Democratic powers were passive

- USA – Isolated

- France – France was unlikely, and reluctant, to intervene against Germany, because she could not rely on Britain’s and America’s support.

- Britain – Between 1934 and 1937, Britain was sympathetic to German recovery. Between May 1937 and March 1939, Britain appeased Germany


14. War atrocities. Do you know any examples of man’s inhumanity to man (Holocaust)?

War atrocities, sometimes referred to as war crimes, atrocities have usually involved torture, maiming, or killing of civilians and noncombatants; destruction of nonmilitary targets; maltreatment and killing of wounded and prisoners of war; and use of weapons to cause superfluous damage or injury.

WWI - Rape of Belgium - mass murder of civilians and destruction of property; Employment of poison gas - all major belligerents used poisonous gasses in combat; Armenian Genocide - Extermination of Armenians in Western Armenia; Baralong Incidents - murder of shipwreck survivors.

WWII – dozens of massacres in different countries; Death marches of prisoners; The widespread use of slave labor; The Holocaust - was a genocide (the systematic destruction of all or part of a racial, ethnic, religious or national group via the killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, etc.) in which approximately six million Jews were killed by the German military, under the command of Adolf Hitler, and its collaborators. Killings took place throughout the German Reich and German-occupied territories. Between 1941 and 1945 Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, communists, homosexuals, the mentally and physically disabled and members of other groups were targeted and methodically murdered in the largest genocide of the 20th century. In total approximately 11 million people were killed during the Holocaust including over 1 million children. The persecution and genocide were carried out in stages. Initially the German government passed laws to exclude Jews from civil society, most prominently the Nuremberg Laws of 1935. A network of concentration camps was established starting in 1933 and ghettos were established following the outbreak of World War II in 1939. In 1941, as Germany conquered new territory in eastern Europe, specialized paramilitary units called Einsatzgruppen were used to murder around two million Jews and political opponents in mass shootings. Victims were being regularly transported by freight train to specially built extermination camps where, if they survived the journey, most were systematically killed in gas chambers.


15. Is war in human nature? What are the causes (roots) of local wars?

Human nature, while not always clearly expressed, is the immediate basis of all human endeavours up to and including war. Its expanded terms come to include the pursuit of those resources most vital to survival, and its most defining facet is its blindness to the intentions of others. The transposition of these factors to the state or other structural level is absolute, guided as they are by man, and in man’s interests, and it is from this transposition that the present society of states and relations emerged. War is part of human nature Humans, and other animals, have the instinct to survive. Charles Darwin studied natural selection which created the belief of Darwinism, survival of the fittest. Humans would need to become strong and willing to protect themselves to survive. Although we don't face dangers of our survival, conflicts between humans, usually countries cause these wars as one side doesn't agree with the other. No, war is not human nature. Recently studies on some of the most primitive wondering hunter/gather tribes of today in Australia and Africa have shown that they tend to be very peaceful and are rarely ever in conflict with other tribes. In fact developed countries of today are more likely to go to war than these tribes.

During local wars the parties act in the borders of the contradictory states and pursue the limited military-political aims of people on the planet. Causes of local wars: fixed fight for the survival, connected with the distribution of material resources, is one of the potential sources of a possible opposition. The other reason is a non-regulating increase of population. If today we speak about 6 billion people on the planet, then according to the forecasts of scientists, by 2050 there can be about 12 billion people which is twice as much, all these people need to be provided. Environmental problems can also be the cause of local wars.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-21; просмотров: 18; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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