Завдання 7. Make up as many sentences as you can using prompts.


They was/were accused of robbery

A thief divorced of theft

The criminals was/were punished to 20 years of imprisonment

An offender was banned the crime

Blood feud was /were fined by the law

The court stroke for drink driving

We lost a fatal blow

Mike took account of the circumstances of for swearing in public

a civil case

for dropping litter

a month ago

for slander (наклеп)

Завдання 8. Ask questions to the following sentences:

1)We usually speak French at the French lessons. 2) My cousin always phones us at Christmas. 3) Nobody will come to her. 4) They have already finished quarrelling. 5) Bob had a fine holiday last summer. 6) Two boys asked the way to this shop 5 minutes ago. 7) We are doing a new project for our company.

Завдання 9. Study the Grammar material.

At, on, in as prepositions of time

They finish school at 4 o'clock.

The children usually have a story at bedtime.

· at a point in time:

at one o'clock, hall-past five, midnight;

at lunchtime, dinner-time;

at the end of the lesson.


I saw her on Monday.

My birthday's on 4th September.

· on a day or date:

on Tuesday, Thursday;

on 1st April, 4th June;

on the first day of spring.

I usually work in the mornings.

The weather's very nice here in the summer.

· in period of time:

in the morning, afternoon, evening;

in April, May, June;

in the summer, winter;

in 1992.


• on Wednesday, in the afternoon, on Wednesday afternoon.

• In the morning, afternoon, evening, hut at night

• on Christmas Eve, Independence Day, Easier Sunday, but at Christmas, at New Year



Дата добавления: 2015-12-21; просмотров: 15; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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