Some names of our institutions which have recently changed their official status may be used with the definite article in the English translated variant:

Горлівський державний педагогічний інститут іноземних мов – The HorlivkaForeign Languages Teachers’ Training Institute (now University);


Музична школа імені М.Лисенка – The M.Lysenko Musical School.


It should be emphasized that the NNN or NNNN, etc. asyndetic word-groups are preferred in newspaper style (the former Kyiv Svyatoshyn Shlyakhom Peremoh (On the Road to Victories) state farm) whereas in spoken language or in belles-lettres works prepositional phrases are used to convey such and the like names of institutions ((the) Shlyakhom Peremoh (On the Road to Victories) state farm in Kyiv Svyatoshyn district).

!!! When translating such and the like often used today complicated names of different institutions, one should strictly stick to the rule: in English the honorary name, functioning as a relative adjective, follows the place name which is expressed in Ukrainian by possessive and relative adjective formed from the place name:

Київський державний педагогічний університет імені М.Драгоманова –

Kyiv (State) M.Drahomanov Teachers Training University.

It must be repeatedly emphasized that the placement of the honorary name in English translations is strictly predetermined and can not be changed deliberately unless required by the speech situation (style) and content.



!!! Care should be taken to avoid the stylistically unjustified expression “the named after” which is to be used only in explanatory versions, as in the sentence “After Ukraine’s gaining independence many state institutions were named after our most prominent patriots Hryshevsky, Vynnychenko and many others”. Hence the Lviv V.Stefanyk library is never the named after V.Stefanyk Lviv Library.



V. Hotels, guest houses, hostels:

Names of hotels are mostly reproduced through transcription or transliteration and explication at the same time:

The Royal Court Hotel – готель “Роял корт”:

Готель “Київ”/ “Русь”/ “Україна” – the Kyiv/ Rus’/ Ukraina Hotel;

Лисянський готель “Колос” – the Lysyanka Kolos Hotel.

When the names originate from common nouns or word-combinations they may be translated:

Готель “Колос”/ “Берізка”/ “Затишок” – the Kolos/ Birch Tree/ Cosy NookHotel;

The Mitre Hotel – лондонський готель “Майтер” (Митра);



VI. Translating the names of streets, squares and residential areas.

Translation of the names of streets, avenues and squares is predetermined by several factors.

Alongside the established tradition, the most important of these factors is the meaning of the component parts making up the name.


· The name of streets with an appositional “street/ avenue” nouns.

When used in the text, the names of streets, avenues, roads, and squares may often be simply transcribed or transliterated, since the nouns “street”, “avenue”, “road” or “squareare familiar to many Ukrainians:

Dean Street – Дін-Стріт;

Milton Street/ Oxford Street – Мільтон Стріт/ Оксфорд Стріт;

Farrington Road – Фаррінґтон-Роуд.


       – When used out of context, the names of streets, avenues and squares require in Ukrainian an additional explanatory noun вулиця (бульвар, провулок):

       Narrow Lane – вул. (пров.) Нерроу-лейн;

       Midland Park Road – вул. Мідланд-парк роуд.


· The streets (avenues) with numbers instead of the proper names always have the number translated and given in figures:

Sixth/ Seventh Street – Шоста/ Сьома вулиця;

First (Third, Ninth) Avenue – Перша (Третя/ Дев’ята) авеню.

·  The name of streets with no appositional “street/ avenue” nouns in English must be added вулиця in Ukrainian translation:

Cheyne Walk – вул. Чейні-вок;

The Pall Mall – вул. Пел Мел;

Unwin Place – вул. Анвін-Плейс;

Portland Place – вул. Портленд-плейс.

·  Ukrainian names of streets (roads, avenues) are translated according to the common rule, the proper name being transliterated (rarely transcribed) and the explaining common noun вулиця, бульвар, провулок is translated:

Андріївська/ Польова вулиця – Andriivska/ Polyova Street;

Бульвар Лесі Українки/ Шевченка – Lesya Ukrainka/ Shevchenko Avenue.

! In recent years, however, especially in the local English press more and more often our вулиця, бульвар etc. are transliterated in English:

Vulyts’a / vulytsia Kostel’na/ Bohdana Khmelnyts’koho;

Ploshcha Peremohy/ Tolstoho.

When the noun вулиця, бульвар, провулок is not used in Ukrainian, it should naturally be added in the English translation:

Андріївський Узвіз – Andriivskyi Uzviz Road (Vulytsia);

Лиса Гора/ Ярославів Вал – Lysa Hora/ Yaroslaviv Val Street (Vulytsia).


·  The names of Ukrainian streets and squares given in honour of social, political or historical events/ personalities, along with the names formed from regular common nouns, qualitative or relative adjectives, are mostly translated.

This way of translating is especially common:

 in written language when it is not connected directly with oral communication and

–  when the name originates from a common noun or is a stable word-combination denoting some historical or revolutionary event whose meaning may be not clear to the receptor if transliterated only:


Бульвар Дружби народів – The Friendship of Nations (People’s Friendship) Avenue /Bulvar;

Вулиця Верховної Ради – Verkhovna Rada Street/ Vulytsia;

Площа Богдана Хмельницького – Bohdan Khmel’nytskyi Square (Ploshcha) also

                                                Bohdana Khmel’nytskoho Square (Ploshcha);

Контрактова площа – Kontraktova Square (Ploshcha).

Площа Перемоги – Peremoha (Victory) Square (Ploshcha);

The names of English squares:

are also mostly transcribed and explicated (by adding площа) whether the noun “square” is mentioned or not:

Percy Circus – площа Персі-серкус;

Elephant and Castle – площа Елефант енд Касл;

Hanover Square – площа Геновер-Сквер.


Some names of squares may be either transcribed/ transliterated or translated from the English language as well:

Trafalgar Square – площаТрафальґар-Сквер/ Трафальґарська площа.

Parliament Square – площа Парламент-Сквер/ Парламентська площа.




Sometimes in oral and written practice both transliteration or transcription as well as regular translation may be employed. This becomes inevitable when the name of the square/ street originates from a common noun or when it is necessary to avoid some misundestanding. Besides, there may arise a need to clarify the lexical meaning of a proper name (or a component part of it) in the TL:

Площа Перемоги – Peremoha (Victory) Square (Ploshcha);

Площа Возз ’ єднання – Vozyednannya (Reunification) Square (Ploshcha).


The rule of translating such peculiar notions as житловий масив and адміністративний районin a city. Thus:

 Васильківський/ Яготинський район is Vasyl’kivs’kyi/ Yahotyns’kyi district (rayon);

Шевченківський район м.Києва – Shevchenkivs’kyi district of Kyiv.


Any житловий район in any city is always a residential area:

 (the) Syrets/ Nyvky residential area (in Kyiv Shevchenkivs’kyi district);

 the Oleksiyivka residential area (in Kharkiv);

–  the Kharkivs’kyi Masyv residential area (in Kyiv).


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