Exercise 5. Complete the adjective column with the words from the box.

frozen home-made low-fat raw spicy



1) I love my mum’s cooking. ________ food is always the best.

2) Indian food like curry is _________.

3) Sushi is made with ________ fish

4) Food which is kept very cold is ______.

5) People on a diet often try to eat ______ food.

Exercise 6. You are going to invite your American colleagues for Nauryz holiday. What preparations do you need to do? Advise with your mom or sister. Write your preparations.

Exercise 7. Listen to the text about Kevin [1.5;1]: and give T (true) or F (false) answers.



    True False
1. I’d always wanted to have my own school and it would have been very expensive to do that in England    
2. Because Frederick’s my father’s name. it’s my second name too.    
3. Mainly international dishes like pasta, steak and fries, risotto – but we also do several English as well.    
4. I think people don’t usually expect the Americans to be good cooks.    
5. No, he is Chilean – but I’ve taught him to make some English dishes.    

Exercise 8. Have you ever tried English food? What did you think of it?

Listen to the text again and answer the questions:

1 Why did he decide to open a restaurant in Chile?

2 Why did he call it Frederick’s?

3 Why were Chilean people surprised when he opened his restaurant?

4 What English dishes does he serve in his restaurant? Are they popular?

5 Where does he recommend tourists eat in England? Why?



1. Choose the right variant of present continuous.

She can’t come to the phone now. She …. a shower.

a) has

b) is having

c) will have

d) had

2. Choose the right variant of present simple.

We …… an answer from you before Wednesday.

a) need

b) are needing

c) needed

d) will need

3. Choose the right variant of present simple.

He never ….. to my e-mails.

a) is being replied

b) was replying

c) are replying

d) replies

4. Choose the right variantof present simple.

“Are you going to the park this afternoon?” – “I don’t know. It ….. on the weather.”

a) depends

b) is depending

c) depended

d) had depended




cuisine [kwı'zi:n] кухня асхана
mutton ['mʌt(ə)n баранина мясо қой еті
horse meat [hɔ:s mi:t] конина мясо жылқы еті
raw [rɔ:] сырой шикі, піспеген
tough [tʌf] жесткий қатты
acidic [ə'sıdık] кислый қышқыл
fresh [freʃ] свежий балғын, жас
home-made [ˏhəum'meıd] домашнегоизготовления қолдан (үйде) әзірленген
LIW № 1   Read and translate the text #2 “Solar Light by Night”


Office hours № 1   Write an essay “My favourite cuisine”.




1. Clive Oxenden “New English File”. Intermediate level. Student’s book. Oxford University Press. 2010.

2. Clive Oxenden “New English File”. Intermediate level. Work book. Oxford University Press. 2010.


3. John and Liz Soars «New Headway”. Intermediate level. Student’s book. Oxford University Press, 2010

4. John and Liz Soars «New Headway”. Intermediate level. Work book. Oxford University Press, 2010

5. Audio discs of “New English File” for Intermediate level, Disc-1.

6. R.Murphy. “Essential grammar”. Second edition. Intermediate level. Cambridge University Press. 2010.



Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits: 2

Intermediate level Practical lesson

Lexical theme: Sport

Grammar: Past simple, Past Continuous and

Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 37; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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