The rules and language of the courtroom

The judicial system is full of traditions and protocol. If you are appear in court, it’s good to know the basics.

Before the judge enters the room, the clerk says “All rise”. At this point, everyone stands up.

You are sworn in by the clerk. Don’t lie when you are under oath. The result is being charged with the perjury.

Speak to the judge clearly and don’t interrupt. Always address the judge as “Your Honor”.  

You cannot approach the bench. Only lawyers are allowed to enter “the well”. Then they talk to the judge off the record.


Упражнение 8. Прочитайте предложения и выберете правильный вариант.

1. Margaret had to tell the truth because she was (off the record/ under oath)

2. All people in court are expected to (address/ interrupt) the judge as “Your Honor”.  

3. The judge told the lawyers to (approach the bench / all rise).

4. The conversation between the lawyer and the judge was (off the record / sworn in).


Упражнение 9. Выберете вариант, который близок по значению к подчеркнутому выражению.

1. When the judge arrived, the clerk said, “Everyone, stand up!”.

A. approach the bench    B. All rise             C. Your Honor

2. The prosecutor stood in the area in front of the bench to give his argument.

A. bench                        B. protocol              C.well

3. It is important for people to know the proper rules and traditions for attending court.

A. oaths                         B. protocols                 C. traditions


4. When Miss Ashley was on the witness stand, she was made to promise to tell the truth.

A. off the record       B. sworn in                      C. interrupted

5. The lawyer addressed Judge Smith as “the title used to show respect to a judge”.

A. Your Honor          B. Off the record        C. Under oath

6. The lawyer was annoyed when the witness stopped her from talking by asking a question.

A. approached the bench  B. addressed         C. interrupted


Тема 13. The foundation of the British law

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте текст, переведите и выпишите русские эквиваленты к выделенным словам и выражениям.

Magna Carta

At the heart of the English system are two principles of government – limited government and representative government. The idea that government was not all-powerful first appeared in the Magna Carta, or Great Charter, that King John signed in 1215 under the threat of civil war.

Earlier kings of England had issued charters, making promises to their barons. But these were granted by, not exacted from the king and were very generally phrased. Later the tension between the Kings and the nobility increased. In 1199, 1201, and 1205 John’s barons had to be promised their rights. It is, therefore, not surprising that Stephen Langton, archbishop of Canterbury, directed baronial unrest into a demand for a solemn grant of liberties by the king. The document known as the Articles of the Barons was at last agreedupon and became the text from which the final version of the charter was drafted and sealed by John on June 15, 1215.

The Magna Carta established the principle of limited government, in which the power of the monarch, or government, was limited, not absolute. This document provided for protection against unjust punishmentand theloss of life, liberty,andproperty except according to law. Itstipulated that nocitizencould be punished or kept in prison without afair trial. Under the Magna Carta, the king agreed that certain taxescould not be levied without popular consent.

Although the Magna Carta was originally intended to protect aristocracy and not the ordinary citizens, it came in time to be regarded as a cornerstoneof British liberties, and is one of the oldest written constitutional papers.


Magna Carta – Великая Хартия Вольностей

King John – Иоанн Безземельный, английский король (1199-1216)


Упражнение 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What were the two basic principles of the English system of government at the beginning of the 13th century? How do you understand these principles?

2. What political situation necessitated the granting of the Magna Carta?

3. What provisions did the Magna Carta contain?

4. Who enjoyed the rights granted by the Magna Carta?


Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык, используя слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом в упр. 1.

Великая Хартия Вольностей

Великая Хартия Вольностей – это грамота, подписанная в 1215 английским королем Иоанном I. Она составлена на латинском языке и содержит 63 статьи. Этот документ был подписан в результате недовольства баронов усилением королевской власти, налоговым гнетом и неудачной внешней политикой короля. Большинство статей отражало и защищало интересы аристократии. Однако, другие сословия также получили значительные права.

Великая Хартия Вольностей гарантировала соблюдение королем определенных обязательств по отношению к баронам, запрещала королю взимать налоги без согласия подданных. Хартия положила начало свободе личности. Ни один человек не мог быть арестован, заключен в тюрьму, лишен собственности или покровительства законов, изгнан или подвергнут иной каре иначе, как по суду равных ему и согласно законам страны.

Это был первый в истории Англии документ, ограничивающий власть короны и провозглашающий права и свободы подданных. Великая Хартия вольностей стала краеугольным камнем английских свобод. Ряд ее статей получили развитие в Акте Хабеас Корпус и Билле о правах.
Великая Хартия вольностей сыграла важнейшую роль в английской истории. Она и сейчас входит в число действующих актов конституции Великобритании.

Упражнение 4. Слово GOVERNMENT имеет следующие значения:

1. государственная власть
   executive government – исполнительная власть

   judicial government – судебная власть
   legislative government – законодательная власть

2. управление, руководство
  the government of a state – управление государством
  a system of government – система правления

3. форма правления, государственное устройство, политический строй
  democratic /republican / federal / parliamentary government – демократическая     /республиканская / федеральная / парламентская форма правления
  constitutional government – конституционная форма правления

4. правительство, правительственный аппарат
   Liberal /Labour / Conservative Government – либеральное /лейбористское /консервативное правительство
   to form the government – сформировать правительство


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