The History of the Automobile

The automobile as we know it was not invented in a single day by a single inventor. The history of the automobile reflects an evolution that took place worldwide. It is estimated that over 100,000 patents created the modern automobile. However, we can point to the many firsts that occurred along the way. Starting with the first theoretical plans for a motor vehicle that had been drawn up by both Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton.

In 1769, the very first self-propelled road vehicle was a military tractor invented by French engineer and mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot (1725 - 1804). Cugnot used a steam engine to power his vehicle, built under his instructions at the Paris Arsenal by mechanic Brezin.

It was used by the French Army to haul artillery at a whopping speed of 2 1/2 mph on only three wheels. The vehicle had to stop every ten to fifteen minutes to build up steam power. The steam engine and boiler were separate from the rest of the vehicle and placed in the front. In 1771, Cugnot drove one of his road vehicles into a stone wall, making Cugnot the first person to get into a motor vehicle accident.


Задание №3 Согласитесь либо опровергните высказывания.

1. The automobile as we know it was invented in a single day by a single inventor.

2. It is estimated that over 200,000 patents created the modern automobile.

3. Starting with the first theoretical plans for a motor vehicle that had been drawn up by both Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton.

4. In 1769, the very first self-propelled road vehicle was a military tractor invented by Cugnot.

5. The steam engine and boiler were separate from the rest of the vehicle and placed in the front.

Задание №4 Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

1. it was not invented in a single day by a single inventor

2. a motor vehicle

3. the very first self-propelled road vehicle

4. steam engine

5. whopping speed

Задание №5 Продолжите предложения, пользуясь текстом.

1. The automobile as we know …

2. the first theoretical plans for a motor vehicle …

3. In 1769, the very first self-propelled road vehicle was …

4. It was used by the French Army …

5. The vehicle had to stop every ten to fifteen minutes …



Вариант №7

Задание №1. Перепишите предложения, употребляя данные в скобках глаголы в соответствующей видовременной форме активного залога. Переведите предложения на русский язык .

1. I (live) in Moscow many years ago.

2. Mike (buy) a new car last week.

3. My granny (to be) fond of knitting socks in the evening.

4. He (have) a cup of tea every morning.

5. Tomorrow we (go) to the theatre.


Задание №2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Roads, Their History

A road is a land line which is organized and equipped for moving people and transport vehicles. It is a constituent part of a transport infrastructure.

An automobile road includes a whole complex of functionally connected constructive elements and artificial building constructions. It is intended for supplying safe movement of different vehicles. Each road includes a traffic area as well as tram ways, sidewalks, roadsides and disjunctive lines.

The first roads appeared in the fourth century BC. One of them was found in Mesopotamia and another one was in an English town of Glastonbury. Sweet Track is the first prehistoric paved bulk road which was founded on the swamp coastal plain Somerset Levels in the County of Somerset.

This road was built in the 39th century BC. It consisted of wood crossbeams which were put one on another. It was made of ash-tree, oak-tree and linden.


Задание №3 Согласитесь либо опровергните высказывания.

1. A road is a land line which is organized and equipped for moving people and transport vehicles.

2. It is not a constituent part of a transport infrastructure.

3. The first roads appeared in the fifth century BC. 

4. An automobile road includes a whole complex of functionally connected constructive elements and artificial building constructions.

5. Sweet Track is the first prehistoric paved bulk road which was founded on the swamp coastal plain Somerset Levels

Задание №4 Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

1. is organized and equipped for moving people and transport vehicles

2. functionally connected constructive elements

3. safe movement

4. the first prehistoric paved bulk road

5. It consisted of wood crossbeams


Задание №5 Продолжите предложения, пользуясь текстом.

1. A road is a land line …

2. Each road includes a traffic area as well as …

3. The first roads appeared …

4. This road was built …

5. It was made of …

Вариант №8

Задание №1. Перепишите предложения, употребляя данные в скобках глаголы в соответствующей видовременной форме активного залога. Переведите предложения на русский язык .

1. I (visit) the conference two weeks ago.

2. He (to be) good at painting pictures: they are exhibited at this museum.

3. Ann often (play) tennis at weekends.

4. We (go) to Moscow next year.

5. Jack (take) this book from the library last month.


Задание №2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


Traffic signs play a vital role in directing, informing and controlling road users' behaviour in an effort to make the roads as safe as possible for everyone. This makes a knowledge of traffic signs essential. Not just for new drivers or riders needing to pass their theory test, but for all road users, including experienced professional drivers. There are three basic types of traffic sign: signs that give orders,signs that warn and signs that give information. Each type has a different shape. A further guide to the function of a sign is its colour. All triangular signs are red.

Blue circles generally give a mandatory instruction,such as "turn left", or indicate a route available only to particular classes of traffic, e.g. buses and cycles only. Red rings or circles tell you what you must not do, e.g. you must not exceed 30 mph, no vehicles over the height shown may proceed. Blue rectangles are used for information signs except on motorways where blue is used for direction signs. Green rectangles are used for direction signs on primary routes. White used for direction signs on non-primary routes, or for plates used in combination with warning and regulatory signs. There are a few exceptions to the shape and colour rules, to give certain signs greater prominence. Examples are the "STOP" and "GIVE WAY" signs.


