Comic Book - Publications Catalog - Federal Reserve System. Комиксы ФРС.

PHD Comics: The Economic Meltdown.

Экономика на радио.

Freakonomics Radio Podcasts from Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, authors ofFreakonomics and Superfreakonomics.

Учебные фильмы. Банк Англии:

Англо-русские глоссарии. Упрощение процедур торговли.

Музыка в кино и не в кино. Musical Instruments - Prop - YouTube и т.д.

Detroit Techno | Significant Albums, Artists and Songs | AllMusic.

R&B (Rhythm & Business): The Political Economy of Black Music. In R&B, Public Enemy's Chuck D, author Norman Kelley, and other journalists and musicians combine forces to examine how black music has been developed, marketed, and distributed within the structure of American capitalism. The anthology dissects contemporary trends in the music industry, and explores how blacks have historically interacted with the business as artists, business-people, and as consumers. R&Balso considers how the changes and developments within the music business – from the frontier of digital technology to the consolidation of the giant music conglomerates – might affect the future roles of African-Americans in the industry. «Белая» индустрия и «чёрная» музыка. Political Economy of Music - Rap Coalition.

Music of Zambia. In the 1990s, economic problems caused the collapse of the Zambian music industry. Unfettered by rules promoting Zambian music, the airwaves were covered with imported ragga and reggae from Jamaica and hip hop and R&B from the United States.

Music - Rise of the Urban Middle Class during the Industrial Era:

Timeline of Music during the Industrial Era


Music was primarily about weary and wounded on the battlefield

Theodore Thomas founds the Thomas Orchestra to try and elevate American musical taste and make good music popular and offers performances in Central Park

Harvard hires their first professor in music, and gave their first Master of Arts in music

Black minstrel groups begin traveling the country.


The first Burlesque theater opened on Broadway

First music department in an American university at Harvard

Fisk Jubilee Singers grow popular

Phonograph invented by Thomas Edison


Operas and operettas travel the country

Vaudeville emerges as a clean version of Burlesque

The “Boston Classicists” founded


Coin operated music boxes bring music into homes and stores

Waltz and two-step created

Scott Joplin composes Maple Leaf Rag


Sheet music to popular songs become popular, and song pluggers carrying pianos on horse-drawn carts perform for crowds with sheet music

Barbershop Quartets introduced

Nickelodeons become popular

Broadway musicals flourish

Waltz replaced by ballroom dancing

Silent films invented


Black Americans continue writing and performing ragtime, blues and jazz

George Gershwin becomes popular

Speakeasies flourish selling alcohol

Спецэффекты. The site Before VFX illustrates what blockbusters would look like without the digital add-ons.

Игги Поп: «Вот, скажем, чтобы быть Бритни Спирс, нужно много всего: стилист, парикмахер, режиссер видеоклипа, бюджет видеоклипа и так далее. А чтобы быть The Hives (шведская панк-группа 90-х. - Ред.) нужно лишь купить гитару в магазине и быть собой».

Эмбиент. Одной из ранних предтечей эмбиента стала меблировочная музыка французского композитора-новатора Эрика Сати. Он придумал её в 1914 – 1916 годах и по его собственному представлению меблировочная музыка должна была служить фоном для сопровождения быта, покупок в магазине, приёма гостей, еды в ресторане и всех прочих повседневных занятий. Основным принципом построения новой музыки являлась произвольная повторяемость одной или нескольких звуковых ячеек (или тематической фразы) ничем не ограниченное число раз. Брайен Ино: «Ambient1: Music For Airports». Этот альбом критики наших дней считают одной из первых эмбиентных работ. Звуки аэропортов, самолетов, взлетающих и заходящих на посадку, далекие голоса, шум залов ожидания... Атмосфера эта была очень близка и понятна Брайену, так как он много времени проводил в переездах.

Слоганы в кино

66 Great Movie Taglines From the Past 30 Years | Adweek:

The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)

"The longer you wait, the harder it gets."

Alien vs. Predator (2004)

"Whoever wins, we lose."

Alien3 (1992)

"The bitch is back."

Arachnophobia (1990)

"Eight legs, two fangs, and an attitude."

Armageddon (1998)

"Earth. It was fun while it lasted."

Army of Darkness (1992)

"Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas."

