The Future Perfect Progressive

Ex. 12 8 . Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the use of the Future Perfect Progressive.

1. Next year I will have been living in Moscow for thirty years. 2. Next month we shall have owned this house for ten years. 3. When he is forty, he will have been learning English for twenty five years. 4. By the time the manager turns up, the customers will have been waiting for him for several hours. 5. He complains that by May he will have been reading “War and Peace” for five months. 6. I shall have been staying here just a year this July.

Ex. 1 29 . Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect Continuous.

1. By the end of this month we (learn) this language for ten years. 2. When my daughter goes to school we (live) here for over five years. 3. When the new century begins, they (reconstruct) this church for nearly 25 years. 4. If nobody stops him, he (grumble) for hours. 5. We can get there at 7 at the earliest. They will be painting the fence. If we arrive at 8.30, they (paint) it for 3 hours at least; and if we come at 9.30, they will have probably finished the work.

Ex. 13 0 . Translate into English.

1. На той час, як він закінчить університет, його батьки працюватимуть у Південній Африці вже два роки. 2. Ми будемо рекламувати ці товари декілька місяців до того часу, як вони з’являться на ринку. 3. Наступного року на цей час вона буде вивчати французьку мову вже два роки. 4. На той час, коли вона приїде, я вже житиму тут вже протягом року. 5. На той час, як ти повернешся, я буду малювати вже третій портрет.

Ex. 13 1 . Read the sentences and comment on the ways future actions can be expressed.

1. Their plane arrives at two o’clock in the morning. 2. I’m away on holiday next week. 3. The sun rises at 5.30 tomorrow. 4. She’s making a speech at the conference next week. 5. I’m going to town next week. 6. I think it’s going to rain.   7. Alison is going to enter the university this year. 8. This Saturday Nora will be celebrating her birthday. 9. We are to meet after lunch. 10. He is to be in court tomorrow morning. 11. Who is going to be the next to take the floor? 12. The new tax is to be introduced next week.

Ex. 13 2 . Translate into English.

1. На перше вересня цього року я вже десять років буду працювати в цьому університеті. 2. У червні буде рік, як ми одружені. 3. На той час, як ти прокинешся завтра вранці, ми вже три години будемо летіти над Європою. 4. У травні буде п’ять років, як він водить машину. 5. Вони будуть експериментувати в цій галузі вже багато років. 6. До того, як прийде поліція, детектив вже дві години вивчатиме місце події.

Present Tenses with a Future Meaning

Ex. 13 3 . Write about your friend’s plans for the coming summer vacation.

Example: (Ben/go/Siberia/train) – Ben is going to Siberia by train.

1. (Lucy / stay / in the South of France / with her aunt) … . 2. (Roy / take / his younger brother / Canada / his parents) … . 3. (Letty / spend / a fortnight / Rome) … . 4. (Peter and John / hike / the Swiss mountains) … . 5. (Miranda / go / round Greek islands / cruising boat) … .

Ex. 13 4 . Your relatives are preparing to leave for the country for summer. Ask them about their arrangements.

Example: (when/leave) When are you leaving?

1. (travel / by train?) … 2. (take / a lot of things?) … 3. (your /animals / go / with you?) … 4. (let / your flat / for the season?) … 5. (rent / a car?) …

Ex. 13 5 . Put the verb into the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.

 Example: My daughter is leaving (leave) for Paris next Friday.

              Does your train arrive (train/arrive) at 7.00 or 7.30?

1. They … (open) a new exhibition next month. 2. I see, you’ve packed all your things … (you/go away). 3. The shops here … (open) at 7.00 and … (close) at 5.30. 4. The performances at our theatre … (start) at 7.30. 5. What time … (the plane for New-York / leave)? 6. I hear, you … (launch) a new programme soon.

Ex. 13 6 . Translate into English.

1. Давай підемо в театр завтра. – Вибач, мені б дуже хотілося, але я завтра працюю до пізно. –  А як щодо середи? – Боюся, я не зможу. Я зустрічаю батьків в аеропорту. 2. Що ти робиш у суботу ввечорі? – Я граю в теніс цієї суботи. – Зрозуміло. А в неділю ввечорі ти вільна? – У неділю в нас вечір зустрічі (reunion party) в школі.

