивився на своїх товаришів урочисто. 8. – У чому справа? Ти раптом так зблідла. 9. Яблуко таке кисле на смак. 10. Сад запущений. 11. Двері відразу відчинилися. 12. Ці ягоди так смачно пахнуть. 13. Ставтесь до цього ліпше! 14. Сніг лежав на деревах товстим шаром.  15. Величезне і червоногаряче сонце поринуло в море. 16. Вийшов місяць, молодий і яскравий. 17. Величезні багатства лежать заховані на дні океану.      

Ex . 51 9 . Choose the right word.

1. The child feels ... and behaves ... . (bad, badly) 2. The girl spoke ... . Hey, that’s really ... . (cool, coolly) 3. ... money, you can lose it ... . (easy, easily) 4. Marion had ... any money left. She works ... at keeping herself fit. He is a ... nut to crack. (hard, hardly) 5. All people are ... the same. What is your ... aim in life? (basic, basically) 6. It’s a … truth. It was ... true. (universal, universally) 7. They were kissing ... . She burst out into … sobbing. (passionate, passionately) 8. I feel ... in such cases. They stared ... at the wounded man. (helpless, helplessly) 9. The kids looked ... after a month in the country. We enjoyed the ... squeezed orange juice.(fresh, freshly) 10. For the next few days the weather remained ... . We could hear the voices quite ... . (clear, clearly) 11. His words had an ... effect. I have to call my lawyer … . (immediate, immediately) 12. He was a ... sick person. This doctor treats ... patients. I must make a … note not to forget to book tickets. (mental, mentally)


Ex. 5 20 . Read and translate the sentences. Find and comment on the cases of inversion or stylistic emphasis.

1. Little did the children guess what a weird and mysterious end to the day was now approaching. 2. Had Aunt Phoebe known when she bought this present what it really was, she would have preferred to buy something different. 3. No sooner had his head touched the pillow than he was as good as asleep, and no sooner had he opened his eyes in the morning than he was out of bed and hunting for his socks. 4. Never before in her short life had Molly dressed so quickly. 5. “Get up, Jack, quickly! Only do be quick, quick!” 6. But remember she did, and found herself explaining it to her brother. 7. “I don’t know,” said old Nancy, with a puzzled frown. “Never before have I missed doing the spell at sunset.” 8. On, on the Grey Pumpkin rolled, down the hill from the City. 9. “He does do dreadful things,” said Grace. 10. Oh, I do hope and trust you will be successful, my dears. 11. Sit you down, dearies, and rest yourselves and we’ll have things ready in no time for you. 12. “Poor old father,” said Clan, compassionately, “it does upset him so.” 13. Evening came and no sign of the Black Leafhad they found. 14. And not until Molly had emptied a big bowl of hot bread and milk would she let her say a word of thanks or explanation. 15. Of course, it does rain sometimes in Jamaica – that’s why the jewel island is so green.

Ex. 5 2 1. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the type of subordinate clause in which inversion is used.

1. Try though she did, Teddy discovered that she was unable to look away. 2. Typical ten-year-olds that they were, they made ugly faces to her and she began to laugh, enjoying them. 3. Snow-white though her hair was, her face was plump, pink-complexioned and almost without a wrinkle. 4. Heavily bundled up though they were, they nevertheless moved in a relatively brisk pace, since there was an icy, cutting wind. 5. Popular and successful novelist though he had become over the years, he could no more abandon journalism than he could stop breathing. 6. Reluctant though she was to leave her mother, Mari now realized that this was exactly what she must do. 7. Calculating of brain though she was, Emily could be impulsive of heart.

Ex. 5 22 . Use inversion in the subordinate clauses.

1. Though she was tired, Emma unpacked her suitcase and put her clothes neatly away in the closet. 2. Though she was suspicious, cautious, and wary with everyone, she sometimes found herself admiring of Olivia, much against her will. 3. I was thinking of her, thinking that though she might be vain and foolish, she was not a bad person.   4. And at that moment something was settled between them, and they both understood this, though it was unspoken. 5. For a moment or two she racked her brain, but though she tried, she could not remember. 6. Amelia gets so tired at times. Though I have tried, I’ve not been able to find anyone to assist her. 7. Though she was good-looking, it was her winning natural charm that captivated most people. 8. Willy accelerated his speed to the maximum, though it was dangerous, and shot ahead to escape the scene of violent destruction. 9. The present narrative, though it is brief, is artfully constructed and gripping.

Ex. 5 23 . Translate into English.

1. Пропозиція була настільки вигідною, що вони не встояли. 2. Будь ласка, повір же мені! 3. Ти мені підлещуєш, дорогенький! 4. Стів так захопився новинами по телевізору, що навіть не помітив її короткої відсутності. 5. Як ви знаєте, у нас дійсно минулого тижня були деякі проблеми. 6. Вибачте, але нам насправді потрібно вранці їхати. 7. Наступного разу чітко дотримайтеся наших вказівок. 8. Звуки її співу були настільки чудові, що всі були зачаровані. 9. Поворот подій був настільки несподіваним, що всі були збентежені.

Ex . 524. Make sentences with emphatic it . There can be more than one variant.

1. I bought this bag at Macy’s. 2. Columbus discovered America in 1492. 3. Sir Christopher Wren designed St. Paul’s Cathedral. 4. They met in Venice five years ago. 5. We stayed with the Lovedays in the summer. 6. I lecture English, not French.    7. He left all his fortune to his cat, not to his relatives. 8. Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin. 9. You are wrong, I ordered fish, not meat. 10. I graduated from University two years ago, not four years ago. 11. The telephone awoke me in early morning. 12. His remarks irritated the listeners.

Ex. 5 25 .Construct sentences out of the following words and phrases. Use the inverted word order.

1. the bell, comes, here 2. you, here, are, at last 3. bus, our, here, comes 4. in a dark wood, far away, a little hut, stood 5. is, right, she 6. the memory, at the seaside, came, of that wonderful time, then 7. such a starry sky, had seen, I, never before 8. three cottages, in an open place, stood, amidst the big trees 9. came, the roar, from behind the hills, of the ocean 10. care, she, for his words, little, did 12. we, rarely, such a beautiful dawn, had seen


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