Тема 15. The system of the jury

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Early Juries

A jury is a body of lay men and women randomly selected to determine facts and to provide a decision in a legal proceeding. Such a body traditionally consists of 12 people and is called a petit jury or trial jury.

The exact origin of the jury system is not known; various sources have attributed it to different European peoples who at an early period developed similar methods of trial. The jury is probably of Frankish origin, beginning with inquisition, which had an accusatory and interrogatory function. Trial by jury was brought to England by the Normans in 1066.

In medieval Europe, trials were usually decided by ordeals, in which it was believed God intervened, revealing the wrongdoer and upholding the righteous. In the ordeal by water, for instance, a priestadmonished the water not to accept a liar. The person whose oath was being tested was then thrown in. If he floated, his oath was deemed to have been perjured.

If he was telling the truth, he might drown but his innocence was clear.

In 1215, however, the Catholic Church decided that trial by ordeal was superstition, and priests were forbidden to take part. As a result, a new method of trial was needed, and the jury system emerged.

At first the jury was made up of local people who could be expected to know the defendant. A jury was convened only to “say the truth” on the basis of its knowledge of local affairs. The word verdict reflects this early function; the Latin word from which it is derived, veredictum, means “truly said”.

In the 14th century the role of the jury finally became that of judgment of evidence. By the 15th century trial by jury became the dominant mode of resolving a legal issue. It was not until centuries later that the jury assumed its modern role of deciding facts on the sole basis of what is heard in court.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие следующие значения.  

1) examination of a case before a court of law;

2) a former method of trial used to determine guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to serious physical danger, the result being regarded as a divine judgment;  

3) a solemn appeal to a court to witness one’s determination to speak the truth;

4) freedom from sin or moral wrong;

5) a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance.      

Упражнение 3.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1) What is a jury?        

2) How were cases resolved before jury system emerged?

3) Why was there a need for jury system?

4) What was the function of the first juries?

5) How did the function of the jury change through the centuries?

Упражнение 4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

A Jury Service – an Important Job and a Rewarding Experience

The right to trial by a jury of our fellow citizens is one of our most important rights and is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. By serving on a jury, then, you are helping to guarantee one of our most important freedoms.

Your job as a juror is to listen to all the evidence presented at trial and to “decide the facts” – that is, to decide what really happened. The judge, on the other hand, “decides the law” – that is, makes decisions on legal issues that come up during the trial. For example, the judge may have to decide whether you and the other jurors may hear certain evidence or whether one lawyer may ask a witness a certain question. You should not try to decide these legal issues, sometimes you will even be asked to leave the courtroom while they are being decided. Both your job and that of the judge must be done well if our system of trial by jury is to work. In order to do your job you do not need any special knowledge or ability. It is enough that you keep an open mind, concentrate on the evidence being presented, use your common sense, and be fair and honest. Finally, you should not be influenced by sympathy or prejudice: it is vital that you be impartial with regard to all people and all ideas.

Many jurors find that it is exciting to learn about this most important system “from the inside”, and challenging to deal fairly and thoroughly with the cases they hear. We hope that you, too, find your experience as a juror to be interesting and satisfying.

How You Were Chosen

Your name was selected at random from voter registration records and placed on a list of potential jurors. Next, your answers to the Questionnaire for Jurors were evaluated to make sure that you were eligible for jury service and were not exempt from service. To be eligible, you must be over 18 years of age, a citizen of the United States, a resident of the county in which you are to serve as a juror, able to communicate in the English language and if you have been convicted of a felony, you must have had your civil rights restored. People who meet these requirements may be excused from jury service if they have illnesses that would interfere with their ability to do a good job, would suffer great hardship if required to serve, or are unable to serve for some other reason.

You are here because you were found to be eligible for jury duty and were able to serve. You are now part of the “jury pool”, the group of people from which trial juries are chosen.

Упражнение 5. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям.

1. показания

2. анкета для присяжных

3. списки избирателей

4. предубеждение

5. судебное разбирательство

6. вопросы права

7. фонд, резерв присяжных

8. сохранять объективность в подходе к вопросу, делу

9. освобождать от обязанностей присяжного

10. подходить для службы в жюри присяжных

11. заслушивать показания  

12. исключать из состава присяжных    

13. восстанавливать в гражданских правах   

14. тщательно и беспристрастно рассматривать дело

15. удовлетворять требованиям

Упражнение 6. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1) What is the job of a juror?