Ex. 137 . Say when you are going to do something.

Example: Have you watered the flowers? (in the morning)

              Not yet. I’m going to water them in the morning.

1. Have you washed your hair? (just) Not yet … . 2. Have spoken to the manager? (after lunch) Not yet … . 3. Have you made the tea? (just) Not yet … . 4. Have you bought a car? (soon) Not yet … . 5. Have you done your homework? (just) Not yet … .

Ex. 13 8 . Translate into English.

1. Ти помив машину? – Ще ні. Я зроблю це завтра. 2. Ви вже пообідали? – Ще ні. Ми саме зараз збираємося сідати за стіл. 3. Небо таке блакитне. Буде чудовий день! 4. Я вирішила зробити званий вечір. – Кого ти збираєшся запросити? 5. Твої друзі їздили у відпустку до Іспанії? – Ні, вони збиралися, але передумали. 6. Іспит завтра. Ти зовсім не готувався. Ти провалиш іспит. 7. Ти вибачиш мене за те, що я маю тобі сказати? 8. Буде краще, якщо ти підеш. Ми не будемо бачити один одного кожного дня. 9. Зараз же йди в ліжко, бо захворієш. 10. Я не знаю, що буду робити, коли залишусь тут. Я, напевно, не зможу знайти іншу роботу.

Ex. 1 39 . Choose the best suited means of denoting actions for the following sentences.

1. I (to write) to Jack tonight and (to make) sure that he (to meet) you and (to look) after you. 2. I have the feeling that something (to happen), and it depresses me.         3. ”Can I help you, Mary? You (to wash) up?” “No. Casie (to do) it. I (to take) some strawberries up to Uncle Willy.” “May I come, too? I just (to go) as far as the cottage.” 4. Well, I (to speak) to Aubrey. I (to see) him at lunch. 5. Do you think there (to be) a war? 6. I suppose I (to stay) here a little longer. 7. Sooner or later you (to get) over it. 8. I never (to forget) that night. 9. We soon (to see) who is right. 10. Whatever damage they (to do) they (to pay) for it. 11. “Ann,” said her mother, “here is news that (to surprise) you. Phil has come from abroad. He (to come) to see us tomorrow.” 12. If you (not to go) I (to fetch) my husband. 13. It (to be) a real pleasure for me to see them back. 14. Roy is on his way. He probably (to get) here in about three hours. 15. Do put something on, Tony. You (to catch) cold. 16. We (to have) coffee after dinner as usual. 17. You should go and say good-bye to your mother. The train (to leave) in twenty minutes. 18. No, I don’t think you can see her. And she (to do) her home-work after supper. 19. A soft voice said: “Are you locked out? Don’t worry. I (to let) you in.” 20. “Now I feel much stronger. And the doctor says I (to leave) the hospital soon.” 21. I (to tell) you the whole story one of this days. 22. I’m sure you (not to like) the play. 23. He certainly (to expect) you to come. 24. Tell me all about it. I (not to mention) it to anybody. 25. You must keep away from the road until it (to be) dark. The peasants (to go) to market soon. 26. It is September already. The leaves (to fall) soon.      27. The sun (to set) by the time we (to get) home. 28. This book (to tell) you all about it. 29. When we (to get) back he (to have) a bath and we (to find) him asleep in his bed. 30. She was still sitting in the chair in which he had left her. “Hello, why haven’t you dressed for dinner?” He looked about the room. “You haven’t even unpacked.” “I (not to unpack). I (not to stay) here. I (to leave) you.” 31. “Now that you have arrived, what you (to do) with yourself in England?” “Hunt a job. I expect I (to end) as a chauffeur. Where you (to stay)?” “With my people at first, anyway. If you still (to want) to see me when you (to be) home a week, you (to find) me there.” 32. Unlike me, he can’t remain alone for any length of time. Place him in my position and see what (to happen). Within an hour he (to look) for his morning paper, within two hours he (to invite) his friends in to play poker.

Ex. 14 0 . Translate into English using will or going to.

