Passive in the function of an attribute

Model: - The tune which is being played now is my favourite.

- The tune being played now is my favourite.

1. The house which is being built in our street is a new theatre. 2. The problem which is being discussed now is very interesting. 3. film which is being shown on television now is a very good comedy. 4. The experiment which is being carried out in the laboratory is very complicated. 5. There was a crowd of people that was being pushed back by the police. 6. She switched on the radio and listened to a music show that was being broadcast by BBC. 7. She looked at Roy. It was clear that the problems, which were being discussed by the family, didn't interest him. 8. The school that is being built in our street will be a sports school. 9. The article which is being written now will be edited by Mr. Williams. 10. As far as I know, there are two more hotels that are being built on the lake. 11. The meeting that is now being held is devoted to the work of our Marketing Department. 12. The contract that is being signed now will let us expand our market.

13. The park that is being laid out now will very soon be completed. 14. The suggestion that is being put forward by Mr. Briggs seems to be very sensible.

Exercise 4. Change the following sentences using Participle II as an attribute.

Model: 1. - She washed the linen. It hung on the rope.

- The washed linen hung on the rope.

2. - The story was a failure. It was written by John.

- The story written by John was a failure.


1. The child broke a cup. It was lying on the floor. 2. The film was a great success. It was released last month. 3. The letters were answered. They were put on the shelf. 4. The book was returned to the library. It was lost by Mary. 5. The article was rejected. It was returned to the author for revision. 6. The papers were lying on the table. They were brought by the secretary. 7. Helen lost her passport. It was returned to her in a fortnight's time. 8. The novel turned out to be dull. It was recommended to me by my friend. 9. The film which is so much spoken about is very interesting. 10. He brought the documents which were signed by the manager. 11. Did you hear the announcement that was made on the radio? 12. There are many high quality leather goods on sale. Our firm delivered them from India. 13. Did you take part in the talks which were held last week? 14. Cars which are parked in a no-parking zone will be removed.

Exercise 5. Change the following sentences so as to use either Participle I orParticiple II in the function of an attribute.

1. The book which was translated by a friend of mine is very popular with readers. 2. Do you happen to know the name of the man who is talking to Mr. Brown. 3. The new stadium that houses forty-five thousand people is a wonderful building. 4. Our price-list which is enclosed with the letter gives all particulars concerning terms of payment and delivery. 5. It always gives me pleasure to help students who work hard. 6. The doctor who was sent for lived in the next house. 7. The text which was being ranslated by us was very difficult. 8. The new bank that was built last year is one of the finest building in our street. 9. We read the article which was written in English. 10. I couldn't get the book which was recommended by our teacher.11. She showed the travellers into the room which had been reserved for them. 12. The workers who are unloading the ship will be free in an hour. 13. The railway line which connects this village with the town was built two years ago. 14. An island is a piece of land which is surrounded by water. 15. The plane which is taking off is Tu-144. 16. The machine which has been designed by our colleagues will help scientists greatly.

Exercise 7. Translate what is given in brackets using Participle I or Participle II as an attribute.

1. Larry refused the drink (предложенного) to him. 2. I've heard something about the research (проводимом) in this laboratory. 3. We came up to the man (стоявшему) at the corner and asked him the way. 4. The man (стоящий) at the time-table was our English teacher last year. 5. He inquired about the films (показывавшихся) in the club at the time. 6. She decided to taste the meat pie (купленный) at the baker's. 7. The people (ожидающие) for the doctor have been sitting here for a long time. 8. The conference (проходящая) now at the University is devoted to the problems of management. 9. Suddenly I heard a sound of a key (поворачиваемого) in the lock. 10. The problem (поднятая) in the novel leaves nobody cold. 11. What is the number of the apartment houses (построенных) in the past few years? 12. A young man saved а (тонущего) child. 13. Cotton dresses are much cheaper than dresses (сделанные) of silk. 14. The questions (обсуждаемые) at the present session of the Academy of Sciences are of great importance. 15. А (разбитая) bottle in the road punctured my tyres. 16. Mrs. Roberts addressed the porter (несущего) her suitcase.


Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English using the Participle as an attribute.

