Exercise 6. Choose the correct adjective for each of the following sentences

1. Melanie likes the family in the apartment above her, but sometimes she feels that their teenage boy is annoying/annoyed, especially when he plays his stereo too loudly.

2. However, she usually finds their presence upstairs very

3. Once she heard a frightening/frightened noise outside. She thought it was a prowler, so she called up her neighbours.

4. They invited her to their apartment for a relaxing/relaxed cup of tea and a soothing/soothed conversation.


5. This helped her to calm down, until she was no longer frightening/frightened.

6. Melanie especially likes Jane, the mother. Jane tells Melanie amusing/amused stories about her and her family members' daily life.

7. Jane's husband Bob is a shoe salesperson. Even though this may sound like a boring/bored job, it's not.

8. Lots of surprising/surprised things happen to shoe salespeople. Just last week, for example, a real prince came into the store with his bodyguards and bought 20 pairs of Italian leather shoes.

9. The prince thought Bob was such a polite and amusing/amused young man that he gave him a 50 dollar tip.


10. Of course, Bob thought that this was very exciting/excited, and he took Jane and the family out to dinner that night.

11. Jane works part-time in a pet store as a dog groomer. She says that some of the customers never give their dogs baths. These dogs are sometimes so dirty and uncomfortable that it is shocking/shocked.

12. Jane's stories are so entertaining/entertained that Melanie usually doesn't mind the noise that Jane's teenage son makes.

13. In fact, Malanie was very disappointing/disappointed when she heard that Jane and her family might move.



Функция Форма Место в Примеры Перевод
  причастия предложении    
Attribute Participle I 1. Перед 1. Look at the 1. Взгляните
  non-perfect определяемым sleeping child. на спящего
Определе-   словом (без   ребенка.
ние Participle II пояснительных The stolen letters Украденные
    слов). were never found. письма так и
        не нашли.
    2. После 2. I didn't notice 2. Я не
    определяемого the letter lying on заметил
    слова (с пояс- the table письма,
    нительными (= which was lying лежащего
    словами образует on the table). (или:
    обособленный   лежавшего)
    причастный   на столе
    оборот).   (= которое
        лежало на
      The textile goods Текстильные
      produced by this товары,
      factory are of high выпускаемые
      quality. этой



1. В функции определения в английском языке употребляется только простое (неперфектное) причастие I, которое выражает действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным сказуемым предложения. Русские причастия прошедшего времени совершенного вида (написавший, сказавший и т.п.) следует переводить на английский язык определительными придаточными предложениями с глаголом в личной форме.

Мальчик, приехавшийвчера в Москву, - мой брат. - The boy who came to Moscow yesterday is my brother.

Этот спортсмен, пробежавший длинную дистанцию, выиграл соревнование. - The sportsman who had run a long distance won the competition. Сравните:

Человек, что-то пишущий за столом         Человек, написавший эту книгу,
у окна, - наш преподаватель.                        хорошо знает жизнь студентов.

The man writing something at the table           The man who wrote this book
near the window is our teacher.                       knows the life of students well.

2. Отдельно взятое причастие, а также причастные обороты,
состоящие из причастия + наречие, могут стоять как перед
определяемым ими существительным, так и после него. Причастные
обороты, состоящие из причастия + предложный оборот или из
причастия + дополнение, могут стоять только после определяемого
ими существительного:

the playing children - the children playing in the yard

a smoking man - a man smoking a cigarette

a broken tree - a tree broken during the storm

3. В отличие от русского языка, в английском языке
определительные причастные обороты, как правило, запятыми не

4. Содержание определительного причастного оборота соответ-
ствует содержанию определительного придаточного предложения.
Причастный оборот с Participle I соответствует определительному
предложению в активной форме, а оборот с Participle II -
определительному предложению со сказуемым в пассивной форме:

Atomic stations producing energy ... = Atomic stations that (which) produce energy. (Active Voice)

Our cities visited by foreigners ... = Our cities that (which) were visited by foreigners. (Passive Voice)

Причастия, стоящие перед определяемым существительным, переводятся на русский язык причастием действительного залога настоящего или прошедшего времени, оканчивающихся на -щий или -вши, или причастием страдательного залога настоящего или прошедшего времени на - нный, - тый, - мый, - вшийся, - щийся. Причастия, стоящие после существительного, переводятся на русский язык соответствующей формой русских причастий или определительным придаточным предложением.

Exercise 1. Read the following sentences where the Participle is used as an attribute. Define the position of the Participle and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The discovery made by him is of great importance. 2. A man without a smiling face, must not open a shop. 3. A man injured in the accident was taken to hospital. 4. The article, being typed now, will be published tomorrow. 5. For over 96 years, the formula for making coca cola has been a closely guarded secret. 6. We employ experienced personnel. We do not care which sex they are. 7. The question being discussed now, is of great importance. 8. At last the police captured the escaped prisoner. 9. Which of the four men smoking by the fireplace is Ben? 10. Im some countries there is a tax on things sold in the shops. 11. A few days after the interview, I received a letter offering me the job. 12. Most of the suggestions made at the meeting were very productive. 13. What was the name of the man arrested by the police. 14. They informed us when they intended to deliver the goods ordered.


Exercise 2. Change the following sentences using Participle I as an attribute.

Model: - The boy who is standing at the window is my brother. - The boy standing at the window is my brother.

1. She looked down at her son who was sleeping on the sofa. 2. They passed a group of workers who were repairing the road. 3. The man who is smoking a cigarette is our new employee. 4. I picked up the letter that was lying on the floor. 5. The window that faced the garden was open. 6. We were watching the boys who were playing hockey. 7. The woman who is talking with the students is our lecturer. 8. The Queen opens the Parliament with a speech that sets out the Government's programme for the future. 9. The phone that was ringing for the second time interrupted his thoughts. 10. He couldn't fall asleep because of the noise that was coming from the street. 11. She got on the train that was going to Moscow. 12. The man who
is addressing the meeting is the leader of the opposition. 13. 1 don't like the
sight of flowers when they are dying. 14. The plane that is refuelling
happens to be ours.

Exercise 3. Change the following sentences using ParticipleI Indefinite

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