1. Чому ти включаєш телевізор? – Я збираюся подивитися вечірні новини. 2. Ой, я забула гроші дома! – Не турбуйся. Я позичу тобі. 3. У мене жахливий головний біль. – Так? Почекай тут. Я принесу тобі ліки. 4. Куди ти несеш відро з водою? – Я збираюся помити машину. 5. Я вирішила пофарбувати кухню. – У який колір ти її пофарбуєш? 6. Дивись! З того будинку йде дим. Він горить! – Боже ж мій! Я зараз же викликаю пожежників. 7. Це дерево дивно виглядає. – Так, виглядає ніби от-от впаде. 8. Боюся, я не знаю, як користуватися цим фотоапаратом. – Це дуже легко. Я поясню тобі. 9. Що б вам зараз хотілось попити – соку чи кока-коли? – Дякую, я хочу соку. 10. Антон вже вирішив, що буде робити після закінчення школи? – Так, він все спланував. Він відпочине кілька тижнів, а потім почне вивчати курс програмування. 11. Що ми візьмемо на обід? – Я не знаю. Я не можу вирішити. – Отже, прими вже рішення. – Ну добре. Візьмемо курча. 12. Нам потрібен хліб на ланч. – Я піду до магазину та куплю. Джейн, я йду по хліб. Тобі потрібно щось купити? – Так, мені треба кілька конвертів. – Добре, я куплю тобі, якщо побачу.           13. Лінда, ти зможеш відвести мене до аеропорту сьогодні ввечорі? – Добре, залюбки. 

Ex. 14 1 .Translate into your own language the sentences denoting future actions”:

1. He will take an exam next Wednesday. 2. The train for Prague leaves tomorrow. 3. I shall have finished my essay by this time next month. 4. This time tomorrow Jane will be on a train. 5. Professor Peckinpah is arriving in Kiїv one of these days. 6. When you arrive in London, Alfred Hitchcock will meet you at the railway station. 7. Sally is going to re-sit for her Maths exam next week. 8. When win you stop being silly?

The Revision on Tenses

Ex. 14 2 . Make the right choice.

   1. George is on holiday. He _ to Barbados.
        a. is gone                 b. has gone                   c. has been

   2. Everything is going well. We _ any problems so far.
        a. didn’t have      b. don’t have            c. haven’t had

   3. Nelly haslost her passport again. It’s the second time this_ .

        a. has happened     b. happens                    c. happened

   4. You’re out of breath. _ ?

        a. Are you running b. Have you run         c. Have you been running

   5. Where’s the letter I gave you? What _ with it?

         a. have you done    b. have you been doing c. are you doing

   6. We’re good friends. We _ each other for a long time,
         a. know                  b. have known              c. knew

  7. Sindy has been writing this programme _ .

         a. for a month         b. since six months       c. six months ago

   8. “_ this week?” “No, he’s on holiday.”

          a. Is Bill working      b. Does Bill work            c. Does work Bill

   9. John _ tennis once or twice a week.

         a. is playing usually b. is usually playing     c. usually plays

  10. How _ now? Better than before?

         a. you are feeling   b. do you feel              c. are you feeling

   11. Tracey _ her hand when she was cooking dinner.
         a. burnt                b. was burning           c. has burnt

Ex. 14 3 . Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.

I. I found Mother at one of the counters in the kitchen. She (slice) the chilled boiled potatoes I (make) earlier. She (have) a cup of coffee next to her, and a cigarette (dangle) from her mouth. I hated her to smoke around us, and most especially when she (work) in the kitchen. “Mother, you (mind) not smoking when you (prepare) food?” “I not (drop) cigarette ash in the salad, if that’s what you (get) at,” she answered. “I know you’re not. I just hate the smoke, Mom. Please, put it out. If not for your health or mine, at least for your grandchildren’s sake. You know what they (say) about second-hand smoke.” ”But the kids live in Manhattan. Think of all the polluted air they (breathe) in there.” “Only too true, Mother,” I (snap), “but let’s not add to the problem of air pollution out here, shall we?”

II. “Why I not (go) into the kitchen and start on the potato salad?” my mother said. “Oh, but Diana’s going to make that.” “Good heavens, Mallory, what an Englishwoman (know) about making an all-American potato salad for an all-American celebration like Independence Day? Independence from the British, I (may) add.” “You not (have to) give me a history lesson.” “I (make) the salad,” she sniffed. “It always (be) one of my specialities, in case you (forget).”