1. Директор прочел все письма, полученные из Нью-Йорка. 2. Окна, которые выходили на море, были открыты. 3. Я не был на собрании, которое проводилось в университете вчера. 4. Чтобы успеть на поезд, который прибывает в 8 утра, она должна была встать очень рано. 5. Дорога, которая сейчас ремонтируется, будет значительно шире после ремонта. 6. Эта телеграмма пришла вместе с почтой, доставленной утром. 7. Он говорит, что дом, стоящий напротив, будет закончен в будущем году. 8. Я посмотрел на женщину, стоящую у окна. 9. Подойдя к столу, он увидел на нем письмо, адресованное ему. 10. Мать улыбалась, глядя на детей, играющих в саду. 11. Все
студенты, знающие английский язык, примут участие в конкурсе. 12. Хорошо одетый незнакомец сразу привлек наше внимание. 13. Студенты, читающие английские книги в оригинале, легко овладеют языком. 14. Покажите нам список студентов, изучающих немецкий язык. 15. Книги, изданные и издаваемые в этом издательстве, пользуются большим спросом. 16. Испытанное оборудование доставили на завод.

Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences into English. Mind the form of Participle I.

Model: 1. - Человек, отдавшийэтот приказ, должен быть наказан.

- The man who has given this order must be punished.

 2. - Люди, отдающие приказания, должны быть ответственными.

-People giving orders must be responsible.

1. Человек, ответивший на наши вопросы, оказался профессором Московского университета. 2. Человек, передающий репортажи из-за рубежа, называется иностранным корреспондентом. 3. Они избрали путь, ведущий к быстрому успеху. 4. Они пошли по пути, приведшему их к успеху. 5. Мужчина, оставивший свой чемодан в вестибюле, прошел к администратору. 6. Пассажиры, оставляющие свои вещи в камере хранения, получают квитанцию. 7. Студенты, принимавшие участие в этой работе, поедут в Москву. 8. Люди, работающие в этом офисе, пользуются компьютерами. 9. Люди, работавшие на этом заводе, были уволены. 10. Он получил письмо от коллеги, в котором говорилось, что конференция состоится в мае. 11. Меня очень интересует молодой писатель, написавший повесть о жизни студентов. 12. Вопросы, обсуждавшиеся на этом собрании, очень интересны. 13. Молодой человек, ожидающий ответа секретаря, просматривал журналы. 14. Кто эта девушка, приходившая к Вам вчера вечером? 15. Вот девушка, рассказавшая мне эту историю. 16. Девушка, стоявшая у окна, уже ушла. 17. Я подошел к девушке, стоящей у окна. 18. Дети, которые играли во дворе, громко смеялись. 19. Дети, которые играли во дворе, уже ушли. 20. Студент, потерявший учебник, может получить его в деканате. 21. Это был один из студентов, принимающих участие в конференции. 22. Я разговаривал с одним из студентов, принимавших участие в конференции два года тому назад.




Функ- Форма Место в      
ция причастия предложе- Союзы , Примеры Перевод
Adverbial Participle I В начале When 1. Working on my 1. Работая над
modifier non-perfect или в конце while report (=While докладом (= В
of time perfect   as working on my то время, как я
Обстоя- Participle II   till report) I read a работал над
тельство     until number of interesting докладом), я
времени       articles. прочитал ряд
        2. Havingdone his 2. Выполнив
        homework John домашнее
        played a game of chess with his brother 3. Don't forget articleswhenspeaking English. 4. Having been dried and stored (=After the goods had been dried and stored) the goods were packed in a warehouse 5. When burnt, coal produces heat. 6. When given time to think, he always answers well.   задание (после того как Джон выполнил домашнее задание) Джон сыграл партию в шахматы со своим братом. 3. Не забывай­те об артик­лях, говоря по-английски 4. После того, как товары были просу­шены и рас­сортированы, они были помещены на склад. 5. При горе­нии уголь выделяет тепло. 6. Когда ему давали время, он всегда хорошо отвечал.  


1. Причастие I от глагола to be - being не употребляется в оборотах,
выражающих обстоятельство времени. Поэтому русское предложение
"Будучи студентом, он любил ходить в театр", следует перевести "When he
was a student (When a student) he liked to go to the theatre. Однако причастие
I от глагола to be - being употребляется в функции обстоятельства
причины: "Так как он был довольно бедным, он не мог позволить себе
остановиться в этой гостинице". - "Being rather poor, he could not afford to
put up at that hotel".

2. Русским деепричастиям "сказав", "подумав" соответствует
английское причастие I простое (non-perfect):

Джорж вышел из комнаты, сказав, что       George left the room saying that he
он торопится.                                                 was in a hurry.

Подумав, что он занят, я решил зайти к      Thinking that he was busy, I
нему позднее.                                                 decided to call on him later.

