Exercise 6 Work in groups of three. Read the answers to the questions then close your text and retell the information as you can remember.

2 What are the Earth's oldest living things?

The White Mountains of California are home to our oldest living things – trees! The oldest tree in the world, Methuselah, has roots that go back over 4,600 years. This makes it older even than the Great Pyramids. The 26-foots bristlecone pine tree is the oldest of many that have outlived civilization after civilization

3 What man-made things on Earth can be seen from space?

' When humans first flew in space, they were amazed to discover that the only man-made object visible from orbit was the Great Wall of China'. Although this is a nice idea, it's not true. The Great Wall is mostly grey stone in a grey landscape and, in fact, is very difficult to see even from a plane flying at mere 15 kilometers above. What can be seen when orbiting the Earth (from about 200 kilometers up) are the lights of the world's large metropolitan areas.

5 Why isn't there a row 13 on aeroplanes?

In many countries, the number 13 is considered to be very unlucky. In France, there is never a house with the number 13. In the United States, modern high-rise buildings label the floor that follows 12 as 14. Where did this fear of a number come from? The idea goes back at least to Norse mythology in ancient times. There was a banquet with 12 gods. Loki, the spirit of evil, decided to join without being invited. In the fight that followed, Balder, the favorite of the gods, was killed. In Christianity, this theme was repeated at the Last Supper. Jesus Christ and his apostles numbered 13 people at the table.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verbs. Note that the auxiliary verb expresses reality.

Example: I wish you didn`t bite your nails, but you do.

1. I wish I earned more, but _______.

2. I should have listened to their advice, but I ____.

3. If only I could speak Spanish, but I ______.

4. If only he weren’t so selfish, but he ______.

5. I wish I had a nice flat of my own, but I _____.

6. I wish my car would start, but it _____



Exercise 8 Rewrite the sentences with a suitable form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

break down, carry on, come back, get up, go out, stay in, stand up, wake up

1. Our car ______ on the way to school, so I was very late to school,

2. It was raining, we _____

3. and played computer games.

4. Shall I stop, or do you want me to ______?

5. She ______ early to study for the exam.

6. “What are you doing to night?” I _____.

7. Jake usually _______ before his alarm clock rings.

8. We had to _______ in the meeting because there weren`t enough chairs.

9. What time did you ________ from the party last night?

Choose the right variant


1. What a terrible day. I wish it ____ raining.

a) wasn`t stop

b) would stop

c) hadn`t stop

d) sto

2. Choose the right variant. She wishes she ____a better job.

a) had

b) would have

c) have

d) was


3. Choose the right variant. I wish you _____ so much noise. You're always doing that when I try to learn.

a) maked

b) make

c) wouldn`t make

d) hadn`t make

4. Choose the right variant. I wish you____ here now.

a) had

b) was

c) were

d) would

SIW № 42   Learn by heart the new words and phrases. What else do you want to know about the world? Write some questions. Think of: -places (countries, cities, buildings) -things (machines, transportation) -plants and animals
Office hours № 14   Grammar exercises p..65, a, b (grammar) [2] Be ready to discuss the question “Is there life on other planets?”. [5]

English Russian Kazakh
Deduce [dɪ'djuːs] проследить, установить происхождение шығу тегін анықтау
Evidence ['evɪdəns] основание, доказательство күәлік, дәлел
Bristle ['brɪsl] Щетина қыл
Hurricane ['hʌrɪkən] ураган,тропический циклон дауыл
Childbearing ['tʃaɪldbeərɪŋ] деторождение, роды бала туы
Neglected [nɪ'glektɪd] перенабрегать,не обращать внимание мән бермеу
Drummer ['drʌmə] Барабанщик барабаншы
Nun [nʌn] монахиня, (зоол) лазоревка монах әйел




1. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig. New English File. Intermediate. Student’s book, Oxford, 2010.

2. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig. New English File. Intermediate. Workbook, Oxford, 2010.


3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate Student’s book. Oxford, 2009.

4. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook. Oxford, 2009.

5.Internet resources.



Discipline: English as a foreign language Term: First

Practical lesson: №83 Credits: 2

Level- Intermediate

Lexical theme: Leisure and Entertainment

Grammatical theme: Direct/Indirect questions

Teacher: assistant professor G.A. Tolynbekova




[1, p.142 ]


· All of these sentences are correct. Why is there no does in the sentences b and c?

a) Where does she study?

b) I know where she studies.

c) Can you tell me where she studies?


  1. Indirect questions have the same word order as the positive (there is no do/does/did).
Marat lives in Astana. – Do you know where Marat lives?
  1. We often make direct questions into indirect to make them sound more polite.
Direct questions Where’s the cafe? Indirect question Could you tell me Do you know Do you happen to know Have you any idea Do you remember Would you mind telling me     where the cafe is?    
If there is no question word, use if or whether. I don’t know if he’s coming or not. I wonder whetherhe’s going to celebrate his birthday.

· Complete the sentences.

Example: What did she do? - I can't remember what she did.
Do we have enough sugar? - I'll have a look if we have enough sugar.


1 Why did she cry? - I don't really know ____________________.

2 Does she speak Greek? - I will ask her____________________.

3 Where is Joe? - I have no idea _____________________.

4 I'd like to know what time ____________________. - The show starts at 8 o'clock.

5 Is he all right? - I do not know _____________________.

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