Ex. 14 4 . A. Read, translate and retell the text.

Ever since my childhood, I have loved nature and the wild creatures who inhabit the countryside, and I have encouraged Jamie and Lissa to respect all living things, to treasure the animals, birds, and insects that frequent Indian Meadows.

Unconsciously, and very often without understanding what they are doing, some children can be terribly cruel, and it always makes me furious when I see them hurting small, defenseless animals, pulling wings off butterflies, grinding their heels into earthworms and snails, throwing stones at birds. I made up my mind long before the twins were born that no child of mine would ever inflict pain on any living thing.

I am extremely partial to the old stonewall property, mostly because it is home for a number of small creatures. I know for a fact that two chipmunks live inside it, as well as a baby rabbit and a black snake. Although I know the chipmunks well and have spotted the bunny from time to time, I have never actually seen the snake. But our gardener, Anna, has, and so have the twins. At least, this is what they claim, most vociferously.

To make nature more personal, to bring it closer to them, I invented stories about our little friends who inhabit the garden wall. I tell Jamie and Lissa tales about Algernon, the friendly black snake, who has a weakness for chocolate-covered cherries and wishes he had a candy store; about Tabitha and Henry, the two chipmunks, married with no children, who want to adopt; and about Angelica, the baby bunny rabbit, who harbours an ambition to be in the Fifth Avenue Easter Parade.

Jamie and Lissa have come to love these stories of mine; they can’t get enough of them, in fact, and I have to repeat them constantly. In order to satisfy my children, I’m forever inventing new adventures, which entails quite a stretch of the imagination on my part.

B. Speak about your attitude toward nature. What are your childhood experiences with animals?

Ex. 14 5 . Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous.

I. 1. Where you (go) when I (meet) you in the street yesterday? – I (go) to tell the watchmaker that he (forget) to send my watch. 2. This, however, (enable) him to add some ideas which he (omit) in the first copy. 3. They (decide) to rebuild the church when they (find) that the cement used (begin) to crumble. 4. He (be) so ill that he (find) himself unable to complete the work he (begin). 5. She (turn) the light back on, (lie) on the sofa and (take) up the book she (read). 6. His secretary (take) the paper from the table where he (put) it, and (go) out. 7. It (be) near midnight when they (come) in from dinner, still laughing at something he (say) in the dining-room. 8. It (be) two o’clock. Eliza (be) suddenly thoroughly awake. She (sit) up in her bed and (circle) her knees with her arms. It (rain). The way it (rain) for days. 9. In his turn Jolyon (look) back at his son. He (want) to talk about many things that he (be) unable to talk about all these years. 10. She (be) at the station after all, standing just as he (imagine), apart from the others. 11. He (come) back on Saturday, as he (promise). They all (wait) for him in the sitting-room. When he (enter), everybody (rush) forward to him to embrace and hug him in greeting.12. The state of his clothes indicated that he (play) football in the muddy field.

II. 1. The woman (busy) herself with cooking, while the man (slice) bacon and (fire) the stove. 2. He was up before the sun on the last day. A gale from the west (blow) all night, making him wakeful. 3. It(be) a cold, harsh, waiter day. There (be) snow some hours before, and it (lie), not deep, but hard-frozen on the ground. 4. He (try) to catch what they (say), but they (be) too far from him and (speak) in very low voices. 5. As the wet twilight (deepen), I (stop) in a solitary bridle-path, which I(pursue) an hour or more.    6. He (not / be) so much surprised to see me as I (expect). 7. I (go) to bed and (fall) asleep, when my guardian (knock) at the door of my room and (beg) me to get up directly. 8. I (have) a wash and brush-up before starting out to go to the luncheon Elliot (invite) me to, when they (ring) up from the reception to say that he (be) below. 9. Mrs. Bedwin, who (listen) at the door, (hasten) into the corridor in a breathless state. 10. Sara (be right) in her prediction. Madam Sharon’s face (be) a picture the next morning when she (find) out that Sara (go).

Ex.14 6 . Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite and the Past Perfect.

