Exercise 5. Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the adverb.


Exercise 1. Rewrite the jumbled phrases to make sentences with the correct word order.

1. named / Samantha / their first daughter / the couple. The couple named their first daughter Samantha.

2. to stand / when he arrives/ visitors/ expects / His Excellency. His Excellency expects visitors to stand when he arrives.

3. to stay / a legal assistant / I wouldn’t like / for long. I wouldn’t like to stay a legal assistant for long.

4. brought / the team / Amanda / her expertise. Amanda brought the team her expertise.

5. has become / a very inexperienced salesman / the Sales Manager. A very inexperienced salesman has become the Sales Manager.

6. provided / all rubbish / please / in the bins/put. Put all rubbish in the bins provided please.

7. let / to / your parents / all-night parties / do / go / you/? Do your parents let you go to all-night parties?

8. the grenade / removed / the paratrooper / the pin / from / carefully. The paratrooper carefully removed the pin from the grenade.

9. of destruction / all sick / the scenes / us / made / in the film. The scenes of destruction in the film made us all sick.

10. an easy programme / trying / first / recommended / the trainer. The trainer recommended trying an easy programme first.


Exercise 2. Comment upon the kind of inversion. Point out what it was caused by.

1. In none of the books could I discover anything to the point at issue. (full communicative; ? adverbial modifier of place)

2. In the hall was hung a reproduction of Boticelli's Primavera. (full communicative; ? adverbial modifier of place)

3. In fact, had she not worn an apron, he would not have known how to address her. (partial grammatical; in conditional clauses introduced asyndetically)

4. So engrossed in his thoughts was he that he was scarcely surprised at that strange phenomenon. (partial emphatic; so followed by that)

5. 'Mr. Jones,' the man grunted (full grammatical; in the author’s words in direct speech) and I walked in, and there stood all the Toads looking at me. (full communicative; the introductory there)

6. Storms don't rage continually, nor is the wind for ever boisterous. ( partial communicative; nor? showing the remark applies equally to something )

7. Scott was still grinning and inspecting us closely, and so was Hemingway. (partial communicative; so -  showing the remark applies equally to something)

8. Had Pforzeheim been other than a distinguished visitor, he would have answered sharply. (partial grammatical; in conditional clauses introduced asyndetically)

9. At either end of the mantelpiece were pink jars with blue flowers on the front. (full communicative; adverbial modifier of place)

10. Scott was panting and sweating, and so was I. (partial communicative; so – showing the remark applies equally to something)

11. Never had she desired anything but what was base and unworthy. (partial emphatic; beginning with negative word never)

12. Down flew the bat. (full emphatic; postposition)


Exercise 3. Rewrite the following with inversion of subject and (auxiliary) verb. Your answers will begin with had, should or were.

Example: If I told him, he'd probably laugh.

Answer:  Were I to tell him, he'd probably laugh.

1. If you see an unidentified flying object, let me know. Should you see an unidentified flying object, let me know.

2. If I were to see one, I should certainly inform you. Were I to see one, I should certainly inform you.

3. And if by any chance I met an alien astronaut, I'd inform the newspapers too. Should I meet an alien astronaut, I’d inform the newspapers too.

4. If you had been with me last night, you would have seen the UFOs. Had you been with me last night, you would have seen the UFOs.

5. If you hadn't told me, I would never have believed it. Had you not told me, I would never have believed it.

6. If I hadn't examined the photograph myself, I would have thought it was a fake. Had I not examined the photograph myself, I would have thought it was a fake.


Exercise 4. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.

1. Should ………. anything, could you let me know? You find out

2. Had ……….. harder, I would probably have passed all my exams. I tried harder

3. Should ……… neighbourhood, why don’t you drop in? you be in the…

4. Had ……….. immediately, your daughter would not be so ill. You turned

5. Were ………. you, I would turn you down flat! I a stranger to you

6. Should …………., just call room service, and order a meal. You be hungry

7. Had ……….. measures, this political crisis could have been avoided. Our government taken

8. Had ……… lost, we would have heard from him by now. He not been (?)


Exercise 5. Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the adverb.

Example: Tom is there. / He is there.

Answer: There is Tom. / There he is.

1. Her own house was there. There was her own house. 2. Ah! And she was here! Ah! (And?) Here she was. 3. The morning of his news came then. Then the morning of his news came. 4. The rest of the monkeys came here. Here came the rest of the monkeys 5. “He comes here,” I said. ‘Here he comes’, I said. 6. My brother comes here. Here comes my brother.


Exercise 6. Make the dialogues by agreeing or disagreeing with the speaker's idea. Use so or neither.

1. I'm tired. So am I. 2. I didn't enjoy the show last night. Neither did I. 3. We have never been to Japan. Neither have I. 4. I don't feel like studying today. Neither do I. 5. I need to go to the bank after lunch. So do I. 6. We studied hard last term. So did I. 7. He should stay at home and help his wife. So should I. 8. I don't have a computer. Neither do?? have?? I. 9. I have to go to the chemist's this afternoon. So do I. 10. I can't speak Italian.  Neither can I. 11. I can speak English. So can I. 12. I always have a cup of coffee in the morning. So do I. 13. I don't like eating fast food. Neither do I. 14. Nick has lost his passport. So have I. 15. Ben is intelligent.  So am I.


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