Завдання 4. Translate the sentences into English using the text in Ex.3

1) Декілька статей були складені самим Наполеоном. 2) Цей кодекс вкоренився у багатьох франкомовних країнах. 3) Кодекс був прийнятий незміненим у більшості країн Європи. 4) Правовим питанням він навчався самотужки. 5) Звичайні люди могли легко зрозуміти цей документ. 6) Це була спроба створити правову систему. 7) Я хочу, щоб із всіма людьми поводилися як з рівними у правах, незалежно від їх попереднього соціального статусу. 8) Своїми правами громадяни завдячують Громадянському Кодексу. 9) Деякі статті Кодексу досі діють.


Завдання 5. Study the following grammar material:

Дієслова з прийменниками:

dream ABOUT someone/something:

■ I dreamed about you last night. dream OF being something / doing something (= imagine):

■ I often dream of being rich.

also: "(I) wouldn't dream (of doing something)"

■ "Don't tell anyone what I said." "No, [ wouldn't dream of it."

happen TO someone/something:

■ A strange thing happened to me the other day.

■ What happened to that gold watch you used to have?

hear ABOUT something (= be told about something):

■ Did you hear about the fight in the club on Saturday night?

■ Have you heard about Jane? She's getting married.


hear OF someone/something (= know that somone/something exists):

■ "Who is Tom Brown?" "I have no idea. I've never heard of him."

■ Have you heard of a company called '"Smith Electronics"?

hear FROM someone (= receive a letter / telephone call from someone):

■ "Have you heard from Ann recently?" "Yes, she wrote to me last week."

laugh/smile AT someone/something:

■ I look stupid with his haircut. Everyone will laugh at me.

listen TO someone/something:

■ We spent the evening listening to records.

live ON money/food:

■ George's salary is very low. It isn't enough to live on.

look AT someone/something (= look in the direction of):

■ Why are you looking at me like that?

also: have a look AT, stare AT, glance AT

look FOR someone/something (= try to find):

■ I've lost my keys. Can you help me look for them?

look AFTER someone/something (=take care of):

■ She's very old. She needs someone to look after her.

meet WITH someone (= have a meeting with):

■ Our representatives met with the president of the company.

pay (someone) FOR something:

■ I didn't have enough money to pay for the meal.

but: pay a bill/a fine/$50/a fare/ taxes, etc. (no preposition)

rely ON someone/something:

■ You can rely on Jack. He always keeps his promises.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-21; просмотров: 17; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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