Was needed test result is negative. What does this result of the test mean?

A Absence of cell immunity to the tuberculosis

B Presence of cell immunity to the tuberculosis

C Absence of antibodies for tubercle bacillus

D Absence of antitoxic immunity to the tuberculosis

E Presence of antibodies for tubercle bacillus


The donor who for a long time didn't donate the blood was investigated with IFA method.

Anti-HBs antibodies were revealed. What does positive result of IFA in this case mean?

A Previous hepatitis B

B Acute hepatitis B

C Acute hepatitis C

D Chronic hepatitis В

E Chronic hepatitis С


Bacteriological examination of purulent discharges from the urethra revealed gram-negative

Bacteria looking like coffee beans. They were localized in the leukocytes and could decompose

Glucose and maltose to acid. These are the causative agents of the following disease:

A Gonorrhoea

B Syphilis

C Veneral lymphogranulomatosis

D Soft chancre

E Melioidosis


Scraps of the mycelium of a fungus, spores, air bubbles and fat drops were discovered on

Microscopy of the patient's hair excluded from the infected areas. For what fungus disease is

This microscopic picture characteristic?

A Favus

B Microspory

C Trichophytosis

D Epidermophytosis

E Sporotrichosis


In order to speed up healing of a wound of oral mucosa a patient was prescribed a drug that is a

Thermostable protein occuring in tears, saliva, mother's milk as well as in a new-laid hen's egg. It

Is known that this protein is a factor of natural resistance of an organism. What is it called?

A Lysozyme

B Complement

C Interferon

D Interleukin

E Imanine


Study of bacteriological sputum specimens stained by the Ziel-Neelsen method revealed some

Bright-red acid-resistant bacilli that were found in groups or singularly. When inoculated onto the

Nutrient media, the signs of their growth show up on the 10-15 day. These bacteria relate to the

Following family:

A Micobacterium tuberculosis

B Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

C Histoplasma dubrosii

D Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis

E Coxiella burnettii


A man was admitted to the hospital on the 5th day of disease that manifested itself by jaundice,

Muscle aching, chill, nose bleedings. In course of laboratory diagnostics a bacteriologist

Performed dark-field microscopy of the patient's blood drop. Name a causative agent of this


A Leptospira interrogans

B Borrelia dutlonii

C Calymmatobacterium granulomatis

D Bartonella bacilloformis

E Rickettsia mooseri


Gramnegative bin-shaped diplococcus inside and outside of leucocytes were detected on

Bacteriological examination of the purulent exudates from the cervix of the uterus. Name the

Causative agent of purulent inflammation of the cervix of the uterus.

A Neisseria gonorroeae

B Chlamidia trachomatis

C Haemophilus vaginalis

D Trichomonas vaginalis

E Calymmatobacterium granulomatis


Patient with diarrhoea was admitted to the infection unit. Gramnegative curved rod-like bacteria

Were founded on bacterioscopic examination of faecal masses. What is the most likely disease

In this patient?

A Cholera

B Typhoid fever

C Salmonellosis gastroenteritis

D Diphtheria

E Intestinal form of plague


In a 2-year-old child with catarrhal presentations and skin rash a pediatrician suspected scarlet

Fever. The child was given intracutaneously a small dose of serum antibody to the streptococcal

Erythrogenic toxin; on the site of injection the rash disappeared. What do the reaction results


A The clinical diagnosis was confirmed

B The child has hypersensitivity to the erythrogenic toxin

C The disease wasn't caused by haemolytic streptococcus

D The whole serum dose may be injected intravenously

E The child has very weak immune system


From the defecation of a 6-year-old ill child, who has artificial feeding, the intestinal bacillus with

Antigen structure 0-111 is excreted. What is the diagnosis?

A Coli-enteritis

B Gastroenteritis

C Cholera-like diseasis

D Food poisoning

E Disentery-like diseasis


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 414; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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