Task 14. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

The bar for what companies expect out of IT professionals has raised greatly.

Highly qualified IT professionals are experts both in information and communication technologies.

IT professionals are faced with number of companies increasing IT staff.

The range of IT professionals’ skills has ventured far away from conventional computer and entered the realm of business.

The list of skills that companies require from IT professionals is not long.

Task 15. Discuss the following questions.

Why have the companies seeking IT professionals raised the bar for what they expect out of them?

What business prospects are employers in search now?

What problems do IT professionals face now?

Which skills should an IT professional possess?


Task 16. Insert the prepositions.

These information technology manager jobs require a great deal … knowledge … personal computers, networks, servers and troubleshooting.

The manager … this role is responsible … the entire computer operations.

The primary objective … the business infrastructure manager is to promote business success … providing efficiently … employee’s computers and eliminating wasteful processes … outdated technology.

These information technology manager jobs are growing sector … the industry, handling the dual role … including coworkers … the IT decision making process and also helping guide ethical, professional and financial guidelines … executives.

Acting as independent contractors, these managers focus … information technology project management jobs, ranging … updating a computer system to governance consulting, computer process analysis, and more.



Requirements: need to, have to, must, be + essential, critical

Note how we describe requirements for particular jobs: You need to be able to empathise with the person at the other end of the phone. IT managers have to take responsibility for budgets. You must be interested in your subject. You must have worked for at least two years in systems analysis. Experience with mainframes is essential/critical. We can describe things which are not requirements like this: 6. You don't need to have a degree in computing science.   We can also treat need as a modal verb and use the negative form needn't: 7. You needn't have a degree in computing science. Have to is an ordinary verb. Its negative form is made in the usual way: 8. You don't have to be an expert in everything. Mustn't has a quite different meaning. It means it is important not to do something. It is used for warnings, rules and strong advice. For example: 9. You mustn't make unauthorised copies of software.  

Exercise 1. Open the brackets. Mind the tenses.

Though you (not can) know everything you (must, to be) an expert in your own field.

A consultant often (to have to) work on very small timescales- a few days here, a few days there.

He (to need, to be) better if he wants to apply for this job.

Any large organization (must) have at least one IT manager.

You (not must) set up any password system on this computer.

You (must, to spend) lots of time writing this program- it’s very complicated.

You (not to need) have any previous work experience.

(To be) very important to install firewalls and keep out hackers.

A system analyst (to have to) study systems in an organization and decide how to computerize them.

Production of special programs which control the internal operations of computers (to be) very necessary and essential nowadays.


Exercise 2. Use the appropriate modal verbs.

A webmaster …administer a Web server.

An applications programmer is a person who …write applications programs.

You …be extremely qualified if you …create such programs.

A security specialist …a useful qualification for your career.

You … attempt to gain unauthorized access to network systems.

If you …show someone an impressive piece of software with your name on it, it will count a lot more than a string of academic qualifications.

Though university degrees …rather essential still they are sometimes useless.

You … stay in one company for more than two years.

You … expect much if you don’t practice a lot.

You …be bright, communicative and to be able to earn the trust of your team.

Дата добавления: 2018-10-26; просмотров: 324; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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