He (look) at his watch. In a quarter of an hour he (be) due at the General Meeting of the New Colliery Company – one of Uncle Jolyon’s concerns; he should see Uncle Jolyon there, and say something to him about Bosinney – (not / make) up his mind what, but something – in any case he should not answer this letter until he (see) Uncle Jolyon. He (get) up and methodically (put) away the draft of his defence. Going into a dark little cupboard, he (turn) up the light, (wash) his hands with a piece of brown Windsor soap, and (dry) them on a roller towel. Then he (brush) his hair, (turn) down the light, (take) his hat and ... (leave) the house.

                                                                                                                      (After J. Galsworthy)

Ex. 14 7 . Use the fight form of the verbs in brackets.

It was gray and overcast as I (leave) the hotel and (head) towards Berkley Square. I glanced up at the sky. It was leaden and promised rain, which Andrew (predict) before he (go) to the office earlier. Instead of walking to Diana’s, which I usually (like) to do, I (hail) a cab and (get) in. Just in time, too. It (begin) to drizzle as I (slam) the door and (give) the cabbie the address. English weather, I (think) glumly, staring out the taxi window. It always (rain). But one not (come) to England for the weather, there (be) other, more important reasons to be here. I always (love) England and the English, and London (be) my most favourite city in the entire world. I (love) it even more than my hometown, New York.

Ex. 1 48 . Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect.

After Pitty (go), Scarlett (go) wearily into the downstairs hall and (light) a lamp. The house (feel) steamingly hot, as though it held in its walls all the heat of the noontide. Some of her dullness (pass) now and her stomach (clamour) for food. She (remember) she (have) nothing to eat since the night before except a spoonful of hominy and picking up the lamp she (go) into the kitchen. The fire in the oven (die) but the room (be) hot. She (find) half a pone of bread and (eat) quickly while she (look) about for other food. There (be) some hominy left in the pot and she (eat) it with a big cooking spoon, not waiting to put it on a plate. It (need) salt badly but she (be) too hungry to hunt for it. After four spoonfuls of it, the heat of the room (be) too much and, taking the lamp in one hand and a piece of bread in the other, she (go) out into the hall. It (be) so much cooler here, even the night was drowned in soft warmth. She (sit) down on the steps in the circle of faint light thrown by the lamp and (continue) eating the bread. When she (finish) it, a measure of strength (come) back to her.

                                                                                                           (After M. Mitchell)

Ex . 1 49 . Translate into English.

1. Куди ви ходили? – Я ходила до бібліотеки. Я забула там книгу і ходила за нею.          2. Куди він пішов? – Я думаю, він пішов до інтернет-кафе. Він завжди ходить туди по п’ятницям . 3. – Ви давно живете в цьому місті? – Двадцять шість років. – Де ви жили раніше? – У С.-Петербурзі. 4. Дорого дня! Проходьте, будь ласка. Я чекав на вас. 5. Що ти робиш? – Я роблю домашнє завдання з англійської мови. – Невже ти робиш уроки зранку? – Так, я завжди вчу англійську після того, як поснідаю. 6. Ми йдемо вже шість годин і дуже втомилися. 7. Ви знайшли ключ, що загубили вчора? – Так, знайшла. – А де знайшли? – Він весь час був у моїй кишені. 8. Ми знайомі з ним вже більше року. 9. Ми з ним разом вчилися в школі і залишилися друзями на все життя. 10. – Ваші гості вже приїхали. – Я знаю. 11. Він закінчив свою роботу в саду і сидів на балконі, читаючи газету. Вечір був теплий, а сонце тільки-но зайшло. 12. Я тут зранку чекаю на вас.         13. Коли я напишу листа, я відразу ж піду і відправлю його, але не знаю, коли вона його отримує. 14. Що в тебе з руками? – Я чистила картоплю. 15. Я в цьому місті вже п’ятнадцять років. Наша родина переїхала сюди, коли мені було десять. 16. Вони пишуть вам? – Так, ми листуємося вже шість років. 17. Я багато думаю про них останнім часом. Я не зустрічала їх з того часу, як переїхала сюди. 19. Я пишу цю книгу вже півроку і дуже втомилася. 20. Ось і ви! Ми тільки-но розмовляли про вас. 21. Ти знову грав на комп’юторі?

Ex. 15 0 . Use theright term of the verbs in brackets.

