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Вариант 3

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Types of career support

            Career information describes information that supports career and learning choices. An important sub-set of career information is labour market information (LMI), such as salaries of various professions, employment rate in various professions, available training programs, and current job openings. Career assessments are tests that come in a variety of forms and rely on both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Career assessments can help individuals identify and better articulate their unique interests, personality, values, and skills to determine how well they may match with a certain career. Some skills that career assessments could help determine are job-specific skills, transferable skills, and self-management skills. Career assessments can also provide a window of potential opportunities by helping individuals discover the tasks, experience, education and training that is needed for a career they would want to pursue. Career counselors, executive coaches, educational institutions, career development centers, and outplacement companies often administer career assessments to help individuals focus their search on careers that closely match their unique personal profile. Career counseling assesses people's interests, personality, values and skills, and helps them to explore career options and research graduate and professional schools. Career counseling provides one-on-one or group professional assistance in exploration and decision making tasks related to choosing a major/occupation, transitioning into the world of work or further professional training. Career education describes a process by which individuals come to learn about themselves, their careers and the world of work. There is a strong tradition of career education in schools, however career education can also occur in a wider range of other contexts including further and higher education and the workplace. A commonly used framework for careers education is DOTS which stands for decision learning (D), opportunity awareness (O), transition learning (T), and self-awareness (S). Oftentimes, higher education is thought of as being too narrow or too researched based and lacking of a deeper understanding of the material to develop the skills necessary for a certain career. Some research shows adding one year of schooling beyond high school creates an increase of wages 17.8% per worker. However, additional years of schooling, beyond 9 or 10 years, have little effect on worker's wages.

Дайте слово или фразу на английском языке для следующих определений .

       1) professional duties; 2) talent, skills, education; 3) appraise, decide the value of; 4) looking for a job; 5) statement about a person's character or abilities; 6) meeting or speaking with a person; 7) communicate; 8).person who gives a job.



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Business correspondence


       Business correspondence means the exchange of information in a written format for the process of business activities. Business correspondence can take place between organizations, within organizations or between the customers and the organization. The correspondence is generally of widely accepted formats that are followed universally. Need for written communication:

  Maintaining a proper relationship; Serves as evidence; Create and maintain goodwill; Inexpensive and convenient; Formal communication; Independent of interpersonal skills. Business letters. Business letters are the most formal method of communication following specific formats. They are addressed to a particular person or organization. A good business letter follows the seven C's of communication. The different types of business letters used based on their context are as follows: Letters of inquiry; Letters of claim/complaints; Letters of application; Letters of approval/dismissal; Letters of recommendations; Letters of promise.

   Official letters can be handwritten or printed. Modernisation has led to the usage of new means of business correspondence such as E-mail and Fax.

Email. Email is the least formal method of business communication. It is the most widely used method of written communication usually done in a conversational style. It is used when there is a need to communicate to large audience in an organization.

Memorandum. Memorandum is a document used for internal communication within an organization. Memos may be drafted by management and addressed to other employees, and it is sent with the money draft. Memos are sent to several people in a team when important business matters need to be updated to them or to a single person to have a written record of the information.



2.1. Расставьте части делового письма в правильном порядке:

a) Thank you for your letter of 4 November enquiring about our translation services.

Lingua Services Galactic offer a full range of translation services to help you in the development of sales literature and web sites. I have pleasure in enclosing our latest brochures and price list from which you can see that our prices are highly competitive.

b) Dear Steven Richmend

c) 2 June 2015

d) Sales Manager

e) Dreamtime Movies Ltd
54 Oxford Road, Skagnes SK3 4RG. Steven Richmend

f) Arrington Symphony
12 Main Street, Arrington, Tennessee, 37014

g) Mr. Jackson

h) Yours faithfully

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Federal resume

In the United States of America, a federal resume is a type of résumé constructed specifically to apply for Federal government jobs. Like a private sector resume, it contains a summary or listing of relevant job experience and education. A Federal resume is one of three documents accepted as an official application for position vacancies within the Federal government. The other two are the OF-612 and the traditional SF-171. The SF–171 is considered obsolete, no longer accepted by most government agencies. A standard private-sector resume should not be used to apply for Federal positions. Not only is the format different in terms of structure, length and content, but a Federal resume must include all the information required by a job announcement — not following these guidelines will irremediably get you eliminated. Federal resumes are written in chronological resume format. Specific information is required to be included on federal resumes so that applicants can be rated uniformly. This additional information is not typically requested on private sector resumes, and resumes that do not include it will likely be rejected. This information includes:

    Job Information (Announcement number, title, series and grade of job for which applying); Personal Information (Full name, mailing address w/ zip code, day and evening phone numbers w/ area code, social security #, country of citizenship, veteran’s preference, reinstatement eligibility, highest Federal civilian grade held)
Education; Work Experience (Job title, duties and accomplishments, employer’s name and address, supervisor’s name and phone number, starting and ending dates, hours per week, salary, indicate whether we may contact your current supervisor)
Other Qualifications (Job-related training courses, skills, certificates and licenses, honors, awards and special accomplishments; for example, publications, memberships in professional or honor societies, leadership activities, public speaking and performance awards)

A federal resume should cover the last ten years of employment history and, with few exceptions, should be three to five pages long when printed. When applying to federal government positions, KSA statements are sometimes required in addition to a federal resume, but in most cases, should be included in the text of your resume. The commonly accepted Outline Format resume, developed by Kathryn Troutman in the 1990s,[1] uses short paragraphs to describe duties and bulleted lists of accomplishments to illustrate KSAs.

   The USAJOBS website offers an online resume builder. Job counselors for the federal government recommend that you use the builder to create your online USAJOBS resume for two reasons: 1) the resume builder will help you ensure that all required content is included, and 2) your resume built through the system is "searchable" by HR specialists. It is recommended you build your blocks of text for each position you want to include in MS Word or a compatible text editor and to cut and paste it into the resume builder tool at the USAJOBS website. The site will allow you to have up to 5 resumes loaded as well as to upload other documents needed, such as a DD Form 214 for veterans, or non-official copies of college/university transcripts. {Read the announcement carefully to determine what documents to attach to your package.} Many USAJOBS announcements are time-sensitive. The process of creating your federal resume for the first time and gaining access to the various elements of the USAJOBS application system and any companion systems can take upwards of 2 hours. Successful candidates get familiar with the system and its components and have a basic resume built in the system that they can they adjust when they see a vacancy announcement of interest. Think of your federal resume as a "paper interview", this allows government HR specialists and hiring officials to get a detailed vision of your talents, skills and concrete examples of your past work.

3.1. Напишите на английском языке собственное резюме о приеме на работу.При написании резюме включите в него следующие пункты:

личные сведения;

образование (школа колледж и т. д ; название и годы учебы) ;

предыдущее или фактическое  место работы;

ваши способности;

ваши функции которые вы выполняли на предыдущей работе или то что выполняете сейчас на текущем месте работы;

владение языками и компьютерными программами

ваша цель которуювы хотите достигнуть при поступлении на новую работу;

ваши поручители.

Дата добавления: 2018-06-27; просмотров: 440; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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