3. Причастия в функции обстоятельства времени характерны для
письменной речи, в частности для газетного стиля. В устной речи обычно
употребляются соответствующие придаточные предложения. Сравните:
Hearing this and learning that Mr.                 Whenhe heard this and learnt that
Brooks was in London he went there.              Mr. Brooks was in London he went


4. Причастие простое в активном залоге в функции обстоятельства
времени может переводиться на русский язык деепричастием
несовершенного вида (переводя, читая), придаточным времени (обычно с
союзом "когда") или предложным оборотом "при + существительное":
Reading this book the student            1. Читая эту книгу, студент обнаружил
found out many interesting things.     много интересного.

2. Когда студент читал эту книгу, он обнаружил много интересного.

3. При чтении этой книги студент обнаружил много интересного.

5. Перфектная форма причастия I обычно переводится
деепричастием совершенного вида, придаточным обстоятельственным
предложением с союзом "после того как" (глагол-сказуемое такого
предложения будет иметь форму прошедшего времени) или
существительным с предлогом "после":

Having written the article, he posted it.            1. Написав статью, он отправил ее

по почте.

2. После того как он написал статью, он отправил ее по почте.

3. После написания статьи он отправил ее по почте.

6. Страдательные причастия (типа being used ) можно переводить
либо придаточным обстоятельным предложением, либо, в некоторых
случаях, деепричастием (типа "будучи использован"):

Being asked ( When he was asked)                   Будучи спрошен (= Когда его

 whether he intended to return soon, he              спросили), намерен ли он скоро answered that he would be away for about             возвратиться, он ответил, что

three months.                                                      будет отсутствовать около трех месяцев.


Exercise 1. Read the following sentences. Point out the Participle used in the function of an adverbial modifier of time. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Until registered, a company may not start trading. 2. Having graduated from the university, he decided to go abroad. 3. When asked about it, he didn't say a word. 4. Entering a leaving room with ladies, don't rush before them. Remember the golden rule of every gentleman: "Ladies first". 5. When crossing the street in London, look first to the right, then to the left. 6. Having improved quality, we noticed a sharp increase in orders. 7. While playing tennis, be sure you hold the racket in the right way. 8. Writing his report, the correspondent covered the latest developments in the country. 9. Arriving at the station, we called a porter. 10. He won't stop arguing until interrupted. 11. When shown the letter, she confessed everything. 12. Having spent all the money, he started looking for work. 13. When completed, the new building will house three departments. 14. Having completed the experiment, they compared the results. 15. Working under pressure, someone might find it difficult to do what is ethically correct. 16. While waiting for medical help, don't give the patient any medicine.

Exercise 2. Paraphrase the following sentences using Participle I indefinite active in the function of an adverbial modifier of time. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Model: 1. - When I heard the news, I phoned Peter.

- Hearing the news I phoned Peter.

2. - When I was passing the shop I saw a beautiful dress in the shop window.

- Passing the shop I saw a beautiful dress in the shop window.


1. When I looked up I saw the teacher standing over my desk. 2. When the man was running home he lost his wallet. 3. I was travelling in the East when I met Paul and his wife. 4. When she spoke to Bill, she asked his advice. 5. When they arrived at the airport, they saw their friends there. 6. The boys were playing in the street when they heard their mother call them. 7. When I write compositions I always fry to remember about marks of punctuation. 8. When I talked to the boss, I asked him for promotion. 9. When I was taking part in the conference, I met a lot of interesting people. 10. When you buy a new coat don't forget to try it on first. 11. He turned off all the lights when he left the office. 12. When I was checking in at the hotel, I asked the receptionist to give me a single room. 13. When we write a telegram, we must use as few words as possible. 14. When they were driving home, they ran out of petrol.

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model.

Model: - When (while) he was approaching the house he tried to remember what he bad to say.

- When approaching the house he tried to remember what to say.

1. When he was asking me about it, he smiled. 2. While I was waiting for you I have read all these papers. 3. He found his old photo when he was looking for an empty envelope. 4. While he was interviewing the applicant, Mr. Brown wrote down some information about him. 5. When he was going through the Customs Fred filled in a declaration form. 6. While Jack was attempting to lock the door he broke the key. 7. While Jane was waiting for her bus she read the advertisements in the newspaper. 8. When she was travelling by plane, Miss Ross felt airsick. 9. While I was staying in Washington I couldn't help thinking about my family. 10. When the workers were moving the furniture, they found a gold ring behind the wardrobe. 11. While Prof. Green was talking to me he kept thinking about his lecture. 12. While the manager was scolding the workers he felt very angry. 13. While the man was changing the bulb he fell off the ladder. 14. When I was writing my business plan, I consulted some of my colleagues.

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