Songs about Class, Poverty, and Economic Justice - EdChange.

Идеи для преподавания экономики

Music for Econ – Critical Commons. Несколько примеров.

Molasses to Rum - from the musical 1776 by Sherman Edwards (1969). The musical 1776 tells of the battle in the Continental Congress over signing the Declaration of Independence. The song Molasses to Rum addresses what the south viewed as the hypocrisy of the north regarding the slave trade. It is fairly safe to say that this is the only song ever written about the triangle trade. Печально знаменитый «ромовый» треугольник.

Privilege to Pee - from the musical Urinetown by Greg Kotis and Mark Hollmann (2002). The musical Urinetown presents a greedy businessman who deals with a water shortage by instituting a toilet tax. Налог на посещение туалета.

Thrift Shop - Macklemoreby Macklemore and Ryan Lewis (2012). This "rapsodic" hit about shopping at the thrift shop pokes fun at rappers who flaunt their spending. Демонстративное потребление. Скидки. Комиссионный магазин.

River Runs Red - Midnight Oil by Midnight Oil (1987). In this song about the degradation of the land caused by pollution, Midnight Oil deals with the implications of negative externalities. Отрицательные экстерналии.

No Man's Land - Billy Joelby Billy Joel (1993). When economies grow it isn’t always sunshine and lollypops. Growing pains for economies are just another form of opportunity cost. Экономический рост и альтернативные издержки.

Fidelity Fiduciary Bank - Mary Poppins by Walt Disney Corporation (1964). The bankers singing the song Fidelity Fiduciary Bank in the movie version of Mary Poppins provide a perfect example of how lending and saving go hand in hand to facilitate investment. Инвестиции, кредитование, страхование рисков.

Money Talks - AC/DC by AC/DC (1990). Money Talks by AC/DC deals with the role money plays in economic transactions. Money talks - it provides the incentives to get people to do things. Деньги и транзакции.

From ABBA to Led Zeppelin - Division of Labour. Несколько примеров.

Career Opportunities - The Clash. In the song, Clash lead singer Joe Strummer sings about job opportunities available and how he doesn’t want any of them. Does this mean he is unemployed? If so, what type of unemployment is it? What is the opportunity cost of him not taking the job?

Refugee - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. Most people interpret “Refugee” as a song about a woman who’s had a rough go of it in life. But, embedded in the song is a message of the role freedom plays in NOT living like a refugee. Petty, in some sense, is telling listeners that freedom promotes a better life. This message is one that is consistent with many of the findings in macroeconomics: more open and economically free societies prosper; societies that are less free struggle. How would you define economic freedom?

A Man Needs A Maid - Neil Young. Many rock stars like Neil Young get a maid. Why don’t they do their own cleaning and fix their own meals? If you were thinking about getting a maid what information would you need to make that decision? For example, if you could hire a maid for $100 per day to cook and clean, would you hire her? Does your answer differ if you are a successful lawyer or a burger flipper? Why?

10 Dollar - M.I.A. In "10 Dollar" M.I.A. sings about a young child who had her sights set on better things but is stuck in the sex industry. What are the costs and benefits of this girl engaging in the underground economy? How are the opportunities for this girl different since she comes from a developing country? Is her choice rational to charge 10 dollars for sex?

Day Job - Gin Blossoms. In "Day Job," Gin Blossoms lead singer Robin Wilson sings about the disillusionment that greets many college graduates, and wonders whether he should return to college and complete his degree. When might the marginal benefits of a greater possibility of graduating and finding a better job be exceeded by the marginal costs of spending time and money at college instead of being fully employed? Should the singer return to college due to the sunk costs of already having attended for some time? What are the opportunity costs of completing college?

Money, Money, Money - Joel Gray. What is the main purpose of the money according to the song? Is money really that powerful? Can it replace happiness in your opinion? What is the purpose of the money if not to afford happiness? Is the song being realistic about the role of money? Why or why not?

Voodoo Economics – Faker. The speaker is consoling a friend who can’t quite cut it in show business. He makes light of the situation by telling his friend, “You got the kitchen hand job easily/ You'll be king of this here town.” Is “the friend” better off for taking this job right away and making some money? If this person were to remain unemployed, how long would they be considered part of the workforce? What type of unemployment is this: frictional, structural, cyclical?

Money's Too Tight To Mention - Simply Red. What is the singer saying about economics? What is his financial situation and why is he in such an intense pursuit of cash? What are the problems and reasons of bank and family for not lending him the money? What is your point of view on money in such desperate situations? Is "money too tight to mention?"

Money To Blow – Birdman. This song makes it seem like all rappers have enough "money to blow". Using economic reasoning, explain whether you think Birdman is the exception or the average? What is the problem with only analyzing the lifestyles of rappers you see on television? What is the opportunity cost of becoming successful enough to have "money to blow?" Does it vary across industries? Your answer should include a discussion of industry specific human capital.

