Задание 3. Переведите и отредактируйте следующий текст















Учебное пособие



Издательско-полиграфический центр

Воронежского государственного университета




Утверждено научно-методическим советом факультета РГФ 26 июня 2009 г., протокол № 10



Рецензент канд. филол. наук, доц. кафедры теории перевода и меж­куль­тур­ной коммуникации С.Л. Лукина


Учебное пособие подготовлено на кафедре ТПиМК факультета РГФ Воронежского государственного университета.



Рекомендуется для студентов 5 курса д/о и 6 курса в/о факультета романо-германской фи­ло­ло­гии Воронежского государственного университета.



Для специальности 031202 – Перевод и переводоведение


Задание 1. Определите жанрово-стилистические характеристики и доминанты перевода следующего текста.

Live Sentences for Living Thoughts

By J.Barzun and H.Graff

As everybody knows, meaning does not come from single words but from words put together in groups – phrases, clauses, sentences. A mysterious bond links these groups of words with our ideas, and this relation leads in turn to the miracle by which ideas pass from one mind to another. The reason for weighing words with care is to make sure that these units of speech correspond truly to one’s inner vision; the reason for building sentences with care is to make sure that all the portions of our thought hang together correctly for the truth and conveniently for understanding.

Everyone’s mind, however eager it may be for information, opposes a certain resistance to the reception of somebody else’s ideas. Before one can take in another’s intent, the shape, connection, and tendency of one’s own ideas have to yield to those same features in the other person’s. Accordingly, the writer must somehow induce in that other the willingness to receive the foreign matter. He does so with the aid of great many devices which, when regularly used, are called the qualities of his speech or writing.

These qualities go by such names as: Clarity, Order, Logic, Ease, Unity, Coherence, Rhythm, Force, Simplicity, Naturalness, Grace, Wit, and Movement. But these are not distinct things, they overlap and can reinforce or obscure one another, being but aspects of the single power called Style. Neither style nor any of its qualities can be aimed at separately. Nor are the pleasing characteristics of a writer’s style laid on some preexisting surface the way sheathing and plaster are laid on the rough boards of a half-finished house. Rather, they are the by-product of an intense effort to make words work. By “making them work” we mean here reaching the mind of another and affecting it in such a way as to reproduce there our own state of mind.

Задание 2. Проанализируйте синтаксическую структуру следующих предложений и переведите их на русский язык.

1. Pragmatic effectiveness in communication means participating as fully as possible in the discourse systems of those with whom one is wishing to communicate, while never taking their requirements as simply self-evident.

2. In some cases, the theoretician may argue that premature application of theory to real world problems may be detrimental for both parties of the science making and consumption relationship, because of potential unforeseen consequences.

3. This approach rejects the criterion for quality in translation that is still usual in university departments, including translator training institutes, that the translation should ‘preserve as much of the original as possible’ – the classical tenet of equivalence and the main reason why skeptics like Ortega y Gasset declared that translation was an impossible undertaking.

4. It is important to stress again that the analysis is not concerned with isolating phenomena or items to study them in depth, but with tracing a web of relationships, the importance of individual items being determined by their relevance and function in the text.

5. Nevertheless, in principle, unless a literal translation ‘works’ or is mandatory, the translation of any metaphor is the epitome of all translation, in that it always offers choices in the direction either of sense of an image, or a modification of one, or a combination of both, as I have shown, and depending, as always, on the contextual factors, not least on the importance of the metaphor within the text.

6. The difference between sociolinguistics and the sociology of language is very much one of emphasis to whether the investigator is more interested in language or society, and also according to whether they have more skill in analyzing linguistic or social structures.

Задание 3. Переведите и отредактируйте следующий текст.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-05; просмотров: 419; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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