The national holidays in the USA. Traditions and customs.

Leisure and entertainment.

The national holidays in the USA.

Customs vary with culture.

Leisure and entertainment.




1.Explain the following terms: Bakersfield sound, Bebop, crooners, the Easter Queen, Groundhog Day, Halloween, a Jack-o-lantern, the Nashville Sound, Samhain, Thanksgiving or Turkey Day, Trick-or- treating, Surf rock, Spirituals, the Blues, Dead Heads, NBA, the Super Bowl.


2.Decide whether the statements are true or false: 1. Baseball is popular in the Americas and parts of East Asia. 2. The iconic Johny Cash was an outstanding representative of rock-and-roll trend. 3. Perhaps the only unique American trend in music was surf rock. 4. The centrepiece of contemporary Thanksgiving is a large roasted turkey. 5. May Day is a socialist festival in the USA. 6. The first groundhog day was observed in Pennsylvania in 1887. 7. Halloween is related to the pagan festival of Samhain, Druidic New Year celebrated on the 1st of November. 8.The major contribution that America has made to the world is to invent jazz.


3. Prepare a presentation on: a) your favourite American musician or trend in music; b) your favourite American sportsperson.



 Literature: Гапонів А. Б.,Возна М. О. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни. Підручник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів.-Вінниця:Нова Книга,2005. Нестерчук Г. В. США и американцы.-Мн.:Выш шк.,2004. Письменная О А. Окна в англоязычный мир( история, география, социальные аспекты, языковая ситуация).- К.: OOO ‘ИП Логос”, 2004. Радовель В. А. Страноведение: CША:Уч. пособие.- Ростов н/ Д: Феникс, 2006. 

Seminar 6.


Literature and science. Art. Mass Media. Cinema. National personalities and icons.

  1. Literature of the USA.
  2. Famous scientists of the USA.
  3. Art. Famous American museums.
  4. Cinema. Hollywood. Awarding Oscars.
  5. Mass Media.
  6. National personalities and icons.

American theater.


Explain the following terms: the Big Tree, Oscar, Hollywood, Broadway, Hudson River School, the Gross Clinic, Nickelodeons.

Answer the questions:

a. What artistic school did Evergood engaged in? b. Can you name the representatives of the “golden age” of American painting? c. What was the first distinctively American school of painting? d . What are famous American museums? e. What is the centre of the cinema production in the USA? f. Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA? g. Which of the US presidents was a Hollywood actor? h. What city is Hollywood located in? i . What is the real name of Mark Twain? j .What is the name of the famous collection of museums in Washington, D.C.? k. What are the most popular American newspapers? l. Who are the most famous American writers? m. What American icons can you name? n . Why is the name of Bill Gates closely associated with modern computing? o. What world famous American personalities can you name?


3. Prepare a presentation on your favourite Hollywood film and its place in the history of cinematography.

Literature: Гапонів А. Б.,Возна М. О. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни. Підручник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів.-Вінниця:Нова Книга,2005. Нестерчук Г. В. США и американцы.-Мн.:Выш шк.,2004. Письменная О А. Окна в англоязычный мир( история, география, социальные аспекты, языковая ситуация).- К.: OOO ‘ИП Логос”, 2004. Радовель В. А. Страноведение: CША:Уч. пособие.- Ростов н/ Д: Феникс, 2006. 

Seminar 6


The American Way of Life



1. Nations of immigrants.

2. American food.

3. Americans at home.




Answer the following questions: 1. What quality is valued highly in American life? 2. What is considered impolite by Americans? 3. What American customs seem strange to you? What customs in your country might seem strange to visitors from the United States? 4. What are the tendencies in family development in the USA? 5.What do the terms ‘melting- pot’ and ‘salad –bowl’ mean to American society and culture? 6.Which sport is considered to be the national pastime of America? 7. What food is popular in the country? 8. Do Americans like pets?

Say whether the statement is true or false:


often drive long distances to go to a play or movie.

frequently send their children to colleges far away from home.

3) study a good deal about geography and other cultures in high school.

4) are more informal than people from many other countries.

5) like to embarrass foreigners by asking personal questions.

6) have a strong common heritage that goes back over 500 years.

7) often call people by their first names as soon as they meet them.

8) are very conscious of rank and usually call their boss by a title to show respect.


 Literature: Гапонів А. Б.,Возна М. О. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни. Підручник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів.-Вінниця:Нова Книга,2005. Нестерчук Г. В. США и американцы.-Мн.:Выш шк.,2004. Письменная О А. Окна в англоязычный мир( история, география, социальные аспекты, языковая ситуация).- К.: OOO ‘ИП Логос”, 2004. Радовель В. А. Страноведение: CША:Уч. пособие.- Ростов н/ Д: Феникс, 2006. 


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