If I Had a Million Dollars - Barenaked Ladies. This song sings the virtues of having $1M and all that it can buy. However, millionaires are far more common today than when the Barenaked Ladies first released this song in 1992. Use the consumer price index to find the equivalent amount of money you'd need to possess today to buy what $1M dollars bought in 1992. Also, there are several items mentioned in the song that money can't buy. Discuss.

Original Pokémon Theme - Billy Crawford. In the song, the narrator insists that he has to “catch ‘em all.” How elastic is the narrator’s demand for pokémon? Considering the law of diminishing marginal utility and the six factors that change the demand for a good, how realistic is his stated elasticity? In other words, is it usually efficient to “catch ‘em all”?

Marketplace Music |

Songs of 2012 mirror economic struggle. The recession may have officially ended more than three years ago. But music from 2012 echoes what we already know. Times are still tough, and a lot people are still taking it one day at a time.

Songs about Class, Poverty, and Economic Justice - EdChange.

Factoryperformed by Bruce Springsteen from the album Darkness on the Edge of Town about the struggles of the working class through the eyes of a boy:

«Through the mansions of fear, through the mansions of pain,
I see my daddy walking through them factory gates in the rain,
Factory takes his hearing, factory gives him life,
The working, the working, just the working life»

Jacob's Latter performed by Mark Wills from the album Greatest Hits about connecting across socioeconomic classes:

«Jacob was a dirt poor farm boy

Raised at the fork in the road in a clapboard house

And Rachael was a land baron's daughter

Born with a silver spoon in her mouth

Her daddy said he wouldn't stand

For Rachael to waste her life with a common man»

Pirate Jennyperformed by Nina Simone from the album I Put a Spell on You about mistreatment coming back to haunt the oppressor, and triumph from invisibility:

«You people can watch while I'm scrubbing these floors

And I'm scrubbin' the floors while you're gawking

Maybe once ya tip me and it makes ya feel swell

In this crummy Southern town

In this crummy old hotel

But you'll never guess to who you're talkin'.

No. You couldn't ever guess to who you're talkin'»

Rich Girlperformed by Hall and Oates from the album The Very Best of about the disconnect between wealth and responsibility:

«You're a rich girl and you've gone too far

'Cause you know it don't matter anyway

You can rely on the old man's money

You can rely on the old man's money»

Why I Sing the Blues performed by B.B. King from the album Why I Sing the Blues about a history and lifetime of racial and economic oppression:

«I laid in the ghetto flat

Cold and numb

I heard the rats tell the beadbugs

To give the roaches some

And everybody wants to know why I sing the blues

I've been around a long time

I've really paid my dues»

Abba- Money, Money, Money.

Здесь вполне может быть и российский материал. Например, «Деньги» Земфиры. Или песенка о мальчике Бобби из «Острова Сокровищ».

Use of music to teach economics - American Economic Association

Ищем в песнях экономические термины. Например, следующие:

Advertising Mortgage Budget Opportunity Cost Capital Policy Capitalism Poverty Competition Price Discrimination Consumption Principles Costs Profit Credit Property Rights Debt Public Choice Deficit Rent Demand Resources Development Savings Earnings Scarcity Expenses Self Interest Free Trade Sunk Costs Income Mobility Supply Inflation Taxes Insurance Unemployment Interest Urban Decline Loan Value Luxury Wages Market Warranty Money

Студенческий анализ песни «Money» Pink Floyd:

“Money speaks of many socioeconomic issues. The most prevalent is the basic cliché that people with money make the rules, or that a person needs a lot of money to be happy. Unfortunately, on the basis of supply and demand as well as scarcity, there is not enough money to fulfill everyone‟s wants. Investing is also mentioned, such as keeping a „stash‟ to invest with in order to make your amount of money grow. Investing leads to further economic growth by not allowing money to sit idle, but to work towards the expansion of output producing sectors. An investor also needs to feel secure about the economy; either he has faith his money will increase in value, or he has enough „stashed‟ to not be hurt by a bad investment. Another theory mentioned is Classical Theory, as first written by Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations in 1776. Throughout the song Pink Floyd is proving the second assumption; that individuals act in matters of self-interest. The song also discusses the „American Dream‟; a belief that any person who works hard will be able to succeed. Cash tends to motivate people towards bettering themselves through material goods. This forces people to try and satisfy their unlimited wants with their limited means, the fundamental concept of economics. The performers seem to make this a laid-back, easy-going kind of song, even though they sound as though they feel strongly about the words and message. This song also implies that people should not act as chronicled in the song; that the performers were being sarcastic, and think such greed is unnecessary. Therefore, people who are involved in such greed need to prioritize and people should not make such a fuss about material things, and be happy with what they have”.

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