Histological specimen presents a vessel the wall of which consists of endothelium, basal

Membrane and loose connective tissue. What type of vessel is it?

A Vein of non-muscular type

B Artery

C Vein of muscular type

D Hemocapillary

E Lymphocapillary


A patient died from acute cardiac insufficiency. The histological examination of his heart

Revealed the necrotized section in myocardium of the left ventricle, which was separated from

Undamaged tissue by the zone of hyperimic vessels, small hemorrhages and leukocytic

Infiltration. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A Myocardial infarction

B Myocardial ischemic dystrophy

C Focal exudate myocarditis

D Diffuse exudate myocarditis

E Productive myocarditis


Vitamin A deficit results in the impairment of twilight vision. Name the cells that have the

Above-mentioned photoreceptor function:

A Rod receptor cell

B Horizontal neurocytes

C Cone receptor cells

D Bipolar neurons

E Ganglion neurocytes


Kidneys of a man under examination show increased resorbtion of calcium ions and decreased

Resorbtion of phosphate ions. What hormone causes this phenomenon?

A Parathormone

B Thyrocalcitonin

C Hormonal form D3

D Aldosterone

E Vasopressin


During pubescence the cells of male sexual glands begin to produce male sex hormon

Testosterone that calls forth secondary sexual characters. What cells of male sexual glands

Produce this hormone?

A Leidig cells

B Sustentocytes

C Sertoli's cells

D Supporting cells

E Spermatozoa


The specimens present sections of haemopoetic and immunogenetic organs. Organ has lymph

Tissue forming different structures (lymph nodes,lobules, bars). In what organ does

Antigen-independent proliferation and differantiation take place?

A Thymus

B Lymphatic nodes

C Spleen

D Hemolymph nodes

E Tonsil


A patient with thrombophlebitis of lower extremities had got chest pains, blood spitting, growing

Respiratory failure that caused his death. Autopsy revealed multiple pulmonary infarctions. What

Is the most probable reason of their development?

A Pulmonary artery embolism

B Pulmonary artery thrombosis

C Bronchial artery thrombosis

D Bronchial artery embolism

E Pulmonary venous thrombosis


A patient complains of dryness of head skin, itching, fragility and loss of hair. After examination

He was diagnosed with seborrhea. Disturbed activity of which cells caused this condition?

A Cells of sebaceous glands

B Cells of sudoriferous glands

C Epithelial cells

D Adipocytes

E Melanocytes


A histological specimen of kidney shows a structure consisting of a glomerulus of fenestrated

Capillaries and a bilayer epithelial capsule. Specify this structure:

A Renal corpuscle

B Proximal tubule

C Distal tubule

D Henle's loop

E Receiving tube


A sensitive neural ganglion consists of roundish neurocytes with one extension that divides into

Axon and dendrite at some distance from the perikaryon. What are these cells called?

A Pseudounipolar

B Unipolar

C Bipolar

D Multipolar

E Apolar


An embryo displays disturbed process of dorsal mesoderm segmentation and somite formation.

What part of skin will have developmental abnormalities?

A Derma

B Hair

C Sebaceous glands

D Epidermis

E Sudoriferous glands


An electron microphotography of a fragment of proper gastric gland shows a big irregular

Round-shaped cell. There are a lot of intracellular tubules and mitochondria in the cytoplasm.

Specify this cell:

A Parietal cell

B Principal cell

C Undifferentiated cell

D Mucous cell

E Endocrine cell


A scheme presents an exocrinous gland that has unbranched excretory duct with a terminal part

In form of a saccule openining into the duct. How is this gland called according to the

Morphological classification of exocrinous glands?

A Simple unbranched alveolar

B Compound branched alveolar

C Simple branched tubular

D Compound unbranched alveolar

E Compound unbranched alveolar tubular


Roentgenological examination of skull base bones revealed enlargement of sellar cavity,

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 544; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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