2) What is the job of a judge?

3) What qualities should a good juror have?

4) What requirements should one meet to be eligible for jury service?

5) What are the reasons for a person to be excused from jury service?

6) What is a jury pool?

Упражнение 7. Переведите на английский язык.

Требования, предъявляемые к присяжным заседателям:

В список присяжных заседателей, не включаются лица

– не внесенные в списки избирателей;

– не достигшиек моменту составления списков присяжных за­седателей возраста25 лет;

– имеющие неснятую или непогашенную судимость;

– признанные судом недееспособными.  

Из списков присяжных заседателей исключаются:

– лица, не владеющие языком, на котором ведётся судопроиз­водствов данной местности;

– немые, глухие, слепые и другие лица, являющиеся инвали­дами;

– военнослужащие;

– судьи, прокуроры, следователи, адвокаты, нотариусы;

– священнослужители.


Упражнение 8. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


The first step in the selection of the trial jury is the selection of a “jury panel”. When you are selected for a jury panel you will be directed to a courtroom in which a case is to be heard. The judge will tell you about the case and will introduce the lawyers and the people involved in the case. You will also take an oath, by which you promise to answer all questions truthfully. The judge and the lawyers will question you and the other members of the panel to find out if you have any personal interest in it, or any feelings that might make it hard for you to be impartial. This process of questioning is called Voir Dire, a phrase meaning “to speak the truth”.

During Voir Dire the lawyers may ask the judge to excuse you or another member of the panel from sitting on the jury for this particular case. This is called challenging a juror. There are two types of challenges. The first is called a challenge for cause, which means that the lawyer has a specific reason for thinking that the juror would not be able to be impartial. There is no limit on the number of the panel members that the lawyers may have excused for cause.        

The second type of challenge is called peremptory challenge, which means that the lawyer does not have to state a reason for asking that the juror be excused. Like challenges for cause, peremptory challenges are designed to allow lawyers to do their best to assure that their clients will have a fair trial. Unlike challenges for cause, however, the number of peremptory challenges is limited.

If you are excused, you will either return to the juror waiting area and wait to be called for another panel or will be excused from service, depending on the local procedures in the county in which you live.

Those jurors who have not been challenged become the jury for the case. Depending on the kind of case, there will be either six or twelve jurors. The judge may also allow selection of one or more alternate jurors, who will serve if one of the jurors is unable to do so because of illness or some other reason.

Упражнение 9. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям.

1. состав присяжных

2. отвод присяжного

3. мотивированный отвод

4. немотивированный отвод

5. присяжные, подобранные для судебного рассмотрения дела

6. присяжный запасного состава

7. принять присягу

8. принять беспристрастное решение

9. указать причину отвода

10. явиться в зал заседания

Упражнение 10. Переведите на английский язык.

Статья 332 (УПК РФ). Принятие присяжными заседателями присяги.

После избрания старшины присяжных заседателей председательствующий обращается к присяжным заседателям с предложением принять присягу и зачитывает следующий ее текст: «Приступая к исполнению ответственных обязанностей присяжного заседателя, торжественно клянусь исполнять их честно и беспристрастно, принимать во внимание все рассмотренные в суде доказательства, как уличающие подсудимого, так и оправдывающие его, разрешать уголовное дело по своему внутреннему убеждению и совести, не оправдывая виновного и не осуждая невиновного, как подобает свободному гражданину и справедливому человеку».


Упражнение 11. Переведите на английский язык.

Прения сторон

Прежде чем исследованные в предшествующей стадии судебного разбирательства материалы дела будут анализироваться в совещании присяжных, они обсуждаются в процессе судебных прений, где государственный обвинитель и защитник, используя профессиональные знания и навыки, восстанавливают связь между доказа­тельствами, позволяя «судьям от общества» сделать свободный вы­бор между обвинением и оправданием подсудимого.

Позиции обвинения и защиты в суде присяжных строятся не только на основе принципа состязательности, но и на основе принци­па презумпции невиновности: невиновность подсудимого предпо­лагается, а виновность доказывается обвинителем.

Судья вправе прервать речь, возражение или замечание сторо­ны, если в них содержатся:

· сведения, не имеющие прямого отношения к делу;

· обстоятельства, оскорбительные для чьей-либо чести и досто­инства;

· данные, не проверенные в ходе судебного следствия;

· ссылки на исключенные из дела доказательства;

· сведения о прежней судимости обвиняемого;

· иные обстоятельства, влияющие на объективность присяж­ных.

