Ex. 4. Use the words to make the meaningful sentences.

1. Used, many, a, word, languages, is, business, in.

2. Variety, trade, a wide, goods, of , international, makes.

3. Headquarters, the, companies, control, of, the, network, multinational.

4. Spends, professional, every, in, conferences, time, a lot of.

Ex.5. Choose one or two answers that are correct.

1. Nations import goods they…

a) produce efficiently.

b) specialize in.

c) lack or cannot produce efficiently.

2. Specialization often results in…

a) growth of population.

b) increased output.

c) decreased costs.

3. The USA is able to specialize in the computer industry because of its…

a) natural resources.

b) technical resources.

c) international trade.

4. Saudi Arabia is able to … in petroleum.

a) produce

b) design

c) specialize

Ex.6. Role play.

Imagine you are at an international meeting.

1. Choose the country you want to represent (France, the USA, the UK, Germany, Italy, etc.)

2. Choose one of the multinational companies (from the text).

3. Imagine you work for this company. Introduce yourself to some representative of another company.

a) Say what your company produces and is going to produce.

b) Speak about the plans for the future.

c) What are the advantages of working for a large multinational company?

d) What do you want to improve in the work of the company to gain high reputation?

Ex.7. Make a plan to the text and retell it.

Ex.8. Work in groups. Do you think these statements about China are true or false? Give your opinion. Write T(true) or F(false) under “My opinion”.

My opinion What the          

Article says


1 Today China has a free-market economy. ­­­­ ­­­­­­­­­______    _____

2 Its population is almost one billion.            ______     _____

3 In 2001, foreign companies invested the     ______    _____

same amount of money in China and Africa. ______    _____

4 Most Chinese people are in favor of

modernization.                                                 ______   _____

5 Average income has increased by almost

50% in the last decade.                                  ______   _____

6 The world’s top ten car makers are thinking

about investing in China.                              ______   _____

7.China’s rapid industrial development has

brought pollution problems.                       ______   ______

Ex.9. Read the article and write T(true) or F(false) under “What the article says” in 8.


        In less than three decades there have been enormous economical and social changes in China. Until 1978 industrial production was under control of the communist state. Today the state controls less than a quarter of industrial production and China has a free-market economy. In recent years its economy has been growing faster than other major country and is now the sixth largest in the world.

    More and more foreign companies have been investing in China attracted by its market of 1.3 billion people and its very cheap labor force. In 2001 China received $47 billion in foreign investment, four times more than the whole Africa, and in 20 times than half of China’s exports were from the foreign firms.

    China’s major cities, too, have changed dramatically. Huge new blocks, hotels, and shopping malls have appeared where before were traditional Chinese houses and markets. In Beijing and other cities, many areas of great cultural and historical interest have disappeared, but most Chinese are in favor of modernization and very happy with their 21st-century cities of glass and steel.

    Consumer goods are everywhere, and millions of Chinese can afford them because average income has more than doubled for last decade. In cities many people now have not only a TV, washing machine, video, and mobile phone, but also a car and an apartment.

    Since 2002, when there were only sixteen million cars in China sales have been rising rapidly and the world’s top ten global cars have set up joint ventures with Chinese car manufactures.

    But, as in every industrialized country, rapid industrial developments brought many problems, especially pollution. As industrialization continues and huge numbers of people enjoy western standards of living foe the first time, the worry is that the impact on the environment may also be huge.

Ex.10. Read the article again. Find the words and phrases that mean

1 putting money into

2 total number of workers

3 changed very much

4 covered areas with many shops

5 have enough money to buy

6 business activities where two organizations work together

7 effect

8 the natural world

Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 402; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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