Задание №3 Согласитесь либо опровергните высказывания.

1. There are four basic types of traffic sign.

2. Each type has a different shape.

3. All triangular signs are green.

4. Red rings or circles tell you what you must not do.

5. There are no exceptions to the shape and colour rules.

Задание №4 Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

1. directing, informing and controlling road users' behavior

2. to make the roads as safe as possible

3. three basic types of traffic sign

4. give a mandatory instruction

5. primary routes

Задание №5 Продолжите предложения, пользуясь текстом.

1. Traffic signs play a vital role in…

2. Not just for new drivers or riders…

3. There are three basic types of traffic sign…

4. Red rings or circles tell you…

5. There are a few exceptions to the shape…


Вариант №9

Задание №1. Перепишите предложения, употребляя данные в скобках глаголы в соответствующей видовременной форме активного залога. Переведите предложения на русский язык .

1. Bill (draw) this picture when he was fifteen years old.

2. He (like) to travel to Asian countries, especially to China.

3. Next year I (pass) .my exams.

4. My father (leave) this city many years ago.

5. He (drive) a car very well.


Задание №2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Modern Bridges

A modern bridge probably demands greater skill from designer and builder than any other civil engineering project. Many things should be taken into consideration, and these may vary widely according to local conditions. In deciding what type of bridge is most suitable the designer has to consider the type and weight of the traffic, and width and depth of the gap to be bridged, the nature of the foundations and the method of erecting the bridge. The designer has to calculate carefully how the various loads would be distributed and to decide which building materials are more suitable for carrying these loads.

 Today bridge building is considered to be a science; but while it is of very recent origin, it must not be thought that the previous centuries made no contribution to our knowledge of bridge construction. Everyone knows that there are in existence bridges that are believed to have been constructed over two thousand years ago. Even the idea of the bridge has been given to man by nature. A tree accidentally falls across a stream served to provide a safe crossing. To drop another tree at its side and to use strong creepers to bind them together must have been man’s first step iin bridge building. Homer, who lived sometime between 800 and 1000 BC writes that bridges were common in his day and mentions in particular pontoon bridges to be used for the passage of the armies. Herodotes describes a bridge over the Euphrates which must have been built at Babylon about 780 BC. The Romans are known to have brought this construction to its high degree of perfection.


Задание №3 Согласитесь либо опровергните высказывания.

1. A modern bridge probably demands greater skill from designer and builder than any other civil engineering project.

2. In deciding what type of bridge is most suitable the designer has to consider only the type of the traffic.

3. The designer has to calculate carefully how the various loads would be distributed.

4. Today bridge building is not considered to be a science.

5. Homer, who lived sometime between 700 and 800 BC writes that bridges were common in his day.

Задание №4 Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

1. demands greater skill from designer and builder

2. should be taken into consideration

3. designer has to consider the type and weight of the traffic

4. method of erecting the bridge

5. pontoon bridges to be used for the passage of the armies

Задание №5 Продолжите предложения, пользуясь текстом.

1. Many things should be taken into consideration, and …

2. to decide which building materials …

3. it must not be thought that the previous centuries

4. Even the idea of the bridge …

5. A tree accidentally falls across a stream …


Вариант №10

Задание №1. Перепишите предложения, употребляя данные в скобках глаголы в соответствующей видовременной форме активного залога. Переведите предложения на русский язык .

1. He (like) to go to the theatre with his wife on weekends.

2. This dog (bite) me yesterday.

3. Travelling (to be) an amazing thing for many people.

4. She (lose) her keys last week.

5. I (speak) with him tomorrow.

Задание №2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


Surveying is the technique, profession, and science of accurately determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them. These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to establish land maps and boundaries for ownership or governmental purposes. To accomplish their objective, surveyors use elements of mathematics, physics, engineering and law.

Surveying has been an essential element in the development of the human environment since the beginning of recorded history. It is required in the planning and execution of nearly every form of construction. Its most familiar modern uses are in the fields of transport, building and construction, communications, mapping, and the definition of legal boundaries for land ownership.

Building surveying emerged in the 1970s as a profession in the United Kingdom by a group of technically minded general practice surveyors. Building surveying is a recognised profession in Britain, Ireland, Australia and Hong Kong.


Задание №3 Согласитесь либо опровергните высказывания.

1. In the early 19th century, the roads in all the major cities were chaotic.

2. Technically, the first traffic light was a revolving gas lantern with red and green lights

3. The first traffic light was installed at a Washington intersection in 1868.

4. In 1921, Lester Wire, a Salt Lake police officer invented an electric traffic light.

5. Morgan was born in 1877 in Kentucky.

Задание №4 Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

1. they are often used to establish land maps and boundaries

2. the development of the human environment

3. the surface of the Earth

4. position of points and the distances and angles between them

5. boundaries for ownership or governmental purposes

Задание №5 Продолжите предложения, пользуясь текстом.

1. To accomplish their objective, surveyors use …

2. Surveying has been an essential element …

3. Building surveying emerged in …

4. It is required in …

5. Its most familiar modern uses are …

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 302; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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