Судья в своем напутственном слове объясняет присяжным за­седателям, что при вынесении вердикта они должны:

· руководствоваться здравым смыслом;

· руководствоваться принципом презумпции невиновности,
согласно которому подсудимый не обязан доказывать свою не­
виновность: бремя доказывания вины подсудимого лежит
на государственном обвинителе;

· оценивать исследованные в суде доказательства (показания
подсудимого, потерпевшего, свидетелей, заключения экспер­тов и др.) в их совокупности, согласовывая их одно с другим;

· не принимать во внимание доказательства, вычеркнутые
из протокола;

· не воспринимать как доказательства доводы, прозвучавшие в
речах сторон.


Упражнение 12. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


Verdict, in law, is the pronouncement of the jury upon matters of fact submitted to them for deliberation and determination. In civil cases, verdicts may be either general or special. A general verdict is one in which the jury pronounces generally upon all the issues, in favor of either the plaintiff or the defendant. A special verdict is one in which the jury reviews the facts, but leaves to the court any decisions on questions of law arising from those facts. As a rule, however, special verdicts are not applicable to criminal cases, and in most instances the jury renders a general verdict of “guilty” or “not guilty”.

Generally, the jury’s verdict must be unanimous. In a number of states, however, the condition of unanimity has been modified, and verdicts can consequently be rendered by a designated majority of the jury. All jury members must be present in court when the verdict is given.

In criminal cases a verdict of acquittal is conclusive upon the prosecution (the state), thus precluding double jeopardy, but the defendant may be tried again in the event the jury cannot reach a decision. The defendant must be present when the verdict is rendered.


Упражнение 13. Соотнесите английские выражения с их русскими эквивалентами.

1) final verdict                                               2) general verdict                                           3) special verdict                                      4) to attain/reach/return/bring in a verdict         5) unanimous verdict                                       6) verdict of acquittal                                       7) verdict of conviction                 8) verdict of guilty                                               9) verdict of non-guilty                                   10) wrong verdict                                           11) to agree to/ upon a verdict а) вердикт о виновности b) вердикт о невиновности c) вердикт об оправдании d) вердикт об осуждении e) вынести вердикт f) генеральный вердикт, вердикт по существу дела g) окончательный вердикт h) ошибочный вердикт i) прийти к соглашению относи­тельно вердикта j) вердикт, вынесенный едино­гласно k) специальный вердикт (решение присяжными частного вопроса)


Упражнение 14. Переведите на английский язык.

Вердиктом является решение коллегии присяжных заседате­лей по поставленным перед ней вопросам, включая основной вопрос о виновности подсудимого.

Присяжные выносят вердикт        

 – без постороннего влияния, удалившись в совещательную комнату,

 – открытым голосованием, причем никто не вправе воздержаться от принятия решения,

– путем единогласного решения, или большинством голосов,

– ответы даются по каждому вопросу отдельно.

Руководит совещанием присяжных старшина, который последовательно ставит на обсуждение подлежащие разрешению вопросы, проводит голосование, ведет подсчет голосов.


Тема 16. Criminology

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте, переведите текст и соотнесите каждый абзац с подзаголовком.

· History

· Application

· Techniques

· Subject

· Objectives


(1) Criminology is a social science dealing with the nature, extent, and causes of crime; the characteristics of criminals and their organizations; the problems of apprehending and convicting offenders; the operation of prisons and other correctional institutions; the rehabilitation of convicts both in and out of prison; and the prevention of crime.

(2) The science of criminology has two basic objectives: to determine the causes, whether personal or social, of criminal behaviour and to evolve valid principles for the social control of crime. In pursuing these objectives, criminology draws on the findings of biology, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, and related fields.

(3) Criminology originated in the late 18th century when various movements began to question the humanity and efficiency of using punishment for retribution rather than deterrence and reform. There arose аs a consequence what is called the classical school of criminology, which aimed to mitigate legal penalties and humanize penal institutions. During the 19th century the positivist school attempted to extend scientific neutrality to the understanding of crime. Because they held that criminals were shaped by their environment, positivists emphasized case studies and rehabilitative measures. A later school, the “social defence” movement, stressed the importance of balance between the rights of criminals and the rights of society.