I. Harry (wake) early on Saturday morning and (lie) for a while thinking about the coming match. He (be) nervous since Monday, mainly at the thought of what Wood (say) if the team (lose). He nеvеr (want) to beat Slytherin so badly. He (get) up, (dress), and (go) down to breakfast early, where he (find) the rest of the team. They (sit) at the long, empty table. Nobody (talk).        

II. A week later, Harry, Snape and Ron (walk) across the Entrance Hall when they (see) a small knot of people who (gather) around the notice-board and (read) a pie of parchment that just (pin up). “They (start) a Duelling Club!”, (say) Ron. “First meeting tonight! I not (mind) duelling lessons, they (may) come in handy one of the days. We (go)?”Harry and Snape (be) all for it, so eight o’clock that evening they (hurry) back to the Great Hall. “I wonder who (teach) us? I hope it (be) Frederick,” said Snape.

Ex. 15 1 . Translate into English.

1. Я все думала про кількість років, що ми пропрацювали разом, і як мало я, чесно кажучи, знаю про тебе. 2. Коли вони підійшли до того місця, де він упустив каблучку у струмок, він зупинився. 3. Тобі подобається готувати? – Так, подобається. Це одне з моїх хобі вже багато років. 4. Тато завжди називав мене Кейті. 5. Давай обговоримо цю справу тут, у кав’ярні. В офісі постійно буде дзвонити телефон. 6. Вони повертаються. – Я думаю, цього разу вони зупиняться в готелі. 7. Вона зачинилася і не зійде вниз, поки вони не підуть. 8. Я зрозумів, що момент, на який він очікував, настав. 9. Розповідай мені, що сталося, поки мене не було. 10. Я знаю прізвища всіх у селі. Я живу тут все своє життя. 11. Я готувала обід у той час, як вона прибирала в кімнаті. 12. Не встигли вони зайти в дім, як почалася буря. 13. Вона відвернулася, але не раніше, ніж він побачив сльози, що заблищали в її очах.14. Я вирішила не ходити на виставку. Я піду сьогодні до бібліотеки. Я вже три місяці не міняла книги. 15. Як довго ти так погано себе почуваєш? 16. Він не прийде. Я тільки-но розмовляв з ним по телефону. 17 Філліп заніс свою валізу до вагону і стояв та палив на платформі.  18. Вони ніколи раніше не танцювали разом. 19. Дощ йде з самого ранку, і я думаю, він не припиниться до вечора. 20. До кінеця тижня я закінчу цей переклад. 21. Хто відкрив Австралію? 22. Ледве він відкрив вікно, порив вітру розкидав його папери по підлозі. 23. Наступного року в цей самий час ми будемо плити назад до Америки. 24. Ти йдеш дуже швидко, порівняно зі мною. 25. Все добре, лялечко, не плач! Тобі просто щось наснилося. 26. Небо помарніло, а потім почало темніти, з’явилося кілька зірок. 27. Його дружина, яка тільки що вклала їх маленьку доньку спати, сиділа у вітальні з книгою. 28. Потяг вирушає о сьомій. Якщо ми не поїдемо на вокзал негайно, ми запізнимося. 29. Ми прожили в Харрісів дві доби і повернулися до Лондона потягом. 30. Коли я встав, я підійшов до вікна. Хоча дощу вже не було, але скрізь були великі калюжі. 31. Я ніколи в житті не почував себе так добре, як зараз. 32. Завтра я їду до міста на два тижні. 33. Не встиг я дійти до кінця вулиці, як почув чиїсь кроки позаду. 34. Я розповім вам все, про що дізнаюся. 35. Погода в цей день була похмура. Холодний вітер, що дув зранку, перестав, але дощ все ще мрячив. 36. Ледве я встиг попрощатися з ними, як потяг рушив. 37. Він відкрив вікно, і палив, дивлячись на вечірню річку. 38. Ми їхали майже годину, а потім зупинилися біля невеликої кав’ярні. 39. Це була дуже затишна і чиста кухня. Сонце сіяло крізь ідеально-чисті стекла, підлога блищала, на плиті кипів чайник, і товстий чорний улюбленець місіс Браун солодко спав на підвіконні.

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