What are the main compositional patterns of repetition?

- Anaphora is a repeated unit comes at the beginning of two or more consecutive sentences, clauses or phrases

- Epiphora – is a repeated unit is placed at the end of consecutive

- Framing is the initial parts of a syntactical unit, in most cases of a paragraph, are repeated at the end of it.

- Linking or reduplication o anadiplosis


What is suspense?

Suspense it consists in arranging the matter of communication in such way, that the less important parts are placed at the beginning the main idea is at the end of a sentence, so that suggest an idea of anticipation. So the reads is held and he is in the state of uncertainty and expectation.

Why is suspense always framed within one sentence?


It is mainly framed with in 1 sentence and separate sentences violet the principle of consents emotional sentence characteristic of this device. This device is favored by orators.

What is climax?

Climax/Gradation is the arrangement of sentences which secures a gradual increase in significance, importance or emotional ences in the utterance. The gradual increase I significance may be maintained in 3 ways: logical or objective, emotive, quantitative.

What are the ways in which an increase in significance may be maintained in climax?

· Logical is based on the relative importance of the compounence looked at from the pointed on the concept imbedded In them

· Emotional is based on the relative emotional tension produce by words with emotive

· Quantitative is an evident increase in the volume of the concepts

What is antithesis?

Antithesis is the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases or clouses.

2. Particular ways of combining parts of the utterance:

What is asyndeton?

Asyndeton is a delivered omission of connectives between parts of sentences where they are generally expected to be according to the norms of the language.

What is polysyndeton?

Polysyndeton is the stylistic device of connecting sentences or phrases or by using connective before each component. The repetition of conjunctions or other connectives makes an utterance or rhythmical. Unlike a numeration which combined elements in one whole. In shows things isolated. It has a disintegrated function. It causes each member of a stream of facts to stand out conspicuously.

What is the essence of disintegrating function characteristic of polysyndeton?

3. Particular use of colloquial constructions:

What is ellipsis?

Ellipsisis an intentional omission of any part of sentence (the subject, the predicate or any other principle parts). In wring it is indicated by dopes or asterisks..  

What is the difference between ellipsis used in colloquial speech and literary speech?

It always imitates the features of colloquial languages. In colloquial speech ellipses it makes the speech more compact. In literary descriptions it may give the construction an additional expressive or emotional color

What is aposiopesis?

Break-in-the –narrative (Aposiopesis) serves to covey to the reader a very strong upsurge of emotions. The speaker can’t proceed his filings deprive him of the ability to express himself in the terms of language.

What ready-made incomplete sentences may illustrate aposiopesis?

3. Stylistic use of structural meaning:

What is a rhetorical question?

Rhetorical questions reshape the grammatical meaning of the interrogative sentence. So the question is no longer question but a statement express as in interrogative sentence.

Where are rhetorical questions most often used?

The most common structural type is a negative-interrogative sentence. It is used in publicistic style.

What is litotes?

Litotes is a figure of speech consisting of an understatement I which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite. It is a peculiar use in a negative construction the first compounded of a litotes is always ‘not’; the second always negative in meaning where is inform from a negatively affixed word to a negative phrase. Litotes is not just pure negation but negation that includes affirmation. Such constructions have a stronger affect on the reader than affirmative.

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