The Big Lebowski (1998)

"Her life was in their hands. Now her toe is in the mail."

Boogie Nights (1997)

Great Film Tag Lines - Greatest Films:


Great Film Tagline: Film Title:
"This Ain't No Chick Flick!" AND "Escape or Die Frying." Chicken Run (2000)
"After a night they can't remember comes a day they'll never forget." Dude, Where's My Car? (2000)
"She brought a small town to its feet and a huge corporation to its knees." Erin Brockovich (2000)
"Death doesn't take no for an answer." Final Destination (2000)
"A Hero Will Rise" Gladiator (2000)
"Ice cold. Hot wired." Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
"Think you're alone? Think again." Hollow Man (2000)
"Nobody ever grows up quite like they imagined." The Kid (2000)
"Some memories are best forgotten." Memento (2000)
"From gentle to mental." Me, Myself, & Irene (2000)
"Expect the impossible again" Mission: Impossible II: (2000)
"They have a plan...but not a clue." O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
"Meet the Marquis de Sade. The pleasure is all his." Quills (2000)
"Throw the ball. Catch the girl. Keep it simple." The Replacements (2000)
"No mercy. No shame. No sequel." Scary Movie (2000)
"Trust a few. Fear the rest." X-Men (2000)
"Disco is dead." AND "Disco Sucks." Avenging Disco Vampires (2001)
"War is hell...but peace is f*#!%!! boring." Buffalo Soldiers (2001)
"Dark. Darker. Darko." Donnie Darko (2001)
"The night...has an appetite." The Forsaken (2001)
"His genius undeniable. His evil unspeakable." Hannibal (2001)
"WhAT's EATing you?" Jeepers Creepers (2001)
"One ring to rule them all." The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
"You Won't Believe Your Eye." Monsters, Inc. (2001)
"They served you Breakfast. They gave you Pie. Now we're gonna stuff your face." Not Another Teen Movie (2001)
"Are You In Or Out?" Ocean's Eleven (2001)
"Family isn't a word. It's a sentence." The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
"More sex! More screams! Less taste!" Scary Movie 2 (2001)
"Fear is a place." Session 9 (2001)
"The greatest fairy tale never told." Shrek (2001)
"3% BODY FAT. 1% BRAIN ACTIVITY." Zoolander (2001)
"One nation under the gun." Bowling for Columbine (2002)
"The true story of a real fake." Catch Me If You Can (2002)
"15 miles from man will do anything to tell the world everything." City of God (2002)
"They took everything he had...except his rage." Collateral Damage (2002)
"Evil gets an upgrade." Jason X (2001) (aka Friday the 13th, Jason X)
"It was supposed to be the safest room in the house." Panic Room (2002)
"Before you die, you see..." The Ring (2002)
"It's not like they didn't warn us." Signs (2002)
"A monk. A punk. A chick. In a kick-ass flick." Bulletproof Monk (2003)
"There are 3.7 trillion fish in the ocean. They're looking for one." Finding Nemo (2003)
"Winner Kills All" Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
"Everything you know about desire is dead wrong" In the Cut (2003)
"He Knows No Fear. He Knows No Danger. He Knows Nothing" Johnny English (2003)
"Sometimes you have to go halfway around the world to come full circle." Lost in Translation (2003)
"On this highway, the roadkill is human." Monster Man (2003)
"Great trilogies come in threes." Scary Movie 3 (2003)
"Whoever wins...we lose." Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
"Live your life at the point of impact." Crash (2004)
"Grab life by the ball." Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)
"Success didn't go to his head, it went to his neighbor." Envy (2004)
"No actual Europeans were harmed in the making of this film." EuroTrip (2004)
"Controversy...what controversy?" Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
"Does my gluteus maximus look big in this?" Gladiatress (2004)
"It never forgives. It never forgets." The Grudge (2004)
"He's out to prove he's got nothing to prove." Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
"Twelve is the new eleven." Ocean's Twelve (2004)
"The funniest thing you ever sawed." Scary Movie 4 (2004)
"A romantic comedy. With zombies." Shaun of the Dead (2004)
"Good cops. Bad hair." Starsky & Hutch (2004)
"The one name they all fear." Van Helsing (2004)
"Love is a force of nature." Brokeback Mountain (2005)
"The longer you wait, the harder it gets." The 40 Year-Old Virgin (2005)
"On May 6th...See Paris Die!" House of Wax (2005)
"Welcome to the suck." Jarhead (2005)
"This relationship is going to be a real mother." Monster-in-Law (2005)
"Oh yes, there will be blood." Saw 2 (2005)
"Are You Watching Closely?" The Prestige (2006)
"You scream. You die." Dead Silence (2007)
"The last man on Earth is not alone." I Am Legend (2007)
"Disaster has a passport." Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007)
"This might hurt a little." Sicko (2007)
"See our family. And feel better about yours." The Simpsons Movie (2007)
"Intelligence is Relative" Burn After Reading (2008)
"We've Sensed It. We've Seen The Signs. Now... It's Happening." The Happening (2008)
"He was dead...But he got better." Crank: High Voltage (2009)
"No goats, no glory." The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)
"Sit. Stay. Play Dad." Old Dogs (2009)
"Rock out with your Glock out." Cop Out (2010)


