Thinking Critically to Evaluate Research

We live in a research-oriented society. From the pioneering breakthroughs on the cutting edge of medical science to the semi annual choices network executives agonize over regarding what television programs to air, research is a fact of modern life. We rely on it, and with this reliance comes an inherent danger, for research findings can be easily misused, distorted, or taken out of context to say something other than what they are meant to.

Thinking critically goes hand in hand with developing an appreciation of the enormous benefits, and inherent dangers, of scientific research. Research is a double-edged sword; when misapplied, its ability to obscure knowledge is as great as its ability to illuminate. Research that is soundly conducted can answer difficult questions with more certainty and objectivity than any other method of inquiry, but the casual reporting of research can be fraught with distortions that, intentionally or unintentionally, mislead an unsuspecting public. Studies may be poorly designed or conducted, findings can be taken out of context and misapplied, and "results" can be carefully worded so as to subtly, but wrongly, imply the truthfulness of a dubious claim.

As we've already mentioned, the field of psychology has as one of its cornerstones a commitment to empiricism, or the research-based validation of its concepts. As such, the study of psychology is a particularly helpful context in which to hone your skills of assessing and evaluating the merits of research.

Psychologists say many things about human nature, based on the research they conduct. However, rather than believing something simply because a psychologist says it (beware the method of authority), critical thinkers carefully scrutinize research to determine, for themselves, how sound it is.

Задание 4. Подберите русские соответствия к следующим устойчивым речевым оборотам с учетом норм лексической сочетаемости в научном стиле русского языка.

1. Numerous theories were advanced to account for…

2. The book challenged the theory of…

3. The revision of the theory will permit to…

4. One reasonable hypothesis to account for… is…

5. To take all possibilities into account we are compelled to rule out the hypothesis that…

6. For confirmation of the hypothesis we need only turn to a brief consideration of…

7. The point of view that is now shared by a significant number of investigation is…

8. The view that has been widely held in recent years is…

9. The generalized conception is expressed in the outlook of…

10. In analyzing this conception we may begin by recalling…

11. For a discussion of the evidence it must be suffice here to refer to…

12. There is good evidence that…

13. More evidence has been adduced to support the idea of…

14. One may point to numerous examples where…

15. To demonstrate an absolutely opposite tendency it is necessary to… .

Задание 5. Определите лингвистический и переводоведческий статус выделенных слов. Изучите и прокомментируйте приведенные переводческие решения.


The instantaneous input of a large quantity of energy in an infinitesimally small volume of a gaseous medium produces a strong shock wave front with a flowfield as described by the classical blast wave analysis.

Мгновенное выделение большого количества энергии в бесконечно малом объеме газообразной среды приводит к образованию сильной ударной волны, поле течения за которой описывается классической теорией сильного взрыва.

These profiles also agree with experimentally determined wave motions presented in the previous analysis.

Эти профили также хорошо согласуются с картиной волнового движения, определенной на основе экспериментальных данных, представленных в предыдущих работах.


Concepts from non-linear functional analysis were used as the basis for formulating aerodynamic moment systems.

Методы нелинейного функционального анализа использовались при формировании систем аеродинамических моментов.

The steam-air desulfurization process is presently the simplest and cheapest concept from the coal.

Процесс паро-воздушного обессеривания в настоящее время является самым простым и дешевым способом удаления органической серы из угля.


Applications of these filters have been proposed in many different engineering contexts.

Фильтры этого класса находят широкое применение в самых различных инженерных задачах.

As discussed in the context of adaptation, the retina has temporal response characteristics as well as special and spectral ones.

Как отмечалось при обсуждении вопроса об адаптации, сетчатка имеет временные, пространственные и спектральные характеристики.


The multi-layer hybrid stress flat plate element has been well documented in Refs. (3), (4). Aside from imaging, optical holography has many applications and the field is well documented (3)-(8).

Разнородный плоский многослойный элемент под напряжением подробно рассмотрен в работах (3), (4).

These limits are very fully documented in the manufacturers data sheets.

Предельно допустимые значения таких величин указываютсяизготовителями в паспортах приборов.


But companies expect to follow these memories with more exotic variations built on new configurations and possibly new materials.

Но руководители фирм рассчитывают продолжить усовер­шенст­во­ва­ние этих ЗУ и создать необычные варианты с новыми конфигурациями и, возможно, на новых материалах.

Some of the more exotic single chip implementations of complex functions are to be found at the session on solid-state imaging.

О некоторых еще более своеобразных однокристальных конструк­циях для выполнения сложных функций можно было услышать на засе­да­ниях, посвященных биомедицинской технике.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-05; просмотров: 424; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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