Glycogen polysaccharide is synthesized from the active form of glucose. The immediate donor

Of glucose residues during the glycogenesis is:

A UDP-glucose

B Glucose-1-phosphate

C ADP-glucose

D Glucose-6-phosphate

E Glucose-3-phosphate


A number of diseases can be diagnosed by evaluating activity of blood transaminases. What

Vitamin is one of cofactors of these enzymes?

A B6

B B2

C B1

D B8

E B5


By the decarboxylation of glutamate in the CNS an inhibitory mediator is formed. Name it:


B Glutathione

C Histamine

D Serotonin

E Asparagine


To prevent attacks of acute pancreatitis a doctor prescribed the patient trasylol (contrycal,

Gordox), which is an inhibitor of:

A Trypsin

B Elastase

C Carboxypeptidase

D Chymotrypsin

E Gastricsin


A hospital has admitetd a patient complaining of abdominal bloating, diarrhea, flatulence after

Eating protein foods. These signs are indicative of the impaired digestion of proteins and their

Increased degradation. Which of the following compounds is the product of this process?

A Indole

B Bilirubin

C Cadaverine

D Agmatine

E Putrescine


A 20-year-old male patient complains of general weakness, rapid fatigability, irritability,

Decreased performance, bleeding gums, petechiae on the skin. What vitamin deficiency may be

A cause of these changes?

A Ascorbic acid

B Riboflavin

C Thiamine

D Retinol

E Folic acid


It is known that the monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme plays an important part in the

Metabolism of catecholamine neurotransmitters. In what way does the enzyme inactivate these

Neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine)?

A Oxidative deamination

B Addition of an amino group

C Removal of a methyl group

D Carboxylation

E Hydrolysis


Enzymatic jaundices are accompanied by abnormal activity of UDP-glucuronyl transferase.

What compound is accumulated in blood serum in case of these pathologies?

A Unconjugated bilirubin

B Conjugated bilrubin    

C Dehydrobilirubin

D Hydrobilirubin

E Choleglobin

                                                             1.0 Біологія


Woman applied to the medico-genetic consulting centre for information about the risk of

Haemophilia in her son. Her husband has been suffering from this disease since birth. Woman

And her parents are healthy (don't have haemophilia). Is the boy likely to have the disease in this


A All boys will be healthy

B All boys will be ill

C 50% of the boys will be ill

D 25% of the boys will be ill

E 75% of the boys will be ill


A man suffering from a hereditary disease married a healthy woman. They got 5 children, three

Girls and two boys. All the girls inherited their father’s disease. What is the type of the disease


A Dominant, X-linked

B Autosomal recessive

C Asutosomal dominant

D Y-linked

E Recessive, X-linked


A couple has a son with haemophilia. The parents are healthy but the maternal grandfather also

Has haemophilia. Specify the type of inheritance:

A Recessive sex-linked

B Recessive autosomal

C Dominant sex-linked

D Semidominance

E Autosomal dominant


Examination of newborns in one of the Ukrainian cities revealed a baby with phenylketonuria.

The baby's parents don't suffer from this disease and have two other healthy children. Specify

The most likely parents' genotype with phenylketonuria gene:

A Аа х Аа

B АА х аа

C аа х аа

D Аа х аа

E Аа х АА


Electrocardiogram of a 45-year-old man showed absence of P-wave in all the leads. What part

Of the conducting system is blocked?

A Sinu-atrial node

B Atrioventricular node

C Common branch of the bundle of His

D Branches of the bundle of His

E Purkinje’s fibres


When a patient with traumatic impairment of the brain was examined, it was discovered that he

Had stopped to distinguish displacement of an object on the skin. What part of the brain was


A Posterior central gurus

B Occipital zone of the cortex

C Parietal zone of the cortex

D Frontal central gurus

E Frontal zone


Different functional groups can be presented in the structure of L-amino acid’s radicals. Identify

The group that is able to form ester bond:




D -CH3

E -NH2


The conjugated protein necessarily contains special component as a non-protein part. Choose

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