VII. Publishing houses and news agencies.

Translation of the names of British/ American publishing houses is performed according to the following rule: they are transliterated or transcribed and explicated at the same time:

Associated Book Publishers – лондонська книжково-видавнича фірма “Ассошіетід бук паблішерз”;


Cambridge University Press – англійське видавництво наукової та довідкової літератури при Кембріджському університеті “Кембрідж юніверсіті прес”;


Edward Arnolds (Publishers) Ltd. – лондонське видавництво навчально-педагогічної та наукової літератури “Едвард Арнольдз (паблішерз) лімітед”.

Not infrequently, however, the word “publishing house” is not mentioned at all. Nevertheless in Ukrainian translation the identifying noun видавництво should necessarily be added:

Penguin Books – лондонське видавництво “Пенґвін букс”;

Random House (USA) – видавництво художньої літератури “Рендом Гаус” (США);

Beacon Press ( USA ) – американське видавництво підручників “Бікон Прес”.


Names of Ukrainian publishing houses are rendered into English similarly: with the corresponding identifying noun Publishers or Publishing House added to it:

Видавництво “Український письменник”/ “Дніпро” – Kyiv Ukrains’kyi Pysmennyk/ Dnipro Publishers (Publishing House);


Видавництво “Либідь” – Kyiv Shevchenko University Lybid’ Publishers (scientific literature and higher school manuals).



The names of news agencies are also transcribed or transliterated and shortly explicated in the TL:

(the British) Reuters (news Agency) – англійське інформаційне аґентство “Рейтер”;

Інформаційне агентство Дінау Укрінформ – Ukrainian Dinau Ukrinform News Agency;

But: Китайське інформаційне аґентство Сінь-Хуа – Chinese Communist New China News Agency.


 VIII. Names of Public Bodies.

Names of public bodies are mostly translated. These include:

· political parties;

· trade unions;

· national and international bodies of different rank and functions.

the British Conservative Party – консервативна партія Великої Британії;

Українська селянська партія – the Ukrainian Farmer’s Party;

Спортивне товариство “Динамо” – Dynamo sports society.


Similarly treated are also various names of English/ American trade unions which may sometimes go under the names “association”, “society”, “organization”, “brotherhood” or simply “union”, which should always be translated as профспілка:

– British Transport and General Workers Union – профспілка робітників транспорту і некваліфікованих працівників Великої Британії.           

Some trade unions of the USA are amalgamated with those of Canada. This is always indicated by the word “international” which should not erroneously be taken for міжнародний/ міжнародна and consequently has to be translated as об ’ єднана профспілка США і Канада:

International Ladies Garment Workers – Об’єднана профспілка робітників по пошиттю жіночого верхнього одягу США і Канади;


Names of Ukrainian trade unions are translated in the same way as the English (or American) ones. They may also be rendered in their full official wording or somewhat shortened (without using the words “trade union”):

– Профспілка працівників освіти, вищої школи і наукових установ – Ukrainian Public Education,Higher School and Scientific Institutions Workers (Trade) Unions.


Similarly translated are also names of international organizations as:

International Monetary Fund (IMF) – Міжнародний Валютний Фонд;

Economic European Council – Економічна Рада Європи (Рада Європи);

Дніпровський Центр українсько-польських культурних, наукових і ділових зв’язків

The Dnieper area Center for Ukrainian and Polish Cultural, Scientific and Business Relations.


IX. Geographical names.

It must be emphasized that in recent decades there has been !!! a general tendency in translation practice to transcribe or transliterate foreign proper names and not to translate them. In conformity with the tendency some proper names of people and place names which had hitherto been translated are now transcribed or transliterated.

So Michael Faraday is no more Михайло Фарадей but Майкл Фарадей;

Gerge Washington is Джордж (and not Георг) Вашінгтон;


This tendency should also be observed when dealing with some other proper names, including geographical ones (the general tendency up to recently being transcription or transliteration). Thus a considerable number of English geographical names are rendered into Ukrainian by way of transcription only:

So Salt Lake City is no more місто Солоного Озера but місто Солт Лейк-Сіті.

Buckinghamshire – Бакінгемшир;

Freetown – Фрітаун;

Greenfield – Ґрінфілд;

Newfoundland – Ньюфаундленд.


Many English place names, along with other geographical and proper names, are conveyed in Ukrainian partly with the help of transcription and partly via transliteration:

This can be observed in the two-syllable names in the examples below.

· The first (1) group of the geographical names has the initial syllables transliterated and the closing syllables transcribed,


· whereas the second group (2) contains geographical names with the initial syllables transcribed and the closing syllables transliterated:

          (1)                                                                                       (2)

Birmingham – Бірмінгем                                                 Brighton – Брайтон

Sheffield – Шеффілд                                                 Houston – Ґюстон

A few geographical names and some proper names of people have a traditionally establishedorthographical form which does not reflect in any way their pronunciation or their real orthograhic form in the English language:

Maine – Мен (штат США);

Ulster – Ольстер;

Texas – Техас;

The Arctic Ocean – Північний Льодовитий Океан;

Names of seas, oceans, bays, archipelagos, isthmuses ( перешийок) , straits, channels, administrative territories and compound names of countries having the structure of word-combinationsare always translated:

The Atlantic/ Pacific/ Indian Ocean – Атлантичний/ Тихий/ Індійський Океан;

The Gulf of Mexico/ Salonica – Мексиканська/ Салонікська затока;

Закарпаття – Transcarpathia/ Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine;

Краснодарський/ Ставропольський край – Krasnodar/ Stavropol Territory.


The geographical names formed on the basis of common nouns which acquired the status of proper names are generally translated from English into Ukrainian and vice versa:

Cape of Good Hope – мис Доброї Надії;

Golden Gate – Золоті Ворота;

Great Slave Lake – Велике Невільниче озеро.


Geographical names having single word and word-combination structures require some identifying element in the target language (an apposition noun, an adjective, etc.). These elements explain the nature and the real meaning of the geographical name in the TL:

Idaho Falls – місто Айдаго-Фолз;

The Azores/ the Seychelles – Азорські/ Сейшельські о-ви;

Connecticut – штат Коннектік(а)ут;

Буг/ Десна/ Рось – the Buh/ the Desna/ the Ros’ (rivers in Ukraine)

Полтавщина/ Львівщина – Poltava/ L’viv region (oblast).


!!! Foreign geographical names as well as many proper names of people are often reproduced in English not in the spelling form of the SL but in the traditionally established spelling form of the TL:

Варшава (Pol.: Warszawa) – Warsaw                       Кельн (Germ: Köln) – Cologne.

Венеція (Ital.:Venezia) – Venice;                              Мюнхен (Germ: München) – Munich;

Гаага (Dutch: den Haag) – the Hague;                     Неаполь (It: Napoli) – Naples.


Ukrainian geographical names should be translated into English as close to their source language form as possible unless other of their forms are historically or traditionally established: Моринці – Moryntsi; Запоріжжя – Zaporizhia/ Zaporizhya; Київ – Kyiv; Одеса – Odesa.


?? Some geographical names have in English their historically established forms/ variants too: Ладозьке озеро – Ladoga; Кольський півострів – Kola Peninsula; Мала Азія – Asia Minor.



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