New York City. Washington D.C.

Nbsp;  SEMINAR 1

Geographical survey of the USA. Composition of the country. National symbols. Political system. Population.


Geographical general survey of the USA. Composition of the country.

The USA – the country of diversity.

The US national symbols.

The population of the country.

Political structure of the USA.


1.Remember and explain the following terms: Big Apple, Melting Pot, Old Glory, the Pentagon, the Stars and Stripes, Watergate, the White house.


2.Answer the following questions:

1.What kind of nation is the USA? How many states are there in the USA? 2. What types of landscapes and climates are there in the USA? 3. What are the famous mountains, lakes and plains on the territory of the country? 4. What is the population of the USA? 5. What nationalities comprise the American nation? 6.What is the design of the National flag of the USA and what do its components mean? 7. What was the first flag to represent the American colonies? 8. What were the further changes in the general design caused by? 9. In what places is the national flag of the country usually displayed? 10.What is the expression ‘Uncle Sam’ used to denote?11.What are the meanings of the word ‘Yankee’? 12. ‘The Star –Spangled Banner’ as the national anthem and ‘God Bless America’ as unofficial anthem of the USA. 13.Political parties of the USA. 14. Presidents of the USA.

Literature: Гапонів А. Б.,Возна М. О. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни. Підручник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів.-Вінниця:Нова Книга,2005. Нестерчук Г. В. США и американцы.-Мн.:Выш шк.,2004. Письменная О А. Окна в англоязычный мир( история, география, социальные аспекты, языковая ситуация).- К.: OOO ‘ИП Логос”, 2004. Радовель В. А. Страноведение: CША:Уч. пособие.- Ростов н/ Д: Феникс, 2006. 


Seminar 2

The US History.

  1. Native Americans.
  2. The beginnings of America. The man who discovered the New World.
  3. Immigration and the creation of the USA.
  4. Racial inequality and the Civil War.
  5. Growth and expansion.
  6. The rise of modern America after WW1.



1.Explain the following terms: Abolitionists, the Cold War, the Founding Fathers of the US, the Great Depression, the pilgrims, New England, Emancipation Proclamation, the Trail of Tears, Lynch law, Ku Klux Klan, the League of Nations, iron curtain, McCarthyism, North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

 2.After having worked on additional sources, discuss European colonization of America and the impact it had on Native Americans.

3.Exercises 5 and 6, p.298, from the textbook by Haponiv A. and Vozna M.

4.Write a short biography of an American president who you believe have left a serious impact on the American history.


Literature: Гапонів А. Б.,Возна М. О. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни. Підручник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів.-Вінниця:Нова Книга,2005. Нестерчук Г. В. США и американцы.-Мн.:Выш шк.,2004. Письменная О А. Окна в англоязычный мир( история, география, социальные аспекты, языковая ситуация).- К.: OOO ‘ИП Логос”, 2004. Радовель В. А. Страноведение: CША:Уч. пособие.- Ростов н/ Д: Феникс, 2006. 

Seminar 3

System of government in the USA. System of education. Law. Religion. Language.

System of the US government. The major political parties.

Educational system.

Law. The system of courts in the USA.


Language. American English.



1. Explain the following terms: Puritans, Mennonites, Protestants, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Cabinet, americanism, the Supreme Court, Ivy League, United States Code.

 2. Decide whether the statements are true or false:

1. English is the official language of the USA. 2. The USA consists of fifty states with limited autonomy in which federal law takes precedence over state law. 3. The Federal Government consists of two branches: the executive and the legislative. 4. There are two major political parties in the USA: the democrats and the Republicans. 5. Church and state are not separated in the USA.

3. Exercise 2, p. 296, from the textbook by Haponiv A. and Vozna M.


Literature: Гапонів А. Б.,Возна М. О. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни. Підручник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів.-Вінниця:Нова Книга,2005. Нестерчук Г. В. США и американцы.-Мн.:Выш шк.,2004. Письменная О А. Окна в англоязычный мир( история, география, социальные аспекты, языковая ситуация).- К.: OOO ‘ИП Логос”, 2004. Радовель В. А. Страноведение: CША:Уч. пособие.- Ростов н/ Д: Феникс, 2006. 

Seminar 4


New York City. Washington D.C.


  1. Washington, D.C. From the history of Washington.
  2. Visiting Washington’s sights.
  3. Five different Washingtons.
  4. New York.
  5. The Statue of Liberty as a symbol of immigrants.




Key words: the Big Apple, Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, the Capitol, Lincoln Memorial, the White House, Fort Washington, Smithsonian Institution.



Answer the questions:

Where is the Capitol situated? 2. What was the original name of the White House? 3. Why were the British troops indirectly responsible for the name ‘White House”? 4. What was the aim of the construction of Fort Washington? 5. What does the Lincoln Memorial look like ? 6. What is the Smithsonian Institution famous for? 7. What purpose was Washington created for? 8. Who founded the city of New York? 9. What name did the city of New York have when it was founded? 10.What districts does New York consist of? 11.Why is the city called ‘modern Babylon” now?

Choose the right answer:

Whose joint project was the creation of the Statue of Liberty?

French- English; b) French- American; c) American- English.

When did unveiling of the monuments take place?

a) April 1776; b) June 1776; c) October 1886.

3) As what sign was the present given to the American people?

a) freedom; b) friendship; c) democracy.

4) What kind of date is inscribed on a tablet the Statue holds in the left hand?

a) the date of founding New York city: b) Independence Day; c) the day of adoption the American Constitution.

5) What exhibits does the museum in the bottom of the Statue contain?

a) the history of immigration; b) the life of native people; c) the culture of American people.


Literature: Гапонів А. Б.,Возна М. О. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни. Підручник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів.-Вінниця:Нова Книга,2005. Нестерчук Г. В. США и американцы.-Мн.:Выш шк.,2004. Письменная О А. Окна в англоязычный мир( история, география, социальные аспекты, языковая ситуация).- К.: OOO ‘ИП Логос”, 2004. Радовель В. А. Страноведение: CША:Уч. пособие.- Ростов н/ Д: Феникс, 2006. 

Seminar 5

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