Great Film Tagline: Film Title:
"He Rode The Fast Lane On The Road To Nowhere." Five Easy Pieces (1970)
"M*A*S*H Gives a D*A*M*N." M*A*S*H (1970)
"From the book that couldn't be written comes the motion picture that couldn't be made!" Myra Breckenridge (1970)
"Being the adventures of a young man whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven." A Clockwork Orange (1971)
"You don't assign him to murder cases. You just turn him loose." Dirty Harry (1971)
"A $32,000,000 chase turns into the American thriller of the year!" The French Connection (1971)
"Name Your Poison." McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)
"Shaft's his name. Shaft's his game." Shaft (1971)
"It's Scrumdiddlyumptious!" Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
"Life is a Cabaret" Cabaret (1972)
"How far does a girl have to go to untangle her tingle?" Deep Throat (1972)
"This is the weekend they didn't play golf." Deliverance (1972)
"It's still the same old story, a fight for love and glory." Play It Again, Sam (1972)
"To avoid fainting, keep repeating 'It's only a movie...It's only a movie...'" The Last House on the Left (1972)
"How many eyes does horror have?" Night of the Lepus (1972)
"He's got a plan to stick it to the Man!" Super Fly (1972)
"They transplanted a white bigot's head on a soul brother's body!" The Thing With Two Heads (1972)
"Where were you in '62?" American Graffiti (1973)
"In 1959 a lot of people were killing time. Kit and Holly were killing people." Badlands (1973)
"Pass the warning. A psychic thriller." Don't Look Now (1973)
"Something beyond comprehension is happening to a little girl on this street, in this house. A man has been called for as a last resort to try and save her. That man is The Exorcist." The Exorcist (1973)
"They'd never forget the day he drifted into town." High Plains Drifter (1973)
"You don't make up for your sins in church. You do it on the streets..." Mean Streets (1973)
"Due to the horrifying nature of this film, no one will be admitted to the theatre" Schlock (1973)
"...all it takes is a little Confidence." The Sting (1973)
"If this movie doesn't make your skin crawl... It's On Too Tight!" Black Christmas (1974)
"Who will survive and what will be left of them?" The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
"Anything can happen during the dog days of summer. On August 22nd, 1972, everything did." Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
"See it before you go swimming." AND "Don't go in the water." Jaws (1975)
"Adventure in all its glory!" The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
"Makes Ben Hur look like an Epic" Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
"The damnedest thing you ever saw!" Nashville (1975)
"a different set of jaws" The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
"Spine Shattering - Bone Blasting" AND "She's A One Mama Massacre Squad!" T.N.T. Jackson (1975)
"The most devastating detective story of this century." All the President's Men (1976)
"If You've Got A Taste For Terror... Take Carrie To The Prom." Carrie (1976)
"There's no body in the family plot." Family Plot (1976)
"Television will never be the same!" Network (1976)
"His whole life was a million-to-one shot." Rocky (1976)
"A film that could only be made in South America, where life is CHEAP!" Snuff (1976)
"On every street in every city, there's a nobody who dreams of being a somebody." Taxi Driver (1976)
"No one does it to you like Roman Polanski" The Tenant (1976)
"A nervous romance." Annie Hall (1977)
"We are not alone" Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
"Thank you Neil Simon for making us laugh at falling in love...again." The Goodbye Girl (1977)
"Where do you go when the record is over..." AND "Catch it." Saturday Night Fever (1977)
"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." Star Wars (1977)
"The Only Thing More Terrifying Than The Last 12 Minutes Of This Film Are The First 92." Suspiria (1977)
"A new musical-comedy-horror show." Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (1978)
"Your eyes... Your ears... Your senses... will be overwhelmed." Days of Heaven (1978)
"The Night HE Came Home." Halloween (1978)
"You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll kiss three bucks goodbye!" AND "May the Farce be with you" Hardware Wars (1978)
"The seed is planted...terror grows." Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
"Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water..." AND "One good bite deserves another." Jaws 2 (1978)
"You'll Believe A Man Can Fly!" Superman: The Movie (1978)
"In space no one can hear you scream." Alien (1979)
"The horror...the horror." Apocalypse Now (1979)
"Sometimes it's too late to tell the truth." The China Syndrome (1979)
"A glove story." The Main Event (1979)
"More entertaining than humanly possible." The Muppet Movie (1979)
"If this one doesn't scare you, you're already dead!" Phantasm (1979)
"The human adventure is just beginning..." Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

