Вид причастия: 1) Причастие I; 2) Причастие II

Функция: a) Определение; b) Обстоятельство

1. The man sitting at the table is our teacher. Человек, сидящий за столом, наш учитель.

2. Going home I met my old friend. Идя домой, я встретил своего старого друга.

3. Given the task he began to work. Когда ему дали задание, он начал работать.

4. The houses being built in our town are not very high. Дома, строящиеся в нашем городе, не очень высокие.

5. The book translated from English was interesting. Книга, переведенная с английского, была интересной.


7. Подчеркните в предложении причастие, определите его вид и функцию:

Вид причастия: 1) Причастие I; 2) Причастие II

Функция: a) Определение; b) Обстоятельство

1. This is the book so much spoken about.

2. Having realized that she had missed the train the woman began to walk slowly.

3. The method followed by our scientists wasn`t simple.

4. She was walking slowly stopping something to have a short rest.

5. Having found no one at home he went to his neighbours.

6. A letter lying on the table must be posted.

7. If asked he will explain you everything.

8. We came up to the crying child to ask where his mother was.

9. Here is a telegram announcing of his death.

10. I saw him working in the garden.

11. I heard them speaking in the next room.


8. Подставьте в предложение инфинитив или причастие I:

1. He has little money and wants ….

a) to borrow; b) borrowing

2. The … sportsman tries to breathe regularly.

a) to run; b) running

3. Don’t forget … the letter.

a) to send; b) sending

4. We managed … to the airport in time.

a) to get; b) getting

5. She came in ….

a) to smile; b) smiling

6. … dogs seldom bite.

a) barking; b) to bark

7. She refuses … to me.

a) to speak; b) speaking

8. I offered … him.

a) to help; b) helping


9. Определите, чем является выделенное слово:

A) Герундий b) Причастие I

1. The boy throwing stones is my brother.

2. Leaving her son along the mother told him to close the door.

3. On coming home he had supper.

4. I like listening to the music.

5. The girl listening to the player is my friend.

6. Translating the text he used many dictionaries.

7. Translating this text was very difficult.

8. He went on reading his newspaper.

9. The baby began crying.

10. My mother objects to my playing cards.

11. Having asked a question the teacher was waiting for an answer.

12. After asking a question the teacher was waiting for an answer.


10.Подберите соответствующую неличную форму глагола к каждому предложению:

1. 1) The engineers decided … this material. (Инженеры решили использовать этот материал.) 2) After … this material the engineers decided to change the technology. (после использования этого материала инженеры решили изменить технологию.) 3) The material … by our engineers is very expensive. (Материал, используемый нашими инженерами, очень дорогой.) a) to use b) using (gerund) c) used
2. 1) I like … books. 2) The boy … a book is my brother. 3) … books is very useful. a) reading (gerund) b) reading (participle I) c) to read
3. 1) After … home he rang me. 2) I’d like you … to my place. 3) … home she met her friend. a) coming (gerund) b) coming (participle I) c) to come
4. 1) I don’t like … letters. 2) This novel … by Jack London is my favorite. 3) The students … a test are passing an exam. a) written b) writing (participle I) c) to write


Дата добавления: 2018-04-04; просмотров: 323; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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