XIV. Read the website descriptions. To which website does each sentence 1 - 7 refer?

a) paralegal.com Fed up with paying exorbitant legal fees? Get leading-edge legal services at a fraction of the cost of going to a law firm. E-mail our legal team for low-cost advice on all aspects-of company and tax law. Download specialist up-to-the-minute documents for a small charge. Conduct your own court cases with our help and save thousands of euros! No win, no fee!

b) bespontaneous.com Be spontaneous! Do something on the spur of the moment. Book otherwise impossible-to-get tickets to theatre and sports events. Ready to fly tomorrow? Take a break to one of our popular destinations: beach or city. Worry-free booking by credit card on our secure server. Next-day courier delivery of tickets to your door.

c) worldweather.com Want to see what the weather’s like anywhere in the world? Come to worldweather.com! Consult free forecasts for 100 world cities. Download stunning satellite pictures of the world’s increasingly unpredictable weather for free. Deluxe, framed versions of these pictures make beautiful gifts. Order on-line. Delivery within 48 hours.

d) goinggoinggone.com Consumer electronics products auctioned daily: computers, TVs, washing machines, you name it. It’s so simple: put in your bid and we’ll notify you bye- mail of the competing bids. You can raise your bid as many times as you like over a three – day period. If your bid is the highest at the end of three days, pay by credit card and goods are delivered to you within 24 hours.


1. You consult this site if you are not sure what clothes to take with you on a trip.

2. This site tries to reassure users who may be worried about giving their credit card details on-line.

3. This site mentions a delivery method that does not use the ordinary post office service.

4. This site does not mention physical delivery of goods or documents.

5. On this site, you can order a picture to put on your wall.

6. On this site, you can offer a price for something, but you won’t necessarily get it.

7. On this site, there is a service that you may have to pay for or that may be free, depending on the results.



I. Make a list of people who use computers. What do they use them for? Who might say the following?

a) “I love computers. In fact I have one at home and I use it to play games. The games are on floppy disks but the programs are on the hard drive.”

b) “I couldn’t live without my laptop. I take it everywhere with me.”

c) “We upgraded our old computers by having CD-ROM drives installed.”

d) “Having databases of names and fingerprints is useful for us.”

e) “Our students can connect to the Internet to download software and also to find information for different research projects they are working on.”


II. Reading task: Gapped text.

Strategy: Understanding reference words.

1) Skim through the following text to get the general idea of the meaning. Do not worry about words you do not know. Choose a suitable title for the text. (Do not focus on the words in italics or the gaps 1 – 3 at this stage.)

a) The development of the computer

b) The problems of having a computer

c) Personal computer


Although computers have been around for a long time, it wasn’t until recent years that they became accessible to almost everyone. Approximately 60 million computers are sold each year. In the 19th century, Charles Babbage, an English mathematician worked out the principles of the modern computer. [1]

One of Babbage’s designs had many features of a modern computer. It had an input screen and a store for saving data, together with a printer that made permanent records. Today, a typical computer has components to display andprint information. These are the monitor and the printer. [2]

Nowadays, most computers come equipped with CD-ROM drives, which provide users with immediate access to a huge source of information; for those who want entertainment, the CD-ROM and the addition of speakers can bring a game or activity to life. With the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web, many computer users now have access to an even bigger range of facilities, by linking up with other computers around the world. [3]

Another feature of high technology machines is video conferencing. Such a facility enables people to see each other while they are talking on the phone through the Internet. If the people communicating through the Internet have mini-cameras connected to their computer they can speak to each other face-to-face in real time. The need to be better informed is creating more powerful machines to provide society with all kinds of information and services.


2) Read the text again more slowly. Choose from the sentences A – D the one which best fits each gap-(1 – 3) in the above text, using the reference words in bold to help you. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.


A. This is achieved through a modem and a telephone line.

В. Both of these involve training.

С. It also has a keyboard and a mouse to enter commands and data which is stored on and retrieved from the hard drive or floppy disks.

D.At that time, the technology to put the theory into practice did not exist.


3)Complete the following text with suitable reference words. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.


Despite the advantages of using computers, there are also drawbacks. First, (1) _________ are generally expensive to buy, maintain and update. There are also fears that the use of computers in education reduces human interaction and (2) ________ may cause developmental problems in some students. A further problem is the availability of software. Educational computer programs can be bought but (3) _________ programs may not suit the needs of individual classes. Teachers can adapt (4) _________ software to suit (5) _________ needs in the classroom, but this is time-consuming and often complicated.

III. You are going to read an article, about the uses of computers. Eight sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A - I the one which best fits each gap (1 - 7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Key parts of the sentences are in italics to help you with some of the questions.



Few industries have changed so much in such a short time as the computer industry, and the pace of change shows no sign of slowing. The computer now has а role in almost every aspect of modern life, and it has radically affected the way people work, play, study and organise their lives.

As we enter the 21st century, computers are influencing ways of teaching and learning, as access to computers in schools is becoming more widespread and varied. [0 H]. In a teaching mode, computers provide a wide variety of information and practice material. They can also play a testing role in a range of subjects including Maths, English and Modern Languages. The one-to-one interaction students have with the computer, along with the immediate response to their answers, help to promote independent learning.

[1] In the fast-changing world of business, employees are being physically removed from the workplace and the proximity of their colleague, while remaining virtually connected via telephone, and the Internet. Laptop computers enable business-people who travel to have access to important information at the touch of a key. [2]

Computers are used to solve time-consuming data-management problems, such as payroll calculations, keeping stock records, bank account transactions, airline reservations, and scientific and engineering computations. Computers are also important in the collection, organisation, storage, retrieval and interpretation of information. [3].

In the film industry, computers are used to create graphics for scenes which would have been inconceivable in the past. This technique was used for films like “Jurassic Park” where the incredibly realistic scenes of dinosaurs were all computer-generated.

[4] Additionally, computer technology enables the training of pilots in flight simulators. Not only do these create the illusion of flying but they are safe and cheaper than training staff in airplanes.

In the home, the computer has become a great source of entertainment with the introduction of interactive Virtual Reality programs which are available on CD-ROM or through the Internet. They enable people located in different places to come together and interact with one another in real time using speech, sound and 3-D animated graphics. [5].

Nowadays, computers come equipped not only with a mouse, but also a host of different devices. Such components are essential if you are to spend any time online, whether it is playing games or researching any number of topics on the Internet [6]. It is possible to explore sites on anything you are interested in, or even chat with celebrities, experts and others who share your interest. Keep up with the latest news, fashions and reports. Look up facts on everything from who invented the plane to where to go on holiday.

In the future, today’s technology will probably become obsolete as machines become more powerful. [7] The development of smaller machines will mean that it will be possible to condense all the written knowledge in the world into devices the size of a child’s notebook. All human knowledge will literally be at your fingertips.


A.Another area where computers are used is in the military, especially in the development of weapons and surveillance equipment to use in satellites for spying.

В. Here you can access all kinds of valuable information and the beauty of it is that you do not need to leave your house to find it.

С. Then, there may well be a microchip in each telephone receiver with more computing power than the huge machines of today.

D.In fact, they are essential tools in almost every field of work from constructing models of the universe to predicting tomorrow’s weather reports.

E. Outside the classroom, computers provide people with greater flexibility and freedom, and also allow them to organise their time in a more productive way.

F. Programs like these can often be downloaded free from different sites.

G. Connections through a modem allow them to transfer data anywhere in the /World.

H. Their use enables the learner to develop at his or her own pace and makes the whole learning process more flexible.

I. Computers are machines which take over more mechanical aspects of our brain.



Word attack

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