(4) Criminologists commonly use several research techniques. The collection and interpretation of statistics is generally the initial step in research. The case study, often used by psychologists, concentrates on an individual or a group. The typological method involves classifying offences, criminals, or criminal areas according to various criteria. Sociological research, which may involve many different techniques, is used in criminology to study groups, subcultures, and gangs as well as rates and kinds of crime within geographic areas.

(5) Criminology has many practical applications. Its findings can give lawyers, judges, and prison officials a better understanding of criminals, which may lead to more effective treatment. Criminological research can be used by legislators and in the reform of laws and of penal institutions.

Упражнение2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим выражениям.

1. криминология рассматривает природу и причины преступ­лений

2. изучение обстоятельств правонарушения по материалам дела

3. криминология опирается на открытия других наук

4. проблемы задержания преступников

5. проблемы предотвращения преступлений

6. применение на практике

7. исправительные учреждения

8. установить причины преступности

9. выработать действующие принципы

10. смягчить наказание

11. подвергнуть сомнению


Упражнение3. Замените слова и выражения, выделенные жирным шрифтом, синонимами.

1.The objectivesof criminology and criminalistics are rather different.

2. The system of penal institutionsis to be reformed.

3. The scientific study of criminals originatedin the late 18th century.

4. Modern criminologists holdthatcriminals are shaped bya multiplicity of factors.

5. Criminology studies the factors that lead toviolent behaviour.

Упражнение4. Соотнесите английские слова с определениями.

1) deterrence a) guidance and instruction given to offenders, their beneficial treatment aimed at restitution of positive skills and attitudes
2) case study b) measures taken to prevent hostile action
3) legislator c) a person serving a prison sentence
4) retribution d) a detailed analysis of a criminal person or group
5) convict e) a member of a body which gives or makes laws
6) rehabilitation f) something given or demanded in repayment, especially punishment


Упражнение5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1) What steps can society take to cope with crime?

2) What trends can be observed in the development of criminology?

3) What methods and techniques are applied in criminology?

4) In what other spheres of life can criminology find useful application?


Упражнение 6. Прочитайте текст, переведите и выпишите русские эквиваленты к выделенным словам и выражениям.

Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909)

Professor Lombroso is a criminologist whose views, though not altogether correct, caused a lot of interest and made other people look into the problem of crime in a more scientific way. He is regarded as the father of the scientific study of criminals, or criminology.

Lombroso studied at the universities of Padua, Vienna, and Paris, and later he became a professor of psychiatry and forensic medicine, a director of a mental asylum.

In an enormous book called The Criminal, he set out the idea that there is a definite criminal type, who can be recognized by his or her appearance. Some of what he said is difficult to believe. For example, he said that left-handed persons have a criminal instinct. Among the things he considered important were the shape of the head, color of the hair, the eyes, the curve of the chin and forehead and if the ears stick out.

Lombroso’s theories were widely influential in Europe for a time, but his emphasis on hereditary causes of crime was later strongly rejected in favour of environmental factors. Lombroso tried to reform the Italian penal system, and he encouraged more humane and constructive treatment of convicts through the use of work programs intended to make them more productive members of society.


Упражнение 7.Прочитайте, переведите текст и заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова.

criminal types      capital punishment inmates  case studies

upbringing       investigations         suspended  multiple

unthinkable      rehabilitative

Cesare Lombroso, professor of psychiatry and anthropology at the University of Turin, sought through firsthand observation and measurement of prison 1) _____to determine the characteristics of 2) _____. Some of his 3) ______allowed him to establish the existence of “hereditary criminals”. Lombroso held that such criminals exhibit a higher percentage of physical and mental anomalies than do noncriminals. Among these anomalies, were various unusual skull sizes and asymmetries of the facial bones.

Other scholars helped to introduce the ideas that crime has 4) _____causes and that most criminals are not born criminal but are shaped by their 5) ____and associations. Thus, the emphasis in criminology had turned to experimental 6) ____ ____and to preventive and 7) _____measures. Without this contribution into the scientific study of criminals the present-day alternatives to 8) _____ ______and old-fashioned imprisonment such as probation, 9) _______sentence, fines, and parole would have been 10) _______.

Упражнение 8.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1) What is Cesare Lombroso famous for?

2) How did he try to relate criminal behaviour to a person’s appearance?

3) What was Lombroso’s contribution to the development of penal system?


Упражнение 9.Переведите на английский язык.

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