Exercise 7. Translate into English .

1. Он из Швеции, и его жена тоже. He is from Sweden, and so is his wife. 2. Я пока не заплатила за книги. – И я тоже не заплатила. I haven’t yet paid for the books. – Neither have I. 3. Мы слышали, что вы получили интересные сведения. – Да, получили. We heard you got interesting information. – Yes, we did. 4. Дети не могли устоять перед искушением. – И мы тоже. The kids couldn’t resist the temptation. – Neither could we. 5. Я была уверена, что он учится в университете. – Так и есть. I was sure he goes to university (?). – He does. 6. Книга очень интересная. И фильм тоже. The book is very interesting, and so is the film. 7. Он эксперт в экономике. – Так и есть. He’s an expert in economics. – He is . 8. Когда-нибудь мы поедем в кругосветное путешествие. – И мы тоже. One day we will go on a trip around the world. – So will we. 9. Мы должны поговорить. И наши родители тоже. We have to talk, and so do our parents. 10. Адриан думает, что он гений. – Да, он так думает. (Да, он и есть гений.) Adrian thinks he’s a genius. – Yes he does. (Yes, he is). 11. Холодильник не работает (не в порядке). И пылесос тоже. The fridge doesn’t work (isn’t alright), and neither does (is) the vacuum cleaner. 12. Все любят этого учителя. – Да, это так. Everyone loves this teacher. – Yes , they do. 12. Мои друзья не любят боевики, я их тоже не люблю. My friends don’t like action movies, neither do I.


Exercise 8. Put the underlined word with a negative or restrictive meaning first in the sentence. Make any other changes necessary.

Example: He could not say a single word.

Answer: Not a single word could he say.

1. He had never seen a more exciting show. Never had he seen a more exciting show.

2. He did not spill a drop. Not a drop did he spill.

3. We had hardly left the nursery when the baby began to cry. Hardly had we left the nursery, when the baby began to cry.

4. They little realized the harm they had done. Little did they realize the harm they’d done.

5. I have seldom heard the piece played so well. Seldom have I heard the piece played so well.

6. One rarely sees a sight like that. Rarely sees one a sight like that.

7. We stop to reflect too seldom. Too seldom do we stop to reflect.


Exercise 9. Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words given underneath each sentence, making any necessary changes.

Example: You should not go away under any circumstances.

Answer: Under no circumstances should you go away

1. I have never felt so angry in my whole life.

Never in my whole life have I felt so angry.

2. You rarely see so many Russian ships in the harbour.

Rarely see you so many Russian ships in the harbour. Do you see?

3. I did not realize until then how much she wanted to go.

Not until then did I realize how much she wanted to go.

4. I realized only much later what he was trying to achieve.

Only much later did I realize what he was trying to achieve.

5. He had scarcely had time to take his coat off when the phone rang.

Scarcely had he time to take his coat off, when the phone rang.

6. We had no sooner said yes than they ran upstairs to pack.

No sooner had we said yes, than they ran upstairs to pack

7. I have begun to think about politics only recently.

Only recently have I begun to think about politics.

8. I have seldom heard such rubbish.

Seldom have I heard such rubbish.

9. You will be able to extend your visa only in special circumstances.

Only in special circumstances will you be able to extend your visa.


Exercise 10. Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the adverb.

Example: The ball fell down. / It fell down.

Answer: Down fell the ball. / Down it fell.

1. Tom came in. In came Tom/ In he came. 2. He batted the balloon. It flew off. Off it flew. 3. Eliza said good night and walked quickly away. Eliza said good night. Quickly did she walk away. 4. They went out. Out they went. 5. The rocket flew up. Up flew the rocket. 6. They came in, laughing and shouting. In they came, laughing and shouting. 7. The kittens jumped up. Up jumped the kittens.



Exercise 11. Rewrite each of the following sentences using two of the adverbs listed with went and/or came.

down up out in back over on off across

Example: As the rain started, people opened their umbrellas.

Answer: Down came the rain and up went the umbrellas.

1. When the value of the pound increased, the volume of exports fell. Up went the value of the pound, down went the volume of exports.

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