Silents to 1930s

Great Film Tagline: Film Title:
"The Fiery Cross of the Ku Klux Klan." The Birth of a Nation (1915)
"6 reels of Joy." The Kid (1921)
"The epic of the American doughboy." The Big Parade (1925)
"Love, Locomotives, and Laughs." The General (1927)
"Warner Bros. Supreme Triumph" The Jazz Singer (1927)
"Garbo TALKS!" Anna Christie (1930)
"The story of the strangest passion the world has ever known!" Dracula (1931)
"A Monster Science Created - But Could Not Destroy!" Frankenstein (1931)
"Six sticks of dynamite that blasted his way to freedom... and awoke America's conscience!" I Am A Fugitive From a Chain Gang (1932)
"The strangest story ever conceived by man." King Kong (1933)
"Together for the first time." It Happened One Night (1934)
"A laugh tops every thrilling moment!" The Thin Man (1934)
"Handcuffed to the girl who double-crossed him." The 39 Steps (1935)
"The Monster demands a Mate!" The Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
"A Thousand Hours of Hell for One Moment of Love." Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)
"Don't miss it! The funniest picture ever made!" A Night at the Opera (1935)
"They're Dancing Cheek-to-Cheek Again!" Top Hat (1935)
"You who are so young--where can you have learned all you know about women like me?" Camille (1936)
"Rocking America with laughter!" Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
"You'll never laugh as long and as loud again as long as you live! The laughs come so fast and so furious you'll wish it would end before you collapse!" Modern Times (1936)
"A glorious songburst of gaiety and laughter!" Swing Time (1936)
"Still the fairest of them all!" Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) (re-release tagline)
"Only the rainbow can duplicate its brilliance." The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
"The Most Passionate Adventure of Them All!" Algiers (1938)
"The South's Greatest Romance." Jezebel (1938)
"The most magnificent picture ever!" AND "The greatest screen entertainment of all time!" Gone With The Wind (1939)
"Capra at his greatest!" Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
"Garbo LAUGHS!" Ninotchka (1939)
"Thrilling As Love Born Amid A Thousand Fabulous Adventures!" Only Angels Have Wings (1939)
"A Powerful Story of 9 Strange People!" Stagecoach (1939)
"Gaiety! Glory! Glamour!" The Wizard of Oz (1939)
"I am Heathcliff! I love a woman who belongs to another man!... My love was fierce... my hate is burning! I will have vengeance!" Wuthering Heights (1939)

Методы обучения. Они уже не раз упоминались в других уроках (например, в «Инфоматике» и в «МХК»). Здесь мы попробуем проиллюстрировать их конкретными примерами.

См. Education by method.

Action learning

Adaptive learning

Adaptive management

Assignment help

Auditory learning


Brain dump

Business game

Business simulation

Case method

Collaborative learning

Conceptual clustering

Corporate use of Second Life

Cramming (education)

Creativity-based learning

Cue recruitment

Declarative learning

Distance education

Inverse of Distance Learning

Distributed